What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

Pulled my '96 out of its winter hibernation on Friday, and found that it behaved as though it had not gone to sleep at all. Dropped the battery in, hit the key, drove it out. I was pleased to find once again that the suspension had not leaked down one millimeter since parking it. So I greased some stuff, checked all of her life juices, and did an oil change. And so she's eager for another summer, it seems. As far as today goes, I did a wash, and then promptly cleaned some droppings off of it directly after. Depending on the temperature later this week, she may have to sit in the driveway for a little while before I can actually safely DD her to work and back, but just seeing it in the driveway again, and being able to fiddle with it when I want to is a welcome change.
Ordered two rear air springs and rear stabilizer bar end links. Should be here in a week. Otherwise shes still in storage.
Damn Motor mounts. So the ground wire on my Gen II was "stuck" onto the bolt that holds the motor, had to splice that wire cause I couldn't turn the bolt. It's a PITA because of that. On the Gen I, it was easy. Hope yours goes smoothly like my Gen I.
Damn Motor mounts. So the ground wire on my Gen II was "stuck" onto the bolt that holds the motor, had to splice that wire cause I couldn't turn the bolt. It's a PITA because of that. On the Gen I, it was easy. Hope yours goes smoothly like my Gen I.

Mine was stuck on my Gen 1 as well. We ended up breaking it and using another ground strap to the front of the engine area instead.

I'd never done motor mounts on one of these and my 30+ year mechanic had never done them either. We didn't know the mounts were universal to both sides so you're suppose to cut off that guide pin for the passenger side. Spent hours, going into 8pm, couldn't get it to drop into place. We were both so pissed off, already had the K-Member back up and ready to go but the mount didn't fall into place like we expected it to. Went home, jumped on Facebook, found out about the guide pin from one of the guys. Went back to help him the next day, cut the guide pin, what do you know? Falls right into place lol.
These are turbo Chuck mounts so I dont think there are any tabs to cut off. The bolts have been soaking in penetrating fluid every night.
Damn Motor mounts. So the ground wire on my Gen II was "stuck" onto the bolt that holds the motor, had to splice that wire cause I couldn't turn the bolt. It's a PITA because of that. On the Gen I, it was easy. Hope yours goes smoothly like my Gen I.

Mine was stuck on my Gen 1 as well. We ended up breaking it and using another ground strap to the front of the engine area instead.

i broke that strap too.
car has other grounding straps to the engine that i had added so i wasn't really worried about it.
Crawled under to do an overdue oil change. I have been getting a spot under the car inconsistently for awhile.

I figured it was something on the drivers side (I have replaced the oil filter adapter gasket, oil pressure sender, and a couple of oil filters). But that side is pretty clean (a little weeping from power steering). Looks like it is the passenger side oil pan or higher.








Supposed to be clamps holding these on to the rack?

I figured this would be a giant mess like last time:
Warning, ghettoness ahead...

Bangster- I fabbed up a drip pan that attaches to the bottom of my pan via magnets to catch the little drops coming from the rear part of it. It doesn't really accumulate between oil changes but it does keep most of the spots off my driveway. I'll be damned if I spend money to r&r something like that @ this mileage over a little leak. My old caprice was a leak master, I wasted far to much money chasing oil leaks on that car. From here on out, If it's just an annoying drip here and there it won't get fixed.

Fwiw, the pan has stayed put on a lowered m8 that's plows snow 4 months out of the year. ;)
It is a bit messy, and the passenger cat gets enough oil to burn it off if I drive for an extended period of time. I have a drip pan in my carport (my 2000 Grand Marquis leaks transmission fluid from the front pump), I will snug bolts on the oil pan as the block is not oily at all so not coming from above, and it is wicking up the AC compressor (it might be leaking a little as well), but yeah, to replace the oil pan gasket (or the front pump gasket on a 26x,xxx Grand Marquis) is not something I am going to do.

the 93 hit 206k miles on the way home from school today.
and i ordered tires for the 96. tires had been bald for awhile already but now they are very bald and showing cords.
Rear air springs are here, rear stabilizer bar links are here, battery is charged...nice!. It looks like it's going to be a FUN Sunday, if the weather holds out.

Air bags (1).jpg
Rear air springs are here, rear stabilizer bar links are here, battery is charged...nice!. It looks like it's going to be a FUN Sunday, if the weather holds out.
I have a question? Once you get the old springs out. The new springs are going to be shorter (until they get there first breath of air). You twist the top in but how do you get the bottom to clip in?
I have a question? Once you get the old springs out. The new springs are going to be shorter (until they get there first breath of air). You twist the top in but how do you get the bottom to clip in?

Make sure the bottom is lined up, and when it airs up, it'll pop into place.
Replaced the heater core in my '97 base MK VIII this weekend. Not fun @ all! :Bang I'm a fairly decent mechanic & to those that claim they replaced their heater core in 4 hours, I call B.S.!!! If you REALLY completed the job in 4 hours, I'm not worthy!:Beer

Hey, I resemble that statement! I really did do it in 4 hours. I've actually done it twice now. :p
Air springs are in but the ds solenoid leaks :( guess i should have replaced the o-rings. Going to call the dealer tomorrow and see if they have any in stock.
Ha, those pics could have been take of my MK VIII! Same leak, & so far same fix - NONE. Mine is not enough to justify changing the pan gasket yet. Just enough to make an annoying mess. Hardly any oil qty drop between changes.
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