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Arguing with a leftist on the internet is like wrestling with a greased pig. The thing is---the pig likes it.
Arguing with a leftist on the internet is like wrestling with a greased pig. The thing is---the pig likes it.
I'm quite sure the FBI will bring that one to The Senate.
I do know and everyone else should know that Trump and his campaign are being Investigated by the FBI for Collusion with Russia.
May I ask you why you think they all are lying when asked about if they had contact with Russian?
If Collusion is not a problem. I would say apparently Trump and His people think so. Yep.
FYI, if..... you could give me some facts, that would be a start. What I'm saying is Not argument. If just fact.
In other words, you have nothing.
You keep comparing this to Watergate. But in that, Nixon was the target of the Watergate probe and he was accused of specific crimes…Right now, Trump isn’t accused of any crimes. In fact, by Comey’s account to Congress, the president isn’t even a target nor are any current senior government officials…And by countless testimony, including that of Obama’s own Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the probe hasn’t even found any evidence yet to prove criminal collusion between Trump associates and Russia to influence the election.
Actually, no. They are not. Comey confirmed as much. To the Senate Intelligence Committee as well as to Trump personally.
Again, you are throwing that word around very loosely. The MSM would essentially have you believe that having a shot of Russian vodka is “colluding” with the Putin. So, when a Trump admin official denies any such collusion, ANY connection, no matter how innocuous or perfectly acceptable is taken out of context and played as proof of a “lie”.
Coordinated efforts to politically delegitimize an election and the President’s entire administration should NOT be viewed as a problem?
But you haven’t provided any facts. Just claims from biased sources supporting a bogus narrative.
Shouting “fact” doesn’t make what you say a fact.
And simply ignoring any opposing/inconvinient facts presented (or dismissing it as “You Tube Rhetoric”) only suggests bad faith, and may be group think.
Can you comment on the Podesta Group and their connection to Manafort? On the fact that the indictment looks at transactions from when the two worked together?
I keep comparing this to Watergate? What are you reading and where. I said it like a whole 1 time. What keep are you talking about?
Dear Trump supporters,
This is how Watergate went.
PS: Its been 4 or 5 years since I watched MSM, or CNN before you go there. So that's that.
Who has not Lied on Trumps Campaign about even talking to Russia, and/or what they talked about?
And you can claim this link source is this and that, but the problem is the FACTS are 100%. It matters not who Video taped the crime and who told. If it was you committing it, it was you. Period.
I dare you to tell me which thing here is not a fact? Without spinning to something else. Which thing did not Trump do, that Mueller will bring him down with Obstruction of Justice. Im calling your bluff. Which did not happen?
Arguing with a leftist on the internet is like wrestling with a greased pig. The thing is---the pig likes it.
But it's so serious this FBI investigation is making the case.
Just to back up the claimed fallacy, and debunk that the sources are the problems.
Then why do you let these Dem party operatives with bylines in the media do your thinking for you?just thought the record would speak for itself.
well, that's the defining word. WAS. at that time. just everybody around him was under surveilance.Like I already pointed out Comey has confirmed there was no FBI investigation into Trump.
well, that's the defining word. WAS. at that time. just everybody around him was under surveillance.of course, after he fired comey that changed.
it was obstruction of the flynn investigation as to why he fired comey. then he made up a bunch of bullshit and diversion after.
they'll make an airtight case before they go after trump. they're just going after the accomplices and minions first.![]()
Good lord, you are stupid.
WHAT FBI investigation? There still is no FBI investigation.
A Special Counsel is appointed by the DOJ, not the FBI. Mueller's investigation is SEPARATE from the FBI.
Honestly, the FBI wouldn't even be the appropriate department for such an investigation at this point.
Also, the record cannot simply “speak for itself” there is going to be questions of what is and is not relevant. What constitutes obstruction of justice, corruption, etc. And this isn’t simply with regards to Russiagate or political scandals in general. In life, the facts simply don’t speak for themselves. That is a very naïve view. There has to be a lens through which the facts are interpreted. Hopefully, that lens isn’t clouded by irrational bias (as in the case with the mainstream media and Russiagate or, more broadly, all things Trump). Hopefully, that lens is reason and logic. But in any and every field of thought, the facts don’t speak for themselves
"History cannot be imagined without theory. The naive belief that, unprejudiced by any theory, one can derive history directly from the sources is quite untenable. Rickert has argued in an irrefutable way that the task of history does not consist in the duplication of reality, but in its reconstitution and simplification by means of concepts. If one renounces the construction and use of theories concerning the connections among phenomena, on no account does one arrive at a solution of the problems that is free of theory and therefore in closer conformity with reality. We cannot think without making use of the category of causality. All thinking, even that of the historian, postulates this principle. The only question is whether one wants to have recourse to causal explanations that have been elaborated and critically examined by scientific thought or to uncritical, popular, prescientific 'dogmas.' No explanations reveal themselves directly from the facts."
-Ludwig von Mises
If I may add/ask? Why just about everyone in the Trump Campaign is on Record lying about meeting with Russia, and what they met about?
Session the US Attorney General does not know He's talking to a Russian? Which He denied under oath. FYI: The Russian Ambassador Session met with and talked to numerous times........ Is Definitely a RUSSIA. LOL!
Now you are being disingenuous.well, you're pretty stupid, i didn't say fbi. i said he was under investigation.
take that plank outta your eye.![]()
Where are you getting this absurd notion that “just about everyone in the Trump Campaign is on Record lying” about meeting with Russia?
That is a patently absurd statement. What, did the Washington Post or the NYT use some “anonymous source” to make that laugable claim?
Offhand, I can think of 3 people who you can accurately say were misleading as to their previous ties or meetings with Russians (not necessarily Russia officials, mind you). And Sessions is not one of them.
Again, don’t let the media do your thinking for you. Look into these things for yourself.
Sessions was formerly a US Senator who, as part of his job regularly talked to foreign ambassadors, including Russian ones. Nothing at all conspicuous about that.
When asked about his contact with Russia at his confirmation hearings, the context of the question (asked by Senator Al Franken) narrowly focused on Sessions role as a surrogate for the Trump Campaign.
Franken: CNN has just published a story and I’m telling you this about a news story that’s just been published, so I’m not expecting you to know whether or not it’s true or not. But CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, “Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say quote, “There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump’s surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.”
Now, again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so you know. But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?
Sessions: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.
In reporting on this, the media has hidden the context of the question asked and only focused on a portion Sessions answer, implying that he was talking in general about his contact with Russia.
In another instance of written questions from senators to Sessions during the confirmation process, he was asked by Patrick Leahy if he had been in contact with any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election. To which Session said, “no”.
Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?
Sessions: No.
Again, the question focused specifically on the context of the 2016 election.
The media hides that to make the answers to both questions seem much more generally focused than they are.
It is not Sessions who is lying, it is the media. As usual, they report half-truths and deny context to spin things to fit their narrative. Do your own research. Don’t let these liars think for you.
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Now you are being disingenuous.
I mean, it isn't like you were responding to a quote that mentioned, specifically, an FBI investigation, or anything...
More dishonest progressives denying context.![]()
And..... at the end of the day. Session had met with Russians on different occasions. But said NO he did not.