Yep. Democrats sure Suck!

virgil_the_poolshark said:
Funny how true this is!

Ok how about this one!

God I love being a Dem!

One in the Bush.jpg
There is a vast difference between the generalization of saying team A sucks and Homer, from team A, sucks. For instance, he could have said listen up suckers, I mean democrats...

Where a democrat in attack formation just comes out and calls someone a liar without substantiating his/her claim. Granted this did not occur within the confines of this great forum but it stands a great representation of the party atlarge... the party that supposedly loves all people except conservatives
barry2952 said:
..... You are an embarrassment to your cause.

Well some people, republicans, might commit embarassing acts for thier cause, conservatism. Whereas all democrats act for a embarassing cause, liberalism/socialism.

You keep spewing. You are a credit to your cause.

Oh goodie, a new post whore!
barry2952 said:

You keep spewing. You are a credit to your cause.

Oh goodie, a new post whore!
Keep up the good work Noah. You will notice with more time spent around here that the lefts' arguments always run out of steam. That what makes this fun. Watching them twist and turn. Sheer joy.

Rich, I am not sure you love being a Dem, but I am sure you would love to be person laying in the prone position. Heck, I would even offer to take it up the butt if that meant I could have a chance to get one hand on Osama's beard. I'd grab that puppy and never let go.
barry2952 said:

You keep spewing. You are a credit to your cause.

Oh goodie, a new post whore!

This is live proof and a prime example of a democrat you just can't refrain from reducing yourself to enlisting name calling. You remind me of the guy that walks in to the hat shop to buy a new hat... Your old hat fits you so well.
If you had done any research you'd find that I am not a Democrat or a Liberal. Talk about talking out your ass. I just hate the liar GWB so much that I'll jump up and down the day he's impeached.

"Worst President Ever"
barry2952 said:
If you had done any research you'd find that I am not a Democrat or a Liberal. Talk about talking out your ass. I just hate the liar GWB so much that I'll jump up and down the day he's impeached.

"Worst President Ever"
Noah, don't be swayed. Barry is very much in the Lib/Dem camp. I even think he is voting for Hillary.

At least with Hillary in the Oral Office, we won't have to worry about bj's. Certainly Bill is out of the question and I can't think of any guy that would stoop so low either.

Isn't it ironic that my last comment perfectly mirrors the title of the thread.
barry2952 said:
If you had done any research you'd find that I am not a Democrat or a Liberal. Talk about talking out your ass. I just hate the liar GWB so much that I'll jump up and down the day he's impeached.

"Worst President Ever"

I did read on the first page but yu are acting inkind. Frankly, I did not vote for him in 2000 becasue I shared your same view. After 9/11 it all changed. I do not drink his cool aid. I have children and a vested interst in the future of this country. democrats are for killing our own babies, the future contributors to the SS fund.

Yet they do nothing to improve the system nor do they come to the aid of the unborn who ultimately would contribute. To me this screams socialism/communism. They are not for the people. So what you are telling me is that baby killers like Clinton are better than this guy that is standing for the defence of our nation and the improvement of life both at home and abroad.

To me that screams liberal. And trust that I kinow my opponent before I engage them in dialog. I read and take ownership for my actions and I refuse to stoop to the levels you engaged in twice with me.

Please for what it is worth to you; Let this be your last warning desist with the name calling when addressing me or refering to me else I will stop wasting my time speaking with you.
MonsterMark said:
Noah, don't be swayed. Barry is very much in the Lib/Dem camp. I even think he is voting for Hillary.

MonsterMark said:
At least with Hillary in the Oral Office, we won't have to worry about bj's. Certainly Bill is out of the question and I can't think of any guy that would stoop so low either.
It would certainly be less sticky/messy clean up than the last Clinton to take the oral office.

