No, but if you're caught in bed with your neighbor, I think the label fits.
Dont have to worry about that.
In your misguided defense of Detroit, you're failing to understand the political point that is being made in the video. Whether there's a decent neighborhood in Detroit is besides the point. The city is in collapse. And it got that way riding the political promises of government who promised that it would be a Utopia. In the end, you simply have a broken city that is dependent upon government.
I hope that weapon is legal in within the city limits.
I am in Colorado, we have really "laxed" gun laws, I have investigated.
And you'd do what?
Its called Hustle, my family is doing well, its lazy people who choose not to work who make Detroit look bad.
The mistake your making is thinking that "luck" will be enough to turn that city around. Right now, it'll take something greater than that.
cal, you dont know me personally, but I have never relied on "luck" I have always went and worked for everything, I have been given nothing, and I dont expect anything from anyone.
INDIVIDUALS.... maybe individuals like yourself.
And government to simply remove the obstacles that they are larger responsible for creating that are in your way.
Right now, there's NO REASON for anyone to invest in that city.
There are plenty of reason to invest in Detroit, when would you buy stock? when it is at it's lowest, I am investing in Detroit, if it doesnt rebound, what do I loose?
Other than the land itself, there's nothing to invest in- and the government and unions have an adversarial relationship with the entrepreneurs.