What do U pay 4 insurance?

i am a scammer, i live in jax,fl, but i am stationed in kingsbay ga. needless to say 50 miles apart and across a state line, i pay 600 every 6 months full coverage on 2 cars and liability on one. if i get fl ins. it is double that. says something about fl drivers.
Boomhower said:
I agree totally. Try $550 for a few months and let me know what you think about $469. Went in the hole big time on an 05 Saturn Ion Quad Coupe, Level 3, fully loaded. Don't even get me started on depreciation value.:mad:....Would done it all over again too. I love this car.

Try $800-some (not including gas and all that other stuff) and let me know what you think about $550. *waits for next person to chime in with their $900+ car payment*

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