What would you do?

Website says fifty.....no big deal.

To tell you the truth the cans on wheels are sweet.
I love mine, in the winter its great.
If it was me, I would get the can....f@ck it.

Sorry about your bud.

Friend of mine was hit on a cycle going through a intersection, 5 MPH, a cop...... 26 year old cop didn't see him.
He is gone.

It sucks.

I'm young I can carry the cans. Sorry about your buddy. I hope has was able to have and open casket. My buddy could not. Officer James Merica shot him in the face. The truck was past his body and he fired a 12 gauge through the passenger window. All over a DUI. He was my PIC(partner in crime) so the cops hated him too. If it would have been different person, he would have never done that, I promise.
Did you read the part where he said he wanted to kill some one. They promoted him to Dectective First Grade after this. My buddies rents got 3 mil.
In my home town of newton ks if you don't follow the recycling rules they will throw your ass in jail and fine you up to a grand. My parents neighbor got a warning and a 250 fine for having a pop can in the wrong bin at the curb. What sucks is that it all goes into one truck with one big container when it goes to the transfer station the truck dumps it into a building where it's compacted and shoved in a semi trailer and then they pay other companies to take the trash. This was all someones idea to try and save money on he trash service. The monthly trash bill went from 12 a month to over 35 a month in the first 2 years of operation. Now that's the biggest crock of sh!t i've ever heard of.
If you're going to bring up your friend, could you at least present him honestly.
He wasn't shot for a minor traffic violation-
Ruch strike a median while going eastbound on College Avenue by Blair Drive.

Merica turned and followed Ruch south on Towanda Avenue, right on Keller Road, then south on Hammitt Drive where Ruch narrowly missed another vehicle, Clark said.

Merica turned on his flashing lights, but Ruch did not stop. He continued along several other streets, striking a curb on Westview Drive.

After turning onto Doud Court, Ruch came to a cul-de-sac. His progress blocked, Ruch drove between two houses and briefly stopped in the backyard of one of the houses. Merica exited his squad car at the front of the house.

Ruch then accelerated quickly and completed a circle around the house. His truck mowed down a picket fence and a corral fence between the house and a neighboring residence.

At this point, Clark said Merica fired four shots from a shotgun loaded with slugs at the vehicle. All four entered the pickup, with one passing through and striking a house. Ruch was hit; no one else was injured.

The pickup continued across the cul-de-sac and into a driveway where it traveled through a garage door.
Ruch, who had been convicted of two serious drug charges, likely didn't want to be arrested that night because it would have been a violation of his probation.

Tests later confirmed that Ruch's blood alcohol level was slightly above 0.08, the legal limit for driving.

With that said, this doesn't mean Merica used good judgment or used lethal force appropriately. Or that he should have been promoted to Detective. But it's not like your friend rolled a stopped sign, pulled over,and was executed in cold blood. I am not defending the decision of Merica, however, let's not pretend that your friend wasn't risking the lives of innocent people, crashing around the neighbor, running from the police, and driving through peoples yards.

His family sued the city, they settled for $750,000.
The attorneys took 1/3 of it.
3 mil musta been what they sued for originally, sorry. And it was like 2 am. No one was in danger, not even Merica. The part of town they were in, they were the only two people out at that time. Nathan was just trying to get away. And if you read a little one of Merica's shots went through the window of a house. The fatal shot was fired through the passenger side window. There was no chance of him being run over. He could have easily laid spike strips down next to his car as he blocked off the cult-de-sac. Or he could have shot at the tires. Or he could have just let him go as Normal has a no chase policy and he knew where we lived. He took the time to pop the trunk and get the shotgun. He wanted to kill him because he was a dope dealer. James Merica is a murderer and I won't entertain any other idea about it. Every cop in the county is trigger happy. Google Shannon Smith.
I am assuming the neither of you were their to witness the events that occurred. It is a tragedy from both views. Unless the officer is a blood thirsty killer I am sure he deals with this every day of his life. I am not picking sides. I am sorry you lost a friend; I hope he was right with God before this tragedy occurred. I hope that you can overcome the bitterness you have over this unfortunate event and learn a better way. There is only one way to do this if you don't know then ask.
Did you read the part where he said he wanted to kill some one. They promoted him to Dectective First Grade after this. My buddies rents got 3 mil.

Bad cop...total POS in my book.

Every cop in the county is trigger happy. Google Shannon Smith.

Not every cop is trigger happy.
There are some dam good cops out there doing one hell of a job.
I know a few.

My Sis in law is one hell of a cop.


I understand your loss....and your anger.

