Thanks, it is a kit for an Aviator from my local audio shop, I don't recall the brand. I used the black felt that was orginally around the factory radio to cover the gaps in the sides. I think I am still going to have to open up the bottom of the dash some to get it to sit how I want, it works but there is some pressure required to install the trim piece.
Now off to the paint shop
Were you having issues with your hood staying closed or did you just want hood latches for a preventative nature?
:GotPics:Drove mine to work today had a blast. over the winter we tore top of motor down cleaned plenum and valve ports painted plenum and valve covers maroon and redone the plastic covers pearl white looks great. car deff runs better as well long over due.
Becoming friends with a new MK VIII owner. He has a nice 98LSC. My CE needed some gas so we went for a ride (80mile round trip) to the casino. After filling it up I took the milage readings, and had 19.5 mpg. He couldn't believe it. It really came out to 20.5mpg, and that was all around driving,50/50 city/frwy. I guess he needs a tune up. I'm trying to get him to join LVC. I was doing about 73mph, and had to go around some idiot, so I hit passing gear and in a few seconds doing 87. Had to slow down, too many cops with radar on this frwy, and I was passing on the right. The new Primacy's took out a lot of the bumps in the road. We don't have many nice roads in CT. (more potholes than road) I like this car. I only made $143.00, and a new toaster (free), and $38.00 in free gas. A nice day with one of my MK VIII's. The new friend's name is MARK. He must be a nice guy with that name.
well i havent posted any pictures of my mark since i got it a couple weeks ago, so here some. im really lovnig the car. my continental is down for the moment so this is my DD. it has some things it needs but i have big plans for it. 1993 base with 138K
the paint was peeling/ gone on the hood/trunk/roof. im going to be plastidipping the car until down the road when i get it repainted.
when i got it.
after dipping the front.
so far ive, sensor lowered the car, installed new plugs/strut rod bushings/seafoam/resonator delete/intake silencer delete/ modified air box.
i have a clunk when getting on & off the throttle that i need to figure out. my u joints/mounts look fine.
heres a video of the car
Does it clunk when shifting from Park to Reverse/Drive? Check Transmission Mount and Pinion bearing
I'm having mine Plasti-Dipped very soon. Still debating on leaving things Gloss black Painted ( Grill, Brow, Cobra hood nostrils, the ring on the side view mirrors and door Handle lever, rear brake light trim)
For your center console cusion, go to Wal-Mart and get the Brown "Gorilla Glue" and some tape of any kind. Inject the glue ( just a little because the glue will expand as it dries) and wrap tape around the cusion to hold its form until glue dries