which is faster

I have beaten a few GT's in the past, and I'm not reffering to the FOX body 5.0. I'm talking about the later body styles, all the way up untill 2004. In theory, any newer Mustang GT, should beat my STS. This isn't the case however. When I beat one, it's usually because the driver is a f**king idiot, who doesn't know how to shift the car properly, and therefor doesn't deserve it. That's how I beat them. A win is a win though, and that's what counts. Doesn't matter if the car next to you has 1000hp, if you finish first, you win. This Ford vs GM bulls**t has gone on for a long, long time.

evillally, tell me exactly why GM sucks. What's the reasoning behind that statement. Hell, I could say Ford sucks too, but that wouldn't get us anywhere now would it. I think your just bias towards GM, because the only one you could ever afford to own was a Diesel Chevette.

"I've owned both GM and Ford. There's areason I haven't bought or driven a GM product... it's because GM sucks."- I have only one question for you regarding this sentence. How in the hell could you have owned a GM car, if you have A)Never purchased one and B)Never driven one. If you have owned a GM car before, what was it?
Okay, heres my opinion on why they suck.My mom has a a deville I think and for one the seats suck.No matter what I cant get comfortable and I always feel like I'm leaning to the left.
The torque steer is completely unbearable.Drives me crazy.

The exhaust sounds pathetic at best.
The heating system sucks, no matter what I do to I do I cant get heat to come out of the upper vents,only the ground.
When I have the A/C on and nail the gas the A/C starts coming through the defroster instead of the upper vents, which has goto to have something to do with a vaccuum problem but nonetheless its not good.

There, so I'm not just bashing them unknowingly.These are my personal experiences.
MAC1 said:
It's amazing how some are willing to ignore the truth just so they can continue to live in a fantasy world. Let me state the truth as clearly and respectfully as I can:

Cadillac will kick Lincoln A_ _! Both off the line and top end!


Fantasy World...? C'mon MAC... Now who's living in a Fantasy world!!!!!
:F I love your passion for your car man!!!!
Maybe you should grab the steering wheel with both hands next time you floor it dumbass. That's why you get so much torque steer, you not strong enough to hold onto the damn wheel. As far as the A/C goes, learn how to use the s**t, and then maybe you wouldn't complain so much. The A/C compressor clutch disengages at WOT, so that the engine can makel it's maximum hp. That might explain the reason for it to switch to the defroster. I never noticed it in my car, but then again, I'm too busy beating up on Ford's to notice the change in vents.

Almost forgot, do you think it's a Deville, or do you know it's a Deville. I find it a little hard to believe that you've actually driven the car, yet you don't even know what the f**k it is.

Here's my turn at putting down Lincoln. They are a second rate luxury car company, perpetually in the shadow of Cadillac, since they were founded. Henry Leland the man who founded Cadillac, also founded Lincoln. The reason why Ford owns Lincoln, and GM owns Cadillac is simple. GM purchased Cadillac, and Leland went off to start Lincoln. He ended up driving it into the ground, and had to sell it off to Henry Ford to recoupe his losses. So, in a sense, the Lincoln motor company as we know it today, was born out of failure. Strange, how it still holds true today.
Take it easy there Danbuc..... Love to hear the passion, but ease up a bit bro!

It's all good... I think the millions of Lincolns and Caddy's sold annually do not indicate "Failure" in any way, but I will give ya the fact that Cadillac is leading the charge in the American Luxury market at the moment...

We all love our cars... Remember that is why we're on this site!!!!!!

Danbuc you need to calm the hell down, I really dont know if lincoln is faster what is better but I do know my Lincoln Mark VIII will smoke the every loving shlt out of you and the FWD "sports car" thing you own. No im not bias I love the new CTS V and STS V and as well as the XLR. to tell you the truth I got beat by one of those CTS V a month ago.
danbuc said:
Maybe you should grab the steering wheel with both hands next time you floor it dumbass. That's why you get so much torque steer, you not strong enough to hold onto the damn wheel. As far as the A/C goes, learn how to use the s**t, and then maybe you wouldn't complain so much. The A/C compressor clutch disengages at WOT, so that the engine can makel it's maximum hp. That might explain the reason for it to switch to the defroster. I never noticed it in my car, but then again, I'm too busy beating up on Ford's to notice the change in vents.

Almost forgot, do you think it's a Deville, or do you know it's a Deville. I find it a little hard to believe that you've actually driven the car, yet you don't even know what the f**k it is.

