No - I am contesting that you/Alexander are placing too much emphasis on the academia bubble. You grow up - however, you grow apart from your parents - you are surrounded by different influences.
No one is saying that these narratives are
solely created and propagated by academia. They stem from academia, and in many cases the seed is planted by professors in the minds of students, but it is propagated by many different outlets. Hollywood and entertainment venues for one. But, more significantly, you have a mainstream media that has been highly biased for decades, and perpetuating these narratives. In fact, this quote is especially damning when it comes to the idea that the mainstream media is
extremely biased:
“This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn’t say – very hard-hitting stuff, including some of the things that people have been noting here – scare people about having this woefully inexperienced, no foreign policy/national security/right-wing christia wing-nut a heartbeat away …… bang away at McCain’s age making this unusually significant …. I think people should be replicating some of the not-so-pleasant viral email campaigns that were used against [Obama].”
The journo-list findings show a concerted effort to
mislead the public. Combine that with the
empirically proven bias of
academia (
especially in the area of social sciences) and the fact that academia also propagates these ideas, and then realize that this has been the situation for
decades. It would be hard for these narratives to
not become ubiquitous. There narratives, after a point, are simple to propagate with only a few cherry picked facts or a subtle spin on a story.
Even after someone has left academia, for decades, the news coverage they received has been almost exclusively liberal and promoting these narratives. Yes, you have the rise of the new media, but the market is
still dominated by leftist sources who are promoting these narratives.
There is
no way that any narratives from the right
could even approach being as ubiquitous as the narratives Alexander's article is talking about. They are
not generally promoted in academia, or the entertainment industry, and only even taken at all seriously in a minor part of media outlets.
Also, the nature of the narratives is different. Outside of polemics, the narrative on the right is chiefly a disagreement of means to common ends. However, the narrative on the left is that the left has a monopoly on knowledge and any non-leftist ideas are inherently foolish, illegitimate and not worth taking the time to understand, let alone consider and learn from.
While it is anecdotal, most leftists I know are embarrassingly ignorant of conservative thought. However, most right leaning people understand liberal thought at least as well as the liberals I know, if not better. I imagine this is true of most people's experience.
I am not sure what you want - what causes what? I am just using a soviet communist type model here - it is really the only model we have that has the types of economic control that you are talking about. Are you looking for other models?
the USSR is not the
only model, but it is the biggest.
Economic foolishness does not, in and of itself, lead to corruption and corruption does not, in and of itself lead to economic foolishness.
How does one lead to the other? What factors are involved? What steps, in action or in thought process lead from one to the other? Explain how these social phenomenon are intertwined in your view. How do you view social causation happening?