Who's to blame???

JohnnyBz00LS said:
State level, Fed level, who cares? It all falls under the SAME umbrella of "Homeland Security", which was created by BuSh's cronies (who was it, Wolfowitz??). I'm not cutting the LA Gov. of any blame here, she certainly dropped the ball. But the root of most evil going on in this country today can be traced back to the BuSh administration. And now thanks to raVeneyes we find "The Halliburton Connection"!!?!!?!??

Sorry, you're WRONG. That was the LOCAL GOVERNMENT that created the LOCAL DHS, not the FED. Check your facts and get back to me. This is not the FED DHS that did this.
fossten said:
Sorry, you're WRONG. That was the LOCAL GOVERNMENT that created the LOCAL DHS, not the FED. Check your facts and get back to me. This is not the FED DHS that did this.

All of the Departments of Homeland Security were created under the same legislation... They are also all funded by Federal money given to the state and local governments specifically for the homeland security projects.
raVeneyes said:
All of the Departments of Homeland Security were created under the same legislation... They are also all funded by Federal money given to the state and local governments specifically for the homeland security projects.


Wrong again. You should quit and cut your already staggering losses.

About The Agency

Photo by S Burr

A Brief History


The Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (LOHSEP); formally the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP), was created by the Civil Act of 1950 and is under the Louisiana Military Department. In 1976 LOHSEP via the Louisiana government reorganization, was moved to the Department of Public Safety (DPS). In 1990 LOHSEP was transferred again to the Military Department. In 2003 the Agency name was changed to the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, reflecting the additional responsibilities to the State and her citizens.

Since LOHSEP was placed under the Military Department in 1990, the Agency has managed over 16 Federal Disaster Declarations and has coordinated several hundred State Disaster Declarations authorized under the Governor's signature. Over the years, the mission has evolved to include the spectrum of natural, man-made disasters and as of 2003; the duties and responsibilities for supporting Louisiana's Homeland Security needs.

Since 1990, LOHSEP has been under the leadership of two Directors, Major General Ansel M. Stroud and Major General Bennett C. Landreneau. The staff at the Baton Rouge office has also undergone many changes and adjusted personnel to accommodate a number of large disasters such as Hurricane Andrew, Tropical Storm Allison, and more recently the damages resulting from Isidore and Lilli in 2002 andHurricane Katrina in 2005. The inclusion of the Homeland Security mission has also created additional staffing requirements.

Photo by S Burr
In the spring of 2002 LOHSEP moved to a new facility, located in the Independence Boulevard area. The expanded capabilities that the new location provides, further enhances the Agency's mission readiness and ability to protect the citizens of Louisiana.

Effective communication and partnerships with the Military Department in New Orleans, the Governor's Office, the Legislature, our Congressional staff, State officials, Parish and City officials, Parish Emergency Directors, individual citizens and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has improved greatly since 1990. In most cases critical disaster data can now be transmitted instantly between the various supporting agencies and offices via the upgraded radio, computer and web based systems. These tools help provide a multi-tiered operational environment that is much more efficient and reliable during disaster operations; when time sensitive information is so vital to mission accomplishment.

The LOHSEP staff in Baton Rouge is small when compared to other states, but remains poised and ready to serve the people of Louisiana at a moments notice.

*owned* *owned* *owned*
fossten said:

Wrong again. You should quit and cut your already staggering losses.

About The Agency

Photo by S Burr

A Brief History


The Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (LOHSEP); formally the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness (LOEP), was created by the Civil Act of 1950 and is under the Louisiana Military Department. In 1976 LOHSEP via the Louisiana government reorganization, was moved to the Department of Public Safety (DPS). In 1990 LOHSEP was transferred again to the Military Department. In 2003 the Agency name was changed to the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, reflecting the additional responsibilities to the State and her citizens.

Since LOHSEP was placed under the Military Department in 1990, the Agency has managed over 16 Federal Disaster Declarations and has coordinated several hundred State Disaster Declarations authorized under the Governor's signature. Over the years, the mission has evolved to include the spectrum of natural, man-made disasters and as of 2003; the duties and responsibilities for supporting Louisiana's Homeland Security needs.

Since 1990, LOHSEP has been under the leadership of two Directors, Major General Ansel M. Stroud and Major General Bennett C. Landreneau. The staff at the Baton Rouge office has also undergone many changes and adjusted personnel to accommodate a number of large disasters such as Hurricane Andrew, Tropical Storm Allison, and more recently the damages resulting from Isidore and Lilli in 2002 andHurricane Katrina in 2005. The inclusion of the Homeland Security mission has also created additional staffing requirements.

Photo by S Burr
In the spring of 2002 LOHSEP moved to a new facility, located in the Independence Boulevard area. The expanded capabilities that the new location provides, further enhances the Agency's mission readiness and ability to protect the citizens of Louisiana.

Effective communication and partnerships with the Military Department in New Orleans, the Governor's Office, the Legislature, our Congressional staff, State officials, Parish and City officials, Parish Emergency Directors, individual citizens and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has improved greatly since 1990. In most cases critical disaster data can now be transmitted instantly between the various supporting agencies and offices via the upgraded radio, computer and web based systems. These tools help provide a multi-tiered operational environment that is much more efficient and reliable during disaster operations; when time sensitive information is so vital to mission accomplishment.

The LOHSEP staff in Baton Rouge is small when compared to other states, but remains poised and ready to serve the people of Louisiana at a moments notice.

Dude...you're hilarious...that just proves my point right there. The agency added the Homeland Security section and changed it's name in 2003 when Federal money being dolled out demanded that each state have a Homeland Security department in order to get the money for that initiative.

Just because the department pre-dates it's current mission doesn't mean much. There are dozens of departments which have been re-organized and now do not do anything similar to what they were founded to do across state and federal governments.