But don't group all cop's together, its a bad mistake.
I am assuming the neither of you were their to witness the events that occurred. It is a tragedy from both views. Unless the officer is a blood thirsty killer I am sure he deals with this every day of his life. I am not picking sides. I am sorry you lost a friend; I hope he was right with God before this tragedy occurred. I hope that you can overcome the bitterness you have over this unfortunate event and learn a better way. There is only one way to do this if you don't know then ask.
I went to the inquiry and the DA was a member of my church. I spoke to him and the ME. My mother also worked in the ER at the time and saw the right side of his head missing. The fatal wound was to the side of his head and it came through the pass window. The cop made statments about wanting to kill someone and critized two cops who disarmed a teenage boy instead of "dumping" him. A handfull of misdemeanors is no reason to kill someone. He shouldn't have even gave chase. Normal has a no-chase policy. Oh and I'm not bitter over it. I just think justice would be nice. How do you promote a murderer. They wouldn't even call the shooting justified. To me that means its criminal.
Bad cop...total POS in my book.

Not every cop is trigger happy.
There are some dam good cops out there doing one hell of a job.
I know a few.

My Sis in law is one hell of a cop.


I understand your loss....and your anger.

But don't group all cop's together, its a bad mistake.

I was just saying that my county's cops are crazy. I am friends with several state cops. I have been straight for almost a decade and Normal won't leave me alone. If you do a search, you will find that in my area they shoot first and then shoot some more, and maybe after your dead, they ask a few questions.
To go back to the original post-

The city wrote you a letter, does it list a specific code ordinance?
Do you still have the letter? You should post it here. If it's the law, you should comply unless you want to engage in a political protest. If that's the case, you need to have a political goal (ie. no one needs to use those pales.)

And don't protest the city by trashing the neighborhood. It's not fair to those that live near you.
No it doesn't. My lawyer assures me I'm not in the wrong or violating anything. This all started because I bought my deceased Grandfather's house. It is in a up-scale neighborhood. About a month ago, a friend left my house in his POS. A cop that lives nearby saw him and jumped in his cruiser and pulled him over. He told him, he did not belong in this neighborhood. He told the cop who he was visting and where I lived. Ever since then the cops drive by on every shift. I got an OV for the RV in the driveway, which had been sitting there every summer for 15 years. Now that I owned it though, it has to be moved indoors, which I complied with. Now this garbage crap comes up. If I comply, they will just find something else to cry about.
No it doesn't. My lawyer assures me I'm not in the wrong or violating anything. This all started because I bought my deceased Grandfather's house. It is in a up-scale neighborhood. About a month ago, a friend left my house in his POS. A cop that lives nearby saw him and jumped in his cruiser and pulled him over. He told him, he did not belong in this neighborhood. He told the cop who he was visting and where I lived. Ever since then the cops drive by on every shift. I got an OV for the RV in the driveway, which had been sitting there every summer for 15 years. Now that I owned it though, it has to be moved indoors, which I complied with. Now this garbage crap comes up. If I comply, they will just find something else to cry about.

So what you saying is there is no chance the annual beach shindig can be moved to Normal with you as host? Fifty Mark VIII's from various states...how would that go over?
Yeah but here you have to throw your keys out the window, put both hands out the window and open the door from the outside. Then get out with you back facing the cops, interlock your fingers behind your head, walk backwards toward the sound of their voice, then lay face dwon on the pavement. Next they will come up and put their knee on your neck and cuff you and stuff you. And thats the nice treatment.
Yeah but here you have to throw your keys out the window, put both hands out the window and open the door from the outside. Then get out with you back facing the cops, interlock your fingers behind your head, walk backwards toward the sound of their voice, then lay face dwon on the pavement. Next they will come up and put their knee on your neck and cuff you and stuff you. And thats the nice treatment.

I have had to put my keys on the roof but never thrown out the window.
Chit here when I get stopped they won't even get out until back-up get there. Then I usually am held at gunpoint. I don't keep my car in my name anymore because I was tired of getting stopped once a week.
Chit here when I get stopped they won't even get out until back-up get there. Then I usually am held at gunpoint. I don't keep my car in my name anymore because I was tired of getting stopped once a week.

Could you even legally run for mayor?
Dunno, but if I did, I'm sure they would bring up my massive criminal history. I have gotten out of a lot of it by paying through the nose, but just being charged-your guilty here. Plus mayor don't pay chit here.
Dunno, but if I did, I'm sure they would bring up my massive criminal history. I have gotten out of a lot of it by paying through the nose, but just being charged-your guilty here. Plus mayor don't pay chit here.

what about the garbage man, how is their pay?
I would let it pile up in the street. f*ck them for trying to make you get a 100 dollar peice of plastic. I have run ins with my local police about every 3 days because they always try to find stuff on me that never is. And my llawyer beat my case that would have gotten one guy a nice comfortable desk job that would double his salary and hed never have to leave the preceinct. f*ck the law. but no conviction means no promotion

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