What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Fixed the rad and got my tranny cooler working. So far it's hottest has been just too hot to hold, about 140 according to google. A Hayden 679 is what I'm using. I may put a slightly smaller rad behind the radiator to make sure I have winter temperatures under control. Flow would go through the smaller rad right behind the radiator then to the 679 in the sweet spot in front.

Have a temperature gauge and pan drain fitting on the way for my J-Mod work, which I should get to next week.
new parts

Ordered LMS mass air kit and dbl x and muffs ,,, TWO WEEKS AGO !!! no responce to emails
Sapperfire Thanks for the lense proceedure, Mine are not yellow or faded really, when you feel the surface it seems they are pitted from wind/debris etc.over the years. ( bought it with 65k they look the same at 120k) will this process work or is it just for discolored/ faded lenses? I am afraid the pitting is too deep to remove? Really just top half of lense.
The lenses plastic is about 1/8" thick, you can sand them until fairly smooth. They aren't considered a wear item.. but lets face it,they're plastic. Always a good idea to have a spare set around just in case ;)
Okay. The clearcoat is peeling and flaking off my car. It's flaking mostly above the pinstripe on the fenders and door frames. It's starting to look pretty bad. I'm looking for some suggestions as far as making it look a little better without painting the car. I obviously can't afford to have the car painted (as much as I'd love to). I've been thinking about taping off the lower part of the side below the pinstripe and sanding off the clearcoat to see what it will look like. The opalescent white (WK) paint under the clearcoat looks pretty good. It's nice and shimmery. If I sand off the clear and spray on a new coat of clear, would it look decent or not? I'm not a body man and haven't had a lot of experience with body repair. So I'm looking for some ideas/suggestions from more experienced body repair folks. Thanks.:)
Okay. The clearcoat is peeling and flaking off my car. It's flaking mostly above the pinstripe on the fenders and door frames. It's starting to look pretty bad. I'm looking for some suggestions as far as making it look a little better without painting the car. I obviously can't afford to have the car painted (as much as I'd love to). I've been thinking about taping off the lower part of the side below the pinstripe and sanding off the clearcoat to see what it will look like. The opalescent white (WK) paint under the clearcoat looks pretty good. It's nice and shimmery. If I sand off the clear and spray on a new coat of clear, would it look decent or not? I'm not a body man and haven't had a lot of experience with body repair. So I'm looking for some ideas/suggestions from more experienced body repair folks. Thanks.:)

I'd leave it be. Hard to tell without pics though.
I'd leave it be. Hard to tell without pics though.

I'm at work right now. I'll post some pics when I get home. You really can't tell from 10 - 15 feet away. But a little closer and the flaking really starts to show. I can't stand it. But I guess it's not that big a deal. I just wanted to put it out there for some suggestions.
I'm at work right now. I'll post some pics when I get home. You really can't tell from 10 - 15 feet away. But a little closer and the flaking really starts to show. I can't stand it. But I guess it's not that big a deal. I just wanted to put it out there for some suggestions.

The thing is that just spraying on some cc will probably make it look worse.

Imo, locate some thick pinstriping and get creative. :p
Damn Check Engine light came on :confused:

Car only has 63k on it and nothing appears or sounds wrong?
Change oil message has been coming on for a while now as it wasn't reset on it's last oil change. Never had a cell come on from that on either of my other Marks?
I would wet sand it and then clear it again. Can't hurt really.

The thing is that just spraying on some cc will probably make it look worse.

Imo, locate some thick pinstriping and get creative. :p

I'd leave it be. Hard to tell without pics though.










Looks horrible.








Everyday for the past two weeks minus weekends I've spent about an hour a day sanding my hood. Starting with 1000 all the way up to 5000. I've had old man fingers and no fingerprint for weeks!

Tomorrow I start polishing.

If you Plan on sanding with that bare paint, your most likely going to break through. Clear is a bit 'harder' if you would, than base (color) coat. I would save up and paint he whole thing. You'd be happier like that. I have been born and raised in a body shop. Grandpa did it, dad, and now im doing it for a living. But, to each their own.
Scanned my car this morning and came up with a P0455 code. I cleared it and it has not come on again yet? Didn't check to see if my gas cap is loose either so Hmm :confused:
Went to POST ACE HARDWARE an hour ago to get 2 grease fittings to put in the factory UCA balljoints. The factory boots seem to have gone Bye Bye and putting the fittings on em is better than putting in new UCA's from my experience.

Just have to order some Energy Suspension boots and maybe they will last :rolleyes:

I can't believe I couldn't get grease fittings at Autozone?
Scanned my car this morning and came up with a P0455 code. I cleared it and it has not come on again yet? Didn't check to see if my gas cap is loose either so Hmm :confused:

Maybe it needs some more time to officially light up the CEL. Cap going bad maybe? Is it aftermarket?

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