You're version of owned is very amusing.
raVeneyes said:
Dude...you're hilarious...that just proves my point right there. The agency added the Homeland Security section and changed it's name in 2003 when Federal money being dolled out demanded that each state have a Homeland Security department in order to get the money for that initiative.

Just because the department pre-dates it's current mission doesn't mean much. There are dozens of departments which have been re-organized and now do not do anything similar to what they were founded to do across state and federal governments.

You're version of owned is very amusing.

You're the one who's hilarious. There is NO mention of federal ANYTHING in that description, let alone FUNDING. In fact, it clearly states that the authority of the L0HSEP falls under the Louisiana Military.

Nice try, but your spin tactics are ridiculous. Your response is knee-jerk and ludicrous, and shows you don't have the desire to research things for yourself.

The point, if ANYBODY REMEMBERS AFTER RAVENEYES' PATHETIC ATTEMPT TO DISTRACT, is that this was a LOCAL government branch that prevented the Red Cross, and NOT Bush or the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

You Fibs love to deflect, distract, and prevaricate, but the truth will always come out.
fossten said:
You're the one who's hilarious. There is NO mention of federal ANYTHING in that description, let alone FUNDING. In fact, it clearly states that the authority of the L0HSEP falls under the Louisiana Military.

Nice try, but your spin tactics are ridiculous. Your response is knee-jerk and ludicrous, and shows you don't have the desire to research things for yourself.

The point, if ANYBODY REMEMBERS AFTER RAVENEYES' PATHETIC ATTEMPT TO DISTRACT, is that this was a LOCAL government branch that prevented the Red Cross, and NOT Bush or the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

You Fibs love to deflect, distract, and prevaricate, but the truth will always come out.

actually it doesn't mention funding at all! Hrm...imagine that...

That's because every state's emergency departments and homeland security departments are almost 100% federally funded.

Article after article tells how the states constantly are worried about cuts in federal funding for disaster equipment and how federal money is being misspent in Homeland security efforts around the nation.





*owned* *owned* *owned* *owned*
raVeneyes said:
actually it doesn't mention funding at all! Hrm...imagine that...

That's because every state's emergency departments and homeland security departments are almost 100% federally funded.

Article after article tells how the states constantly are worried about cuts in federal funding for disaster equipment and how federal money is being misspent in Homeland security efforts around the nation.





*owned* *owned* *owned* *owned*

Umm...you have the Phil syndrome: You don't even read the articles you post.

None of the articles even mention Louisiana, and in fact the last three are about Vermont, Michigan, Montana, West Virginia, and Virginia. In fact, the third article implies that Louisiana didn't even get any funding. You have carelessly posted articles that not only don't support your position, but actually back up my point, that LOHSEP is central to Louisiana. NOTHING in ANY of the articles mentions the authority behind LOHSEP. Your post is IRRELEVANT and weak. Your *owned* is absurd.

Not to mention that you grabbed four op-ed articles from outside sources while I went DIRECTLY to the ACTUAL SOURCE.

This is getting boring.

Fossten: Here's real evidence to back up my point.

Raveneyes: Nuh-uh! See, this irrelevant point is from this article and blah blah blah.

Fossten: But that article doesn't even address this topic.

Raveneyes: So what! Blah Blah Blah!
*owned* *owned* *owned* *owned* *owned* *owned*

Fossten: Get back to the point.

Raveneyes: Your argument is not true because blah blah blah. See, I can find articles with Google!!!

Fossten: There, there. (Pat, pat)

fossten said:
Umm...you have the Phil syndrome: You don't even read the articles you post.

None of the articles even mention Louisiana, and in fact the last three are about Vermont, Michigan, Montana, West Virginia, and Virginia. In fact, the third article implies that Louisiana didn't even get any funding. You have carelessly posted articles that not only don't support your position, but actually back up my point, that LOHSEP is central to Louisiana. NOTHING in ANY of the articles mentions the authority behind LOHSEP.

First off...I said all the states' departments of Homeland security were set up under the same legislation and all receive federal funds. So, I'm backing my points with four articles about federal funds going to state departments of homeland security.

Secondly, the first article is all about Louisiana's Homeland Security department receiving federal funds, but not enough, according to the people that work there, to accomplish all the goals set forth by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...specifically GOERGE BUSH...hence not only proving that the fed funds the homeland security department in Louisiana, but also proving that the fed is mostly in charge of what the homeland security department in Louisiana does.

You have the problem of not having any reading comprehension and having a very bad case of emotional displacement. Your pseudo quote is hilarious for how far it goes to the opposite of reality...and your 'source' doesn't mention ANYTHING about funding, so you must believe they get their money from NOWHERE...amazing...you, sir, are a moron!
fossten said:
Blah blah blah...more personal attacks...blah blah blah...

Stop focusing on what you think are MY problems and look to the demerits of your weak argument.

Here's another ACTUAL SOURCE for you...


I make no personal attack...I simply state facts that are borne out in evidence by your comments on this message board.

You can't personally attack me constantly and then turn around and say everything I say is a personal attack on you...when you do that sort of thing there is a medical term for it called "emotional displacement". Now while I may not be medically licensed I do have the intelligence and skill to recognize the symptoms.

Also, Johnny's assertion that the Louisiana department of Homeland Security is part and parcel to the Federal department of Homeland Security is quite accurate and has been borne out over and over again in several sources which I've provided. Should you not be able to see that then you are unable to read and comprehend. This is not a personal attack, just a simple statement of your lack of ability to process information.

I suggest that if you wish to criticize my personal knowledge or intelligence then you expect the same to come from me and others on this board. If however you'd like to stop using the tactic of baiting me with words in to getting angry then I'll go ahead and extend the olive branch and say let bygones be bygones.

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