What would you do?


Dedicated LVC Member
May 18, 2010
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Where stalkers run rampant
So the town that I live in hates me. The cops have always harassed me, but now the town is trying to force me to buy one of there garbage cans for a $100. I told them to fock off. Now they send letters saying they are not going to pick up my garbage. I wrote them back and said I don't give a chit, I will let it pile up in the damn street. Should I cave in or hold my ground?
You can be a rebel all you want but if you let it pile up the city can issue a citation against you and police will get involved.

so you will end up paying more than $100 and look like a fool.
My lawyer tells me that as long as I pay my gargbage bill, they have to pick it up. If I put the chit on the curb and they don't pick it up its on them. There is no law saying that I have to buy their garbage can. Furthermore, not all my neighbors have them. They are just targeting me because years ago they tried to send me to prison and I beat the case.
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My lawyer tells me that as long as I pay my gargbage bill, they have to pick it up. If I put the chit on the curb and they don't pick it up its on them. There is no law saying that I have to buy their garbage can. Furthermore, not all my neighbors have them. They are just targeting me because years ago they tried to send me to prison and I beat the case.

Well then you are in the right and they cant do that. if everybody doesnt have them thats different.

Like I give a damn about the police. I have a run-in with a pig at least once a week. The other day I was at my family's smokehouse eating and when I went to leave a cop in the parking lot recognized me and tried to detain and search me.

Im not too fond of police either but i just like to keep a clean record and am studying law enforcement.
When I was in jail for 9 months fighting my case, I read all the law books I could. In my town it is illegal for you to make faces at a dog.
We live in a police state. Face the facts, compliance by threat is how this country rolls. Freedom is relative, real freedom we do not have.

I feel ya dude but be careful. Especially at how you look at dogs, or where you spit, or how much you mod your car, or what color car you pick or.......

However, having said that, if you bow to their wishes it will just make you another damned sheep and you don't sound like the type.
Let's be 'blunt'-
you don't seem like a sympathetic figure in this story.

You are in Normal, Il.
According to Wikipedia, they only have 78 police officers in that town.

I'm also confident we don't know enough about this story to really provide you any specific advice.

But, in general, if you don't want to purchase another trash, don't. I'd suggest you double check the city ordinance though.

If you chose to ignore their direction, don't break OTHER laws and codes in protest as well. Make sure you have a nice, presentable, trash can, place all of the garbage within it, and put that on the curb. Make sure all the garbage is within it.

Don't burn trash.
Don't leave piles of lose garbage on the street.
Don't burden your neighbors with your grudge.
And don't engage in civil disobedience that will simply make you responsible for greater fines.
And don't make a "point."

Even if the police didn't have an issue with you, if you go around challenging them, giving them crap, they soon will. And considering you "beat" a prison rap, noting you didn't say were unjustly accused, and your words in this thread, and your less than subtle drug reference in your screen name, you're certainly on their radar.
Let's be 'blunt'-
you don't seem like a sympathetic figure in this story.

You are in Normal, Il.
According to Wikipedia, they only have 78 police officers in that town.

I'm also confident we don't know enough about this story to really provide you any specific advice.

But, in general, if you don't want to purchase another trash, don't. I'd suggest you double check the city ordinance though.

If you chose to ignore their direction, don't break OTHER laws and codes in protest as well. Make sure you have a nice, presentable, trash can, place all of the garbage within it, and put that on the curb. Make sure all the garbage is within it.

Don't burn trash.
Don't leave piles of lose garbage on the street.
Don't burden your neighbors with your grudge.
And don't engage in civil disobedience that will simply make you responsible for greater fines.
And don't make a "point."

Even if the police didn't have an issue with you, if you go around challenging them, giving them crap, they soon will. And considering you "beat" a prison rap, noting you didn't say were unjustly accused, and your words in this thread, and your less than subtle drug reference in your screen name, you're certainly on their radar.

agree...time to grow up or move next to the guy with 3 gen 2's in florida.
Sounds like an issue because the trash truck has a pick up arm.
Spend the fifty bones.
Its not worth the fight.
Convenient and easy to use 96 gallon garbage carts may be purchased for $57 by calling the Town of Normal Public Works Department's office at 454-9571 or 454-9578. These carts come with a ten year warranty.

The Town of Normal offers a trial program for these garbage carts. Under this agreement you may try a garbage cart at no cost for 30 days. At the end of the trial program, you will receive a letter asking for full payment of $57. If you do not wish to purchase the cart, simply call the Public Works Department and we will pick up it up at no cost.

Help us be more efficient! Please leave 2-3 feet of clearance around your garbage cart so the helping mechanical hand can grab your cart and dump it. If you have a car that parks in front of your house place your cart on the other side of the drive so the truck can get close enough to reach the cart. Always have the front of the cart facing the street.

For more information on the garbage carts or the trial program please call the Public Works Department at 454-9571 or 454-9578.

