Why *ARE* Americans still debating evolution?

ST. LOUIS, Missouri (Reuters) -- American scientists fighting back against creationism, intelligent design and other theories that seek to deny or downgrade the importance of evolution have recruited unlikely allies -- the clergy.

And they have taken their battle to a new level, trying to educate high school and even elementary school teachers on how to hold their own against parents and school boards who want to mix religion with science.

While they feel they have won the latest round against efforts to bring God into the classroom, the scientists say they have little doubt their opponents are merely regrouping.

"It's time to recognize that science and religion should never be pitted against one another," American Association for the Advancement of Science President Gilbert Omenn told a news conference on Sunday. The AAAS has held several sessions on the evolution issue at its annual meeting in St. Louis.

"The faith community needs to step up to the plate," agreed Eugenie Scott, Executive Director, National Center for Science Education in Oakland, California.

Scott said many people held the "toxic" idea that "you are either a Christian creationist or you are a bad-guy athiest".

Recent court and electoral battles have made clear that judges and voters will reject efforts to sneak creationism into the classroom under the guise of making a scientific curriculum clearer or fairer, Scott said.

By a vote of 11 to 4, the Ohio Board of Education last week pulled a model lesson plan it had approved in 2004. The plan had permitted science teachers to encourage students to look at questions about evolution, something proponents of "intelligent design" call "teaching the controversy."

Last year in Pennsylvania, a federal court ruled the theory could not be taught in a public school and the school board in Dover, Pennsylvania, which approved the teaching, was voted out.

Intelligent design proponents see the hand of God behind evolution because, they say, life is too complex to be random.

"As a legal strategy intelligent design is dead. It will be very difficult for any school district in the future to successfully survive a legal challenge," Scott said. "That doesn't mean intelligent design is dead as a very popular social movement. This is an idea that has got legs."

But pastors are speaking out against it. Warren Eschbach, a retired Church of the Brethren pastor and professor at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania helped sponsor a letter signed by more than 10,000 other clergy.

"We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests," they wrote.

Catholic experts have also joined the movement.

"The intelligent design movement belittles God. It makes God a designer, an engineer," said Vatican Observatory Director George Coyne, an astrophysicist who is also ordained. "The God of religious faith is a god of love. He did not design me."

Gerry Wheeler, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association said some teachers feared losing their jobs if they taught evolution. "The pressures come from the students and the parents," he said.
Explain please...................

What everyone needs to understand is that everyday teachers need to deal with 20 to 30 students many who do not want to be in school. To get a student to want to learn is difficult and many times not promoted by parents.. In many cases the responce from parents is hey it's not my problem your the teacher. Without parent support the student is lost and all the teacher is, is a over paid baby sitter.( but people pay baby sitters more than they pay teachers). I wish I could get paid what a day care gets for watching kids.

I can go on and on on this issue and expect to get ripped as there are so many people who just don't get it and understand what goes on in a school..[/QUOTE]

I am having this exact issue right now. I have a 5 year old son that is in kindergarten. He goes a full day. He was on the honor roll the first marking period, then on the second marking period his worst grade was a "C". His teacher told my mother who takes him to scholl that he is failing. What gives, since when is a "C" failing.

I leave the house at 7AM to go to work. I drop my son at my mothers because she takes him to school in the morning, and keeps him at night until I get home at 5:45. 6:00PM we are at home, and I get him started on his homework as I make dinner.(Single Parent) We work on the homework until dinner, eat, cleanup, and then spend until 8-8:30PM finishing his homework. Bath time, 10 - 15 minutes just hanging out, then to bed for him. Typical night.

We do 1 0r 2 papers every night. We read 3 books every night and spend 15 minutes on each learning letters and numbers. We have read 260 books sinct the start of the school year.

Where does the teachers part come in??

I admit that being a teacher is not an easy job, but what other profession do you know that makes the customer do their own work??

I fix computers and am a network security expert. I do not tell my customers that they have to take their systems back home with them and diagnose their own problems, or install their own parts. That is why I get paid. I have no problem supporting my sons teacher, but when does she get to do her job??

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