Shortly after my divorce was final in April of 2007 I met a friend on the world famous Broadway in what is known around the world as Music City USA. After a night of drinking double kettleone gimlets and enjoying the honkeytonks I decided to go home. I was hungry so I decided to stop at White Castles of course. I normally would go down Music Row to go home but missed that street on the roundabout and wound up on 21st Ave which goes directly by Vanderbilt University. I wound up having to stop at a stop light then in my infinite wisdom decided I was going to pretend I was at dragstrip christmas tree. A short rundown on my car: true duals with double xpipe, 3200 stall, bullet proof trans with a stage 2 shift kit, 4.10 with a locker. To say the least when you brake torque at about 3k it is going to be a bit loud. Light turns green and I launch hard laying rubber from first to second...about a quarter mile down the road there just so happens to be about 5 Vanderbilt University cops at the Mapco gas station investigating a potential robbery. They heard me and decided they were going to be my finish line. I think I only made it to about 80 mph by the time I saw about 5 cops standing in the middle of the street with their guns out telling me to stop. What happened next is for another day. :shifty: