They arent sabotaging anything. Thats a right wing talking point and utter garbage. They are doing what they are suppose to do, they are listening to the Ameican people. Thats how they got there, the republicans wern't listening.
The American people don't have the ability or information to run a war. You don't run a war by committee. Furthermore, the are disseminating incorrect information in order to further deceive the public.
You said the Republicans weren't listening? Who did they not listen to, and who was listening to them?
If you're going to argue that we needed a larger surge, I must have missed the guys like Ted Kennedy standing on his soap box asking for more troops and increased spending.
Again, they changed commanders and they've authorized a surge. Why aren't they going to give it a chance to work? And why aren't they willing to discuss what the consequences of such a pull-out will be.
Here's the reality, the Democrats KNOW Bush will veto the disastrous legislation they have passed. But they are laying the foundation for defeat. They are hurting our country, they are threatening our security, and they are putting the military at greater risk. They are doing this PURELY for political reasons, securing their radical left base at all costs.
Now, if the public has the wrong idea - blame Bush and the republicans. They have had years to convey their message.
When did the Conservatives gain control of the media? When did the New York Times start honestly reporting the news, without it's far-left editorial agenda? How many times was Abu-Ghraib on the front page of the times?
Because of the media and political opportunist, the government has felt the need to fight this war encumbered by political correctness and timidness.
But, the administration certainly deserves some blame for poorly explaining and informing the public regarding the war. They also do deserve criticism for making mistakes.
Mistakes are made in ALL WARS. Pre-war intelligence was wrong. The Rumsfeld theory of the light force and quick occupation was wrong. We need to learn from those mistakes. (One lesson currently being ignored, INCREASE MILITARY SPENDING and expand the size)
But this isn't supposed to be a political pissing match. This is a security issue, not a political one. Unfortunately, the Democrats have made it one. They have INVESTED THEIR POLITICAL FORTUNE ON AMERICA'S DEFEAT.
Do you not understand that?? They have staked their future on us LOSING!
A surge has been approved. A new General has been put in charge. Tactics are being changed, strategy is evolving, and progress continues to be made. Yet, before this strategy is even IMPLEMENTED, the Democrats are moving with a high profile attempt to defund the war!!
That's damn near treasonous.
There is no reason we can't achieve a victory over there. Unfortunately, the Islamisists, just as the North Vietnamese before them, fully understand that you can defeat the United States but just prolonging the war and by utilizing the Democrat party and the American liberal media.
Trouble is, they aren't trusted by the american people. When the President's approval rating is so low for so long, and he seemingly could care less, the American people get pissed and fight back. They did so in the last election, and my suspicion is that they will again in 2008.
Perception isn't reality, and you should be aware of that. You're buying a very dangerous lie from the Democrats and the press.
Withdrawal is not consequence free. Unfortunately, you fail to understand that, or the nature of our enemies.
Iraq is not isolated. It is not simply an internal issue. We can not hide behind our borders, content that the great oceans will protect us. And you can NEVER project weakness.
Either GW needs to repackage this war effort and present it in a whole new light with new ideas and fresh people, or lose.
Remember the surge that was approved? Remember the confirmation of Gen Petreaus as the commander of the forces in Iraq? This happen only about 2 months ago.
The Democrats are gesturing to pull funding and defund the war before these NEW EFFORTS have been implemented. That editorial cartoon is 100% accurate!
As long as he has his "Im the Boss" attitude and refuses to pay attention to the will of the American people, he will lose every battle.
What is it your speaking of? They've changed commanders, they are implementing the NEW Iraqi Strategy Plan. Perhaps you should follow things more closely. Change has been made. The Democrats, now that the election is over, are now trying to surrender before these are even implemented, for fear of success.
Dont blame the democrats, because you can talk about them and the 'liberal media' all you want. Fact is, if things were going well, they wouldnt have a leg to stand on.
Going well? Define that.
You tell me. What is the definition of going well?
Are the Kurdish in the North doing well? They are. Funny though, I never see that story on the cover of the Times. How about MOST of the area outside Baghdad? Those are doing well. How about the fact that free elections have been held at least three times now? That sounds pretty good to me.
But since ONE scumbag terrorist can sneak into a market place with a bomb belt on, you think all is lost? These are terrorist. They operate by fear. They're only strategy is to manipulate the emotions of the consumers of media. There's no military strategy in blowing up a market place. It takes one person to scare the population, and then it gets on the Western news and erodes support for the war.
Stop responding defensively and think about what it is you're saying and my responses. You clearly don't get it. You think this is an election issue. You think it's like a big city wide debate regarding what color to paint the street lamps. You have to understand, if the U.S. fails to achieve success, if we turn tail and run, we will be destining millions of other people to die and greater destruction in the near future.
And the Democrats passing legislation, knowing FULL WELL it will be vetoed, that telegraphs a desire to cut and run, only serves to undermine our efforts in Iraq and help assure failure.