Does anyone actually know what their Marks weigh? I went to a certified Cat scale so it should be accurate. I was just wondering because like I said there are others that say their Birds are around 3400ish. Thats still a few hundred pounds. And I have a few of the Mark aluminum parts.
I know its not a Mark but the car weighed in at 3820 with a full tank of gas and 2 amps in the trunk(no speaker box yet). Thats with nothing else removed and me not in the car. From some of the guys on tccoa my car seems to be a bit me:p Some guys over there say theirs weigh in...
Sorry Ive been slow to post, but here are my two fastest that night
60 ft- 2.103
1/8- 9.284@75.28
1000 ft- 12.123
1/4- 14.513@94.57
60ft- 2.141
1/8- 9.356@75.30
1000ft- 12.190
1/4- 14.574@94.83
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