It would be nice if you enlighten us as to exactly what would happen, and how, with nationalization.
Actually it is the only thing that will save this once great country.
Anything short of taking back our country will leave us as a pawn to the rest of the world.
I say nationalize, and put America back on top once again, too never be put in our current position again.
First, I'm going to continue to presume that when you say "nationalize" you actually mean something more like "isolate," and that you simply don't understand what the word "nationalize" means.
Because, nationalization is when all of the industry becomes publicly owned, state controlled.
Isolationism is where you basically put a wall around the country and prevent any foreign goods from gaining access to your markets.
Now, the consequences of your isolationism would be many and dramatic. It's actually difficult to synopsize into a brief post, it's also difficult to think of where to start, so I'll just hit too points-
Let's begin with the fact that the United States has NEVER been an isolationist nation when it comes to trade. Even today, as bleak as things may appear, we still export about a trillion dollars of goods every year. From durable goods, cars, livestock, agriculture, tools, entertainment, ect.
If you isolate the country, we lose the ability to export goods.
Also, if we isolate the country, who's going to continue buying our debt? Will the Chinese be willing to do so? It won't matter, they won't be able to do so. Same goes for Japan.
And if we aren't trading with these countries, WHY WILL THEY CONTINUE TO HOLD OUR DOLLARS?
They won't. They'll sell them off. And because of those two things, our currency would crash in a matter of days.
The issue isn't that other countries sell their good here.
The problem is that government has increasingly made the United States a hostile and unpredictable place (because of regulation) to do business. The answer IS NOT to exclude and isolate, the answer is to EXPAND the industry in this country. We don't want to prevent Porsche or Honda from selling in this country, we want them to BUILD plants IN this country and EXPORT cars to Europe that were built in Alabama.