I'll respond to your elagantly worded post that shows off your obvious genious in order, that way I dont lose you.
Come on out to vegas and call me a dumbass to my face and see what happens.
Secondly any car that you have to hold on to the steering wheel with all your might so that you dont change lanes when you try to accelerate is a piece of shlt!
Thirdly I'm only 6 Ft. 220LBs if you want to arm wrestle for your measly paycheck we can surely do that.
Fourth, the A/C clutch disengaging at WOT has absolutely nothing to do with the air changing directions and all of a sudden coming out of the defroster vents.If I had said "the air is not as cold when I go wide open throttle" then you would have a half way decent argument.I didn't so again your ignorance prevails.
Oh, and what does learning to use it have to do with the piece of garbage changing to the defroster vents??????????
Fifth,I THOUGHT it was a Deville.I called her and found out it is a "De' Elegance" version and that is what threw me.
Unfortunately I've put at least 6-7000 miles on the heap so I'm fairly familiar with it's good and bad points.

And last but not least,I've got a fairly thick skin and I dont give too much credit to what idiots like you say on the internet but if you disrespect any of the other members here (no matter what they drive) I'll see that you are booted from the site so no one else has to deal with your attitude.
No one here disrespected you or attacked you whatsoever.I posted my personal opinions on the car that I have experience with.In no way shape or form was your response neccessary.

Oh yeah, any time you want to try your luck with either of my Lincolns Or my Lexus let me know and I'll take as much money as you want to wager on it.
6 Ft. 220LBs for gods sake chris dont lie to him, really, I have seen chris he is a little dude. i think he has red hair and if I learned anything in life its that red heads can't fight worth to shlts. j/k
I'm laughing my butt off reading these posts. Truth is, I owned an 88' Mark VII LSC. That thing was fast. I remember toying with a babe in a Saab Turbo (but than again I think they're all turbos')...man was she pissed. When we got to a traffic light she was all fingers with F'n this and F'n that. I just looked at her as said something like "Can't you take it!", "You're the one that wanted to race" with a smile. All I got for that was something like "you think your F'n big" with more fingers and expletives. That day she learned that her crappy 4cly. turbo is no match for a 5.0L.

Anyway, Jamler3, nice comeback! :F

I respect your passion! :Beer
Well, I'm told my buddy's at the other site, that I wouldn't hold anything back. I'm not an angry person, I just didn't have anything better to do at the time. To be honest, I was trying to push the envelope here, to see what could get someone banned. I guess I'm just not angry enough. As I said before, I don't post here that much, becuase there are very few Caddy owners here. When ever I post a question, it takes two or three months to get a response. I've got nothing against anybody, no matter what kind of car they drive. It's their car, and they choose to drive it, because they like it. This will probably be my last post for the next year and a half, since the caddy section here is always dead. Anyway, I forget where I was going with this reply, so I'll end it with this. Remember to have fun, and most of all, respect the competition. You never know what will happen at the next stoplight. :rolleyes:
danbuc said:
Well, I'm told my buddy's at the other site, that I wouldn't hold anything back. I'm not an angry person, I just didn't have anything better to do at the time. To be honest, I was trying to push the envelope here, to see what could get someone banned. I guess I'm just not angry enough. As I said before, I don't post here that much, becuase there are very few Caddy owners here. When ever I post a question, it takes two or three months to get a response. I've got nothing against anybody, no matter what kind of car they drive. It's their car, and they choose to drive it, because they like it. This will probably be my last post for the next year and a half, since the caddy section here is always dead. Anyway, I forget where I was going with this reply, so I'll end it with this. Remember to have fun, and most of all, respect the competition. You never know what will happen at the next stoplight. :rolleyes:

As long as you respect other people and dont get personal you will never get booted from this site.That was one of the main reasons Joey started this site.We dont censor anything as long as it doesnt get personal.

I'm glad you calmed down.Thanks.

Everything is Good! I have to admit your post had me laughing. When you get goin. LOL. I know you were just trying to rattle a few cages.
danbuc said:
"I've owned both GM and Ford. There's areason I haven't bought or driven a GM product... it's because GM sucks."- I have only one question for you regarding this sentence. How in the hell could you have owned a GM car, if you have A)Never purchased one and B)Never driven one. If you have owned a GM car before, what was it?

I meant to put "since then" within my post, but I owned an Oldsmobile Delta eight-wight Royale. Broke down more times than I could count in two years. Brakes sucked, exhaust busted, engine broke down, sensors would break and leave me stranded on the highway, I could go on...

All I can say is that when a drunk driver totalled it, I couldn't have been happier. And I know plenty others who have bad experiences with their GMs. I just personally think Ford puts out a better product than it's American counterparts because I have only minor problems with my Ford compared to my GM that I owned many years ago. Want a car that never breaks down? Crown Victoria- never left me stranded and I beat the $hit out of it!
Jamler3 said:
Take it easy there Danbuc..... Love to hear the passion, but ease up a bit bro!

It's all good... I think the millions of Lincolns and Caddy's sold annually do not indicate "Failure" in any way, but I will give ya the fact that Cadillac is leading the charge in the American Luxury market at the moment...

