First of all, the "seperation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. What we have is an establishment clause. In essence, the constitution protect religion from government influence. It does not say that religious people can not shape the government. That is contrary to way this country was found, based on the principle that liberty was a right derived from God.
95DevilleNS said:
Lets break it down....
1) Destroy embryos. I am against abbortion personally, what we need is higher sex education and birth control education. Both of which the religious right is against, go figure. They condemn women for getting abortions but they condemn them for seeking ways not to get pregnant in the first place.
Incorrect. You're generalizing, but for the sake of argument, I'll try to accomodate your claim.
There is no significant debate over whether or not sex education should take place. The debate is over how it is taught, at what age, and what is taught. And whether or not abstinence should be taught. It's not hard to "not" get pregnant if you're not having sex at the age of 14.
2) Atheism. What is wrong with being an atheist? Freedom of religion or lack of is granted by the constitution. I am a agnostic, I can safely say God is greater adn far more comlpex than can be written in a few book by man. It seems like you can't stand anyone that doesnt share your exact religions views.
No one would stop you from being an athesist. And where is Government PREVENTING you from practicing your non-religion?
3) Endorse coupling of any human arrangement. Yes I do, I believe in freedom of choice, if two men want to marry and be a couple I dont care, its none of my business, I dont want to spend any time thinking about it. You obviously hate and or disapprove of homosexuals. What I will never understand is why the religious right cares so much. If you are correct and it is against God, then they will have to answer to God and God alone when the time comes. The bible even says only God can pass judgement. How do two men (or women) having sex that you dont know affect your life?
I'm not going to be able to sum up the entire homosexual marriage debate in one quick statement. In short, you've mischaracterized the entire debate. Marriage is an institution, and it has a way of shaping our society and culture. There are homosexuals who don't think Gay marriage is a good idea either.
And I know of no argument that is saying that we should condemn or perscute gay couples. Just that they shouldn't be able to get formally married.
4) Assist Killing of People. Hmmm, you say in my mind?? I dont get this one. Do you mean like Jack Kevorkian. If so, then I'm neutral on that one. The only thing I can say, if I were sick and had an absolute chance of living and knew that I faced my last few days in pain in misery. I hope someone would assist me (meaning I made the choice) in dieing if that were my wish.
Slippery slope argument applies here. And if you don't have the faculties to decide, should someone else have the right to have you put to sleep? If you are poor, and living on the state, should the government have you put to sleep to save money? What about children, do their parents decide if they should be killed if they are sick? Slippery slope. And in this format, there isn't the space to get into the nuance.
5) Prayer in school. Against it, school is a place for education of the mind, if you want religion we have churches and other places of worship for that. Schools are not filled solely with christian minded children. How would you feel if after your child prayed for Jesus (in school) he was required to pray for Allah and praise Mohammed followed by scriptures from the Torah with a side on incense burning and prayers for Buddah? I bet you would be against that huh?
Public schools shouldn't have prayer. I'll go with you on that.
But why can't parents have more choices as to where to send their children? I support school vouchers. If you want school prayer, send them to a religious based school.
6) Remove anything to do with the bible. yes, refer to #5.. if people want to pray and it is their constitutional right to do so America has churches etc. for such activities.
There is no reason, consitutional or social, why any reference to religion should be removed from the public.
Now, who's point of view is the least constitional? As far as I cant tell, you're against anyone that doesnt share your exact views and religious beliefs. If that isn't as un-american as you cant get. I dont know what is.
Well, since you clearly don't know anything about the constitution or the founding of this country, I don't think your opinion on the matter holds a hell of a lot of weight. You don't even know the details surrounding the issues you just mangled....