Dedicated LVC Member
In MN they gave us the stupid can for free.
IIRC this was about my town wanting to strong arm me. BTW they dropped the can issue. They moved on to my Mark having illegal exhaust, being too low, tint being to dark, improper lighting and no front LP.
I also wasn't "acting" like a criminal. I was one. Well at least thats what the goverment says. Well, in all honesty, I don't feel that what I've done is a crime. And I think it's illogical and irresponsible for you or anyone to call me a criminal. Because, when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants.
Yes it started out about the can, and then moved on to the police harrassing you.
You know your car isnt legal, yet you drive it anyway. You should expect them to "harrass" you about that until it is legal.
Wether you "feel" like you have comitted a crime or not doesnt matter. You knowingly and willingly broke the law. Fact is that to them you are a "known criminal", one that got away with it, and you're on thier radar.
You say you have been clean for a decade, but also stated that you still smoke the green, which is a drug so in fact you havent been clean.
We cant pick and choose which laws we want to follow, even if we dont agree with them.
One day you will realize that yes, the rules apply to you too.
I feel that as a tax paying American, I should be able to rock a car with no front LP and loud pipes.
When the cops drive by your house on a regular basis and pull you over as soon as you start your car, or stop everyone that comes to your house, that is harasment.
I meant I wasn't commiting felonies daily anymore. I smoke a little green. So the fcuk what. Some people like to smoke cigs or drink. I see no harm in it. It is legal and decriminalized in several states.
Sure I can. I have the money to what I want. I can pay the lawyers and the fines. I have a SDB just for such things. Men to what they want, boys do what they can.
I know they do, you. See the above post. You're telling me you have never broke a law?
I don't see harleys getting pulled over for their loudness. I don't see corvettes getting stopped for no front plate. Shouldn't the laws apply to them too. I once got a parking ticket from a cop, for parking on my own grass. Right next door was a state K9 cop and his squad car was parked on the grass too. He said "wow they must hate you."
So if I am such a bad guy and my car is soooo illegal, how come state cops give me no trouble. I also took the car 600 miles to Ky and didn't have any cops give a second look. The fact of the matter is I outsmarted them and they have a bad taste in their mouths because of it.
Young AF punks have no respect.
I got a feeling if I was standing in front of you asking if you wanted your ass kicked, you wouldn't sound so smart.
Whose word do you think they are going to take, that of the cops or a convicted felon?
I am not a convicted felon. I was charged twice and unlawfully detained for 9 months, but nothing ever stuck. Maybe once the cops in my area start obeying the law, then I will consider changing my ways.
Oh and FYI is was convicted felons that the cops got there info from. To me that is kind of like that fact that you can use the bible to justify all kinds of contradictions. Felons are lying scumbags, until the police and the DA need someone to point the finger and testi-lie.
Maybe once the cops in my area start obeying the law, then I will consider changing my ways.
Your being an idiot. They're cops then can do as they please. The cops wont do things the right and if you keep waiting for them to obey it you'll be dead a long time before that. Buy your fcuking trash cans and stop being a chode.
I respect you philly, you have your opinions , you stand by them.
You think the police should lead the way, then you will follow.
There is a problem with that train of thought, they don't have to follow the rules, but we do.
When push comes to shove, the police are the ones that get the benefit of doubt, you or me, we go to jail.
They have clubs, guns and a radio, the more you fight them, the more that come, and they have a endless supply of goons who never forget.
You beat down one, five more are waiting.
Your making life hard.
If you want to break the rules....become a cop![]()
Chadly would have them all runnin free cause I sold dope.
Does AF stand for air force? If so I agree with you 100%.
Don’t be hating on this young USAF punk! Where’s the love man?![]()
First off if your gonna insult someone, proof read your chit. I guess its too much to ask for you to speak to me like a decent human being. If you would read the thread before you post, douche canoe, you will see that the trash can issue is dead. I wrote them a letter and they never said chit again. Chode-I haven't heard someone say that since 1987. Its time to take off your British Knights, Reeboks are all the rage, moron.
Thanks, your probably the only one here who does. I don't think they should lead the way, just not violate my rights and break laws to bust me. I don't think its too much to ask for them to follow the rules. The parking on the grass, speeding and such I can live with. There are, however, a lot of cops doing worse chit than I ever have. One just got sent up for raping 5 women.
Another was drunk, in his squad car, and hit a little girl and they covered it up. No one is gonna convince me that its ok for them to any of this to any citizen, regardless of their past. Personally, I think the stance of "well you did sell dope" is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Nothing gives them the right. Police and other emergency response officials are to be held to a higher standard than the public. At least the judges around here come down on them hard. Chadly would have them all runnin free cause I sold dope.