What's everyone's MPG?

Why do you suppose our city mpg sucks so bad? Does it have to do with our cars being more geared for top end? I'm content with the mpg I'm seeing of the hiway driving. Would it make sense to hammer it to get it up to 60mph as quick as possible and then cruise at 60? lol
Just returned from a 2300 mi. round trip. Averaged 71 mph on the second half on the way home, including gas and restaurant stops.Total time 15.5 hours for just over 1100 miles. My fuel mileage varied from tank to tank by as much as 4 miles per Gal. Overall, 24.6 MPG on the second leg. I really think that fuel formulas are changing. I averaged almost 26 MPG on the same trip last year and had no great fluctuations from tank to tank. On one tank I only got 22 MPG. Highest tanks got 26 MPG.

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