Wtf??? M35 Ls?

Originally the link to ebay didn't work...I still wish it didn't...I just threw up a little...
he relisted it, take a good look at the pictures where u see the full left side and right side of the car. it might just be the angles, but it doesent look like the body shop did a good job( leaving the most obvious hideousness of it aside) putting the fender back on, or putting the side skirts on.
That poor car.

That is a good point and puts it all in perspective. The car is just an innocent victim here. At this point someone should buy it just to put it out of its misery. Surely, there is some legal precedent here. I know when someone abuses their children like this they take them out of the house. Can't we do the same for this poor LS? I mean M35?
I don't know how I missed this before...I guess for the better but whats on the spoiler? Rino Liner? It must help grip?? :shifty:
IMHO age and lifestyle are irrelevant, you either have goodtaste, or you don't, simple.

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