We live in a police state. Face the facts, compliance by threat is how this country rolls. Freedom is relative, real freedom we do not have.

Couldn't agree more! I've been to a lot of countries - this one, in reality, has so far proven to be the most restrictive. Heck, couldn't even walk my dog late at night in Florida without cops harassing me.

I noticed that the politicians are always banging on about the freedoms we enjoy etc. - nothing more than propaganda, in my opinion. Guess they think that if a lie is repeated enough, the general public will be convinced and stay quiet.
States are so different. I'm trying to figure out why he should have to pay for a trash can. It should be provided (if they want to use their truck arm) to him.
I pay $13.50 a month for trash service once a week. The can was free and when the neighbors moved out next door, they had two of them. I took the new one they had and now I have two.

I just never heard of having to purchase a can before for the city or county.
States are so different. I'm trying to figure out why he should have to pay for a trash can. It should be provided (if they want to use their truck arm) to him.
I pay $13.50 a month for trash service once a week. The can was free and when the neighbors moved out next door, they had two of them. I took the new one they had and now I have two.

I just never heard of having to purchase a can before for the city or county.

He lives in Illinois; that state is about as corrupt as they come. It is what is but at some point you have to stop making trouble for yourself.
A town like 10 min from me, has a curfew for people under 18, if your not on your property by 10:30pm and a cop sees you, he drives you home and you get a fine.
We live in a police state. Face the facts, compliance by threat is how this country rolls. Freedom is relative, real freedom we do not have.

I couldn't agree more.

However, having said that, if you bow to their wishes it will just make you another damned sheep and you don't sound like the type.

I should not have to be forced to get a can from them when others don't have them.

Let's be 'blunt'-
you don't seem like a sympathetic figure in this story.

You are in Normal, Il.
According to Wikipedia, they only have 78 police officers in that town.

I'm also confident we don't know enough about this story to really provide you any specific advice.

But, in general, if you don't want to purchase another trash, don't. I'd suggest you double check the city ordinance though.

If you chose to ignore their direction, don't break OTHER laws and codes in protest as well. Make sure you have a nice, presentable, trash can, place all of the garbage within it, and put that on the curb. Make sure all the garbage is within it.

Don't burn trash.
Don't leave piles of lose garbage on the street.
Don't burden your neighbors with your grudge.
And don't engage in civil disobedience that will simply make you responsible for greater fines.
And don't make a "point."

Even if the police didn't have an issue with you, if you go around challenging them, giving them crap, they soon will. And considering you "beat" a prison rap, noting you didn't say were unjustly accused, and your words in this thread, and your less than subtle drug reference in your screen name, you're certainly on their radar.

I was not asking for sympathy.

I do keep all my trash where it belongs and neat and on the curb. The dude that picks it is friend of mine. He uses the arm and doesn't have to get out. Some neighbors of mine, he does.

I used to sell dope. I got caught with a lot of it. But the police violated my 4th ammendment rights. Not my fault. I could have sued like my buddies parents, but I didn't. I understand why they did though, the police murdered their son over a traffic violation.

I don't break any laws now. Well, I smoke a little green, but only at my house.
agree...time to grow up or move next to the guy with 3 gen 2's in florida.

So I need to grow up because I won't be bullied into buying a trash can from my petty-ass town, that is butt-hurt. FOCK THAT
Sounds like an issue because the trash truck has a pick up arm.
Spend the fifty bones.
Its not worth the fight.

I swear the letter said $97
I'm not fighting, but I'm not bowing down either. It might be different if everyone has to, but probably not. The arm picks it up fine.

States are so different. I'm trying to figure out why he should have to pay for a trash can. It should be provided (if they want to use their truck arm) to him.
I pay $13.50 a month for trash service once a week. The can was free and when the neighbors moved out next door, they had two of them. I took the new one they had and now I have two.

Word. I pay my garbage bill. Why should I pay again, for something they have been doing(with the arm) for years.

He lives in Illinois; that state is about as corrupt as they come. It is what is but at some point you have to stop making trouble for yourself.

You got that right. The former Gov. wants out to see his dying wife. You can bet they wouldn't let me out for something like that.

buy the fn trash can and super glue it to the curb
They would nail my ass to the wall for that.

Some fights are worth it... others aren't...

I wouldn't fight this one.

Not fighting anything. Just not bowing down.
After reading this thread, I thought about what I'd do. I would not play nice but, at that moment the Lord spoke to me. I felt it my spirit. He said he has a message for you. He said it would help with your issue. He said MOVE.
Website says fifty.....no big deal.

To tell you the truth the cans on wheels are sweet.
I love mine, in the winter its great.
If it was me, I would get the can....f@ck it.

Sorry about your bud.

Friend of mine was hit on a cycle going through a intersection, 5 MPH, a cop...... 26 year old cop didn't see him.
He is gone.

It sucks.

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