The fact is...
There have been several "New Strategies"
There have been several "new commanders"
Its a little hard to continue putting faith in things when they repeatedly dont work.
There really have only been two major approaches to the conflict. The strategy has continually been refined up until this point, but the prevailing philosophy behind it was consistent, and dictated NOT by President Bush but by the Generals.
So, what is your point. Since things haven't worked properly yet, they can't? You fault the operation for not changing strategy, then when it is demonstrated they have, you dismiss it?
You have to recognize that, at best, almost everyone agrees we went to war on inaccurate intelligence information, at worse, fraudulent reasons.
First of all, that is not true. The at worst scenario you presented is nothing but a LIE that ignorant people may WANT to believe. In regards to the WMDs, the associated inaccuracies were not regarding his motivations or his intentions, simply the state of the programs and available weapon caches.
You also have to realize that since the actual invasion ended, there has been little ongoing success in Iraq. We caught this guy and that guy, yet the troubles dont stop.
Its hard to keep believing in things when every time we belive, it turns out we're believing in the wrong things.
Know what I mean??
I know what you're saying.
And frankly, it means nothing.
Just because we can't fit an entire difficult and complicated military and social operation within the public's five minute attention span DOES NOT mean it's not worth doing.
Going into the 21st century, Western Civilization is going to have to deal with a number of challenges. Iraq is not where it's going to end, and it'll be far from the greatest challenge we face. Unfortunately, you're demonstrating that this nation, and our society, is simply to fat and lazy to commit itself to victory. It's too much trouble to win, maybe we can just put our heads int he sand and hide.
From a military stand point, this war has demonstrated some of the internal problems we have in the military and the intelligence communities.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be frustrated with this war. I'm saying that we need to have the resolve to win it. A withdrawal might feel good for a minute, but ultimately the consequences of such action will catch up to us.
The military is in DESPERATE need of reform from within. The guiding military philosophies of the 20th century need to be refine and re imagined for the 21st.
If it takes a surge of 50k troops, I support it. whatever it takes, so long they have the conviction to win this.
There has been a significant change in the leadership regarding this war. Not just window dressing, but a major change. Give it the opportunity to work. And in distinct contrast to those in the Democrat party, all of these men are INVESTED IN SUCCESS. They have staked their legacies on making this work, on victory.
There is NO positive for our country if we withdraw from Iraq defeated. That will be a disaster for us in the Islamic world, where a handful of Muslims who managed to kill a low number of Americans, were capable of chasing the most powerful nation the world has ever seen out of the Middle East. Our reputation will be secured as a paper tiger, our word will be worthless, and our ability to threaten or intimidate will be lost.
What does that ultimately mean? MUCH MUCH GREATER LOSS OF LIFE IN THE FUTURE.
Do you not understand that? That means they will be emboldened to hit us. And that we will have to strike in the future, with unreserved, vicious force. And when dealing with an asymetric enemy, funded by terrorist states, that means LOTS of innocents will die. On both sides.
This isn't a game. Iraq doesn't exist in a bubble. And just because you have this idiotic, mindless hatred for the President based on the 7 years of venom from the media, doesn't mean we can afford to have you abandon the effort.
And finally, if the Democrats are going to force our hand and slowly defund the war, they should have the damn decency to do it all at once. Don't starve the effort. Have the political will to say "we can't win. We're pulling all funding immediately, bring them home NOW." Not this slow march to defeat, while they look for political cover.
Either completely end it now, or commit to victory, whatever the cost. And, if you know anything about history, the enemies we are facing in the world today, and the situation of the world, you'll realize that the cost of victory is MUCH less than the price we'll pay for defeat.