We all love our cars... Remember that is why we're on this site!!!!!!

WELL SAID!!! I dont know how I could improve on that.

You cant say Lincoln is better then Cadillac or Cadillac is better then lincoln. The Mark VIII may be faster then the same year STS, but stack a 2003 LS against an CTS. Now who's faster? Each Lincoln or Cadillac Model has its strengths and weaknesses. I personally would love to own an STS. I had a chance to drive the STS and I can tell you it is a very very nice ride. It has some power too. I dont think it'll beat the mark top end though, but it will beat the mark off the line in my experience.

Point being - Cant we all just get along!
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Does anyone know a 0-100 time on a Mark VIII?

I think a '99 STS does a 17.5 or so. I guess we will see this all settled once and for all at the Sema show next fall.

And MarkOfDeath, compare the 1993 Eldorado to the 1993 Mark VIII on that site you had ;-)
I did some research and these are comparisions of both in their fastest years
I was wondering why the comparision the sts is a way better car.Everytime I see A MarkVIII its sittin on its ass cuz the air bags are bad kinda reminds me of the titantic

yr. car 0-60 1/4 mile
1995 Cadillac STS 6.4 14.7

1993 Lincoln Mark VIII 7.1 15.4
it doesnt matter which is fastest.. i think the real question here is: which leaks less oil?

The torque steer in these front wheel drive Caddy's is outrageous. I don't see how anyone can race one. You floor it, and next thing you know your going all over the road because of the torque steer. A person can't even keep the wheel straight. What good is 300 horsepower if you can't put it to the ground?
thamarkman said:
The torque steer in these front wheel drive Caddy's is outrageous. I don't see how anyone can race one. You floor it, and next thing you know your going all over the road because of the torque steer. A person can't even keep the wheel straight. What good is 300 horsepower if you can't put it to the ground?

You must have been in a "broken" car or something when you floored the car, but the torque steering really isn't as bad as you describe. I hardly notice it - do you drive with both hands on the wheel? I could see a bit of a problem if you didn't, but it's not that much of a disadvantage, we've all seen plenty of STS's and ETC's at the drag strip.
K2K said:
Does anyone know a 0-100 time on a Mark VIII?

I think a '99 STS does a 17.5 or so. I guess we will see this all settled once and for all at the Sema show next fall.

And MarkOfDeath, compare the 1993 Eldorado to the 1993 Mark VIII on that site you had ;-)

Well..I can tell you what my 0-100 time is.....14.6 seconds. Then again...my car isn't exactly stock anymore.

When I was looking for a car 2 years ago, I wanted to find something that was fun to drive and that I could make faster but still be able to drive it on a daily basis, as well as afford it. I looked into both the Eldorado and the Mark VIII and after driving both, and not wanting to deal with the torque steer...not to mention I have a very hard time with FWD in the winter (it's counter-intuitive to me), I ended up with a Mark VIII. After driving my fathers '97 SHO (he bought a Marauder) for a couple weeks I had enough with the torque steer...nothing like getting the steering wheel yanked out of your hand after stomping the throttle.
I used to want a MarkVIII so bad but then i bought a 95 STS.True it does have some torgue steer alot more than my 00 z28 did anyway. But however i did out run a markVIII on the highway this past weekend in Dallas.But I do have a Magna flow exhaust sysem and a custom intake on my sts.One thing i have to give the Mark VIII is that they have a way larger aftermarket for performance. So it really cant be compared in my opinion unless someone starts building more aftermarket parts for the northstar
I have a 94 sts with exhaust, intake, and a 93 mark Viii with the same mods, and we race them all the time, They both get 2 gear bark, both fill about the same in power but when we line them up the sts always wins, 0-60 the sts wins by a car, 0-90 the sts wins 1 1/2 cars. 80- 130 sts wins by 1/2 car from there on the sts pulls away cause we have z rated op. and ours dose 154mph top speed. And my dad has a 96 mark stock and when i raced him i beat him by 2 cars by 100 so it not that i have a slow mark. I love them both!!! i love the inside better on the mark, but i love the out side of the sts better so they both have there perks! I raced a 2000 Y78 camaro with the 3.8, headers, 3.73 gears, ported intake, weight red.new clutch and i dont know what else he had but i raced him in my sts from a 40 mph roll and we were dead even to 100 when we shut down, he said he runs a 14.5 in 1/4 so i fill pretty good about my sts!!
Stock STS has 3.73 gears compared to 3.08 for base Mark VIII's. That makes a big difference. Northpower, racing on the street doesn't prove which car is faster. Take both the Mark VIII and the STS to the track and see what they run.
i have the mark runs 15.1 @ 92mph and the sts runs 14.7 @ 96 mph. temp 82f outside.
Have you done a tuneup on the Mark VIII engine? 92mph is very low especially one with intake and exhaust modifications.

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