Dedicated LVC Member
barry2952 said:I have never voted for a Democrat in my life up until the last election.
Do doubt, you feel a personal loss.
barry2952 said:I have never voted for a Democrat in my life up until the last election.
barry2952 said:I have never voted for a Democrat in my life up until the last election.
MonsterMark said:And you chose to vote for a traitor and PROVEN liar.:Bang This was the 'Man with a Plan'. LOL. Good choice.
fossten said:Bryan,
Very subtle, yet masterful way to prove a very powerful point. The libs like DeVille accuse Bush of lying, yet when challenged, produce no proof, while continuing to assert that Bush lied because THEY THINK HE DID.
However, when one of their own is accused of lying, they immediately say, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF???
A very effective trap exposing typical lib hypocrisy, and DeVille waltzed right into it.
He will no doubt say that he did no such thing, but the evidence will show otherwise on this forum.
95DevilleNS said:Oh no, you got me!. Again, this isn't Salem relax. Typical Lib hypocrisy you say, maybe[NO, DEFINITELY], here's some typical Conserv Hypocrisy. Ken Star spends 60 million to investigate Clinton, Conservatives cheer and call for blood. 750 thousand is spent on the CIA leak, Conservatives cry foul and call it a waste of money. Now you tell me what's more important, investigating a lie based a B-job or investigating a lie about national security?
Produced no proof? We're still waiting on the proof from the right. Chew on these for a bit.
1)ZERO WEAPONS HAVE BEEN FOUND. (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical)
Brian, I await your response if you would like to give it.
Traitor? How so? PROVEN liar? Again how so?
fossten said:You will recall that Ken Starr, who was appointed BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, JANET RENO, to investigate the Jones/Lewinsky lawsuit scandal, was REVILED by the Democrats AND the Mainstream Media. He was called lots of names, including a sex pervert. Yet I challenge you to produce ONE QUOTE from the last two years from any Republican calling Fitzgerald any name or criticizing him personally in any way.
fossten said:By the way, Clinton was FOUND in CONTEMPT OF COURT by a judge, not only for perjury, but for submitting a false affidavit. You will note that Libby has not been found guilty of any crime, although to hear the Dems and the Lib press, he's already going to jail for 30 years.
fossten said:Finally, Fitzgerald himself CLEARLY STATED that there was no evidence of outing a CIA agent, (ref your comment 'CIA leak'), and nobody on either side was to infer any such thing from his indictment of Libby.
These facts have been hashed and rehashed already on this site, so it appears clear that you liberals CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, so you and your cronies in the MSM are just making it up as you go, setting the template for what you want to happen, and proceeding with false reality when it doesn't pan out for you.
fossten said:By the way, Mister ZERO WEAPONS HAVE BEEN FOUND, evidence of Saddam's attempts to build nukes WAS found back in 2004. It was reported in the New York Times, to which even you should give credibility.
fossten said:Let me get this straight - I have to prove what? Actually, I don't have to prove anything, nor do I have to make Fitzgerald's case for him. Neither do I have to PROVE A NEGATIVE, which is what you are demanding when you insist that I show you how Bush didn't lie.
You liberals fuss about Bush lying and Plame being outed, yet produce NO PROOF. So far all you've been able to come up with is a bunch of 'maybe' and 'I can't say with 100% certainty' statements. To quote you, "The burden of proof falls squarely on the prosecutor's shoulders." Well, prove it then. Otherwise quit your whining.
By the way, I note how you say, "...if we where allowed to spend the 60million that Star was allowed, maybe more would be revealed." Wow. How much more partisan could one be? That shows whose side you're on. You aren't interested in the truth, you only want Bush taken down.
The facts are out in the open already. If you want a thorough investigation of EVERYBODY who asserted Saddam had WMDs, I'm on the record right now as being all for it. I know we've got nothing to hide. Let's get it on. But I promise you that you won't like the results, because they won't fit your bash-Bush template.