MonsterMark said:
Isn't it ironic that my last comment perfectly mirrors the title of the thread.

unequivocally, yes!
MonsterMark said:
Keep up the good work Noah. You will notice with more time spent around here that the lefts' arguments always run out of steam. That what makes this fun. Watching them twist and turn. Sheer joy.

Rich, I am not sure you love being a Dem, but I am sure you would love to be person laying in the prone position. Heck, I would even offer to take it up the butt if that meant I could have a chance to get one hand on Osama's beard. I'd grab that puppy and never let go.


Their position is without substance and in the END they will be the ones in the PRONE position and as you I am certain that they may like it. Take heed liberals; The winds of change...
eL eS said:
Take heed liberals; The winds of change...
are blowing across this great Country. 50+ years of the great experiment. Time to try something that will work.

The great Ownership Society (As Bush's legacy will be referred to) benefits all who choose to participate. Be compassionate to those less fortunate. Live a 'God-filled' life. Negotiate with your enemies but be prepared to fight. And Enjoy Life. After all, You only get to go once around on this merry-go-round.
MonsterMark said:
are blowing across this great Country. 50+ years of the great experiment. Time to try something that will work.

The great Ownership Society (As Bush's legacy will be referred to) benefits all who choose to participate. Be compassionate to those less fortunate. Live a 'God-filled' life. Negotiate with your enemies but be prepared to fight. And Enjoy Life. After all, You only get to go once around on this merry-go-round.

FDRs "New Deal" did some great things for this country during a time that required it in order to sustain America. Bush's "New, New Deal" is just as necessary today as FDR's was then. The only way you can expect economic prosperity is to have everyone vested in it. American's will continue to be compassionate to those in need and certainly we can expect with more people doing well that more will be available to the needy.

Most folks, well liberals, cringe when you say God and I know what you were getting at, just live right, again something liberals are not accustom to since they live in the left, and to quote another Roosevelt "Walk softly and carry a big stick."
MonsterMark said:
Keep up the good work Noah. You will notice with more time spent around here that the lefts' arguments always run out of steam. That what makes this fun. Watching them twist and turn. Sheer joy.

Who is twisting and turning! maybe with laughter, I am Laughing!!! and saying do you really believe all that you say! OMG. Hard to believe intelligent people can fall for all that! But then a few intelligent people even voted for Bush LOL!!!

MonsterMark said:
Rich, I am not sure you love being a Dem,

Yes I do and I am not embarrased to say it!
I am proud to be Liberal I am an American !!

MonsterMark said:
I would even offer to take it up the butt if that meant I could have a chance to get one hand on Osama's beard. I'd grab that puppy and never let go.

That explains everything!! Are you still planning on camping on the weekend of the 18th. Now I'm scared! :N

I guess you'd take Osama's money also! Just like old George!! Fast as you can be, I'll pay you not to catch me!!! Give me Money or Give me Death!
I do not recall anyone offering up Osama to GWB like they did to WJC who by the way declined to take him. If there ever was a case for a pay off it was WJC's deal with OBL.
mespock said:
Who is twisting and turning! maybe with laughter, I am Laughing!!! and saying do you really believe all that you say! OMG. Hard to believe intelligent people can fall for all that! But then a few intelligent people even voted for Bush LOL!!!!
Thank God at least 52% of us have brains.
mespock said:
I am proud to be Liberal I am an American !!!
That line seems somehow oxymoronic to me.
mespock said:
That explains everything!! Are you still planning on camping on the weekend of the 18th. Now I'm scared!

Sleep on your stomach and you'll be fine.

mespock said:
I guess you'd take Osama's money also! Just like old George!! Fast as you can be, I'll pay you not to catch me!!! Give me Money or Give me Death!
Ya, well, if 'ol Slicky Willy had been paying attention to Osama instead of his slick willy, we'd have Osama hanging by his testicles by now.
MonsterMark said:
Thank God at least 52% of us have brains.
That line seems somehow oxymoronic to me.

Sleep on your stomach and you'll be fine.

