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  1. L

    Transmission Swap

    Mecahnic did say he was only able to fill it with 9 quarts he says past that it starts coming out of the bell housing somewhere. I believe I read here somewhere it is suppose to be a little more that 11 quarts. He didnt say anything about an E coming out in D5. Debating weather to take it to...
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    Transmission Swap

    Stats 2005 Lincoln LS V8........... Last transmission popped while driving and had nothing past 2 gear.
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    Transmission Swap

    2005 LS Transmission I bought a transmission with 66,000 miles from a salvage yard. Mechanic installed it for me. He told me today that it drives fine for about 2 miles, but then starts to slip in 3rd gear. Am I safe to assume I got a bad tranny?
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    Transmission IS DONE

    BigRigLS ........Hilarious..........Really just reved it to 7000 RPMS in neutral and jammed into drive to see if it would throw me back in my seat..........Haha...............
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    Transmission IS DONE

    Just stops moving.....Presss on the gas and stops going till I shift back to second.....But a buddy is going to rebuild it............
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    Transmission IS DONE

    I am going to just haven't had the chance.
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    Transmission IS DONE

    Well last night transmission went out. I just have 1st and 2nd gear. I kinda new it was coming. So my question is will my 2005 Lincoln LS 3.9 transmission be compatible with other years. I think I can get one at the junk yard for $400.00 from a 2003. Second question is it a difficulty task...
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    Catalytic Converter Purchase

  9. L

    Catalytic Converter Purchase

    Can I do universal or dies it have to be direct fit?
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    Catalytic Converter Purchase

    Ok guys... Can you all point me in the right direction for buying some cats for my LSV8. Need to buy both side and dont want to buy from dealer? Thanks......................
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    Too many engine codes...Help

    I've had coil packs go out before doesn't feel the same....It seems like when I'm at a stop and go to accelerate it will either sputter or just sit there until i floor the pedal and even at that it will hesitate....I don't mean to doubt you, just not the same symptoms i've had before when a coil...
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    Too many engine codes...Help

    Ok.....I had my 05 Ls v8 throw out P0106, P2106, and P061B all at once..A friend of mine told me that a bad map sensor would throw these codes....So my question is, what could cause all three codes at once, and has anyone else had this issue? I'm thinking maybe a bad egr valve could cause this...
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    Degas Bottle

    Hey guys, Had some cooling issues..Replaced degas bottle, all pieces to thermostat housing, thermostat....Did fine for about 6 months im guessing....But noticed a puddle where all degas problems start....Replaced it with a doorman last week, and what do you know? Its leaking on drivers side...
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    cooling fan staying on....

    Ok Guys ...I repalced the cap and it build pressure, fan is working normally, but now the motor is not warming up as it should...Keep in mind I replaced the thermostat....But now I feel since there is no leak and fan is running normal and I live in Texas, I'm thinking of leaving it alone....What...
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    cooling fan staying on....

    Don't think it a doorman.....Before I installed it matched it to the old one...But I will double check.....Thanks....
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    cooling fan staying on....

    Well.............No pressure even when the car has been on for awhile....So back to the auto parts store to buy a cap.....Hopefuuly wont leak once it pressureized....:mad::mad: I will let you all know what happens........
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    cooling fan staying on....

    Seems like a neverending story......
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    cooling fan staying on....

    Bleeding the system So since I replaced the upper and lower hoses I have no leaks....Bleed the system, but noticed no pressure when I took the reservoir cap off....So do I need a new reservoir cap?
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    cooling fan staying on....

    Ok...2005 Lincoln Ls8...Changed out degas bottle, thermostat housings, and upper and lower radiator hoses....Car is not overheating...When I first start the car fan is off till it gets to normal operating temp....but fan does not cycle on and off and stays on high (really loud). It does turn off...
  20. L

    Coolant forcing out hose...2005 Lincoln LS 3.9

    joeygr Thanks ....Replaced hose...No more leaks.....