Ya, well, if 'ol Slicky Willy had been paying attention to Osama instead of his slick willy, we'd have Osama hanging by his testicles by now.

Joeychgo said:
Let's not get into attacking members.

I have to disagree with your characterization of my comments. Barry was trying (-lol-), hypocritically, to put the full court press on Bryan; I simply evened the playingfield.
Vitas said:
I simply evened the playingfield.
Thanks for the offer Vitas but I'll hold my own. (Oh, I can hear the snickers).

Q: How many liberals does it take to counter the intellectually superior responses from just 1 right-wing nut job?

A: All of 'em on this board.

And I noticed that Joey edited and deleted one of my responses. Have no idea what I wrote but should I scream censorship or put sugar in his gas tank again?
While on the subject of polical jokes.

Little David was in his 4th grade class when the

teacher asked the children what their fathers did

for a living. All the typical answers came

up-fireman, policeman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, etc.

David was being uncharacteristically quiet, so the

teacher asked him about his father.

"My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and

takes off all his clothes in front of other men and

they put money in his underwear.

Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go

home with some guy and make love with him for money. "

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement,

hurriedly set the other children to work on some

exercises and took little David aside to ask him,

"Is that really true about your father?"

"No," said David, "He works for the Republican

National Committee to re-elect George Bush, but I

was too embarrassed to say that in front of the

other kids."
funny but seriously I seen this on the O'Reilly Factor and the he could sense the liberal bias in the classroom and knowing how fanatical they are about their goverment programs and in fear for his conservative lifestyle gave the best answer any kid that age could. As he matures he will find that it is ok to publically represent your beliefs and will do so regardsless of public persecution

Further, he it will take him a while to figure out that the dems are the only folks that act as the minority when in fact they were the majority only to later act like the majority when in fact they are in the minority.

Fast Forward several years:

On another note this kid also went on to lead his high school football team, dated the lead cheerleader, crowned prom king, attended an US Naval Academy and served 25 Years in the USN and retired as an Admiral.

Sadly, the maladjusted children from his 4th grade class dropped out after spending 3 years in the 6th grade and are now drug addicted, government entitlement addicted and are having circles worked around them by illeagal immigrants, i mean undocumented workers, which might be the very folks that sustain them on SS in the future.

David now spends his free time running an outreach program that teaches liberal malcontents how to ween themselves off of the system.

Bravo Zulu David!
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This gal hits Liberalism on the head, and she is one. [/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]COLUMN: 10 reasons not to kill Bush [/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]By Jennifer McBride [/font]
Edit:...10 reasons edited out can be found here:

"In all seriousness, I don't hate President Bush. I dislike a lot of his administration's choices, but I think he's a good man doing a difficult job. As a leader, you're always going to be hated.

I am too often shocked by the vitriolic repulsion many people feel for our leader and America in general, especially because the loathing is often poorly informed. I've met people on this campus who see America as the worst human rights abuser in the world (unlike the angelic paradise of Cambodia) and people who sway liberal not because they actually know anything about issues but because it's popular. Liberalism has to be more than a college fad or a collection of loudmouths whose idiotic comments stir headlines. The rabid dislike some people feel for a man they've never even met makes me ashamed to be a Democrat."

It would be much easier to work with cool headed dems like this young woman than the hate spewers that think they have all the right answers for such a difficult job. She sees the poor posture of her party and hopefully she becomes a voice of reason in it. I sincerely doubt she will be welcomed by the malcontents that have taken it over though.

She' be as likely to have to worry about personal security has GWB.
MonsterMark said:
Thanks for the offer Vitas but I'll hold my own. (Oh, I can hear the snickers).

Q: How many liberals does it take to counter the intellectually superior responses from just 1 right-wing nut job?

A: All of 'em on this board.


You are doing just fine. I just thought you were getting soft there for a minute with Barry.

It is a pleasure to read your attempts to dialog with people who just plain do not want to examine facts.


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