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  1. V

    Beeping for no reason

    Yeah my 2004 V6 has done it about 2 or 3 times. The one common thing though is that has always been when I am coming to a stop at a stop sign or light. Probably more coincidence than anything. But hey, I'm willing to live with it.
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    Whats wrong with my door

    Well if it is the price you are worried about, maybe try and find a junkyard with at least a door or a whole messed up LS and get the part from there. More than likely you are at least not going to get any worse, and those places only charge like $1 for you to go in there. Not brand new and...
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    Windshield crack

    I know that the window repair places can patch it, depending on how bad. It is not a permanent fix and you might be able to still slightly see it, but it is a LOT cheaper than a new windshield. A rock hit my windshield 3 days after getting it and I got it patched for $25. I had a slight...
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    Article: Do You Really Need Premium?

    Ok now I don't dare take the time to read the ENTIRE thread, but I thought I would share my two cents on this. My dad is a service tech for Lincoln and he has seen many an LS come in with hesitation and misfires and then just totally blow components all due to not using premium fuel. Granted you...
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    Engine Swap Ideas and Possibilities

    Ok, so let's take this one step at a time. Why exactly do the guages no longer work with a new engine? The only reason I could see is that the speed sensors no longer are routed to the PCM. If this is the case, why is it so? If everything is passed to the PCM in a bus and there is no way to tap...
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    Engine Swap Ideas and Possibilities

    Ok, essentially I was looking at doing the interfaces needed to have the sensors still work properly and integrate into the original PCM. The whole point is that as far as the PCM goes, it will be reading everything as normal and be able to spit that right back out. The guages would be reading...
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    Engine Swap Ideas and Possibilities

    I know there have been many people asking about doing an engine swap in the LS and about all the problems it brings about. Mainly, there is the problem of two computers and how they cannot interact. For some time now I have wanted to do a complete rebuild of an LS including an engine and...
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    Anyone know where to get

    The one thing I have heard here time and again though is don't get the CD, make sure you get the DVD. SUpposedly the cd is a piece of crap compared to the DVD. I guess it just lacks a lot of the references the DVD has, and the DVD has EVERYTHING form the printed manuals on it. Just a little FYI
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    V6 owner question

    Surfjax, your in high school and own an LS? Is it yours outright or your parents? If you own it, how do you afford it? I am a senior in college. I am able to afford mine because of an internship, but man it is a tight budget. More curious than anything.
  10. V

    Why is FLM killing the LS?

    Well hopefully soon we will be able to do a whole lot to our LS's as the computer cracks are coming out. I'm sure soon enough we will be able to do complete engine replacements and superchargers and blah blah blah right along with the rest of them. Granted this does nothing for the from factory...
  11. V

    2004 v6 transmission shifting hard, stuttering

    I have already posted a couple times about this. I just had my car in the shop, 2004 V6 as well, for the same reason. I thought it was a PCM reflash thing, but it turns out it wasn't. There were no codes to pull, so don't take any crap from the dealer about that one. It ended up being the...
  12. V

    2004 Lincoln LS V8 Tranmission/Engine Problems

    Well I just responded to his PM, but it sounds exaclty like the problem I had with my 2004 V6. It was the solenoid pack and not that it needed a reflash. I would rather imagine that is the problem. I told him to take it to another dealer b/c his dealer wouldn't help him since there were no codes...
  13. V

    vertical door conversion?

    In my opinion its pointless to have suicide doors and then have more doors behind it. The reason it works on some cars is that there are 2 doored and the doors are a little bit longer. They are just short, stocky doors. Granted its going to be a rare thing to find these on an LS, but so what if...
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    vertical door conversion?

    Is this the kit through A Plus Performance? First off I have to ask, why would you do that to such a car? I mean it would look like crap. The LS does not have the long door style that makes a lambo conversion kit look good. I am all about customizing your LS and look forward to doing a major...
  15. V

    Ridiculously Expensive LS

    Yeah, but there are 2 of them on there, with different prices. Mayb ethey are just stupid, but that just shouldn't be. I'm almost intrigued to the point of wiriting an email to find out why.
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    Ridiculously Expensive LS

    Ok I just happened to check for Ls's (i was bored) and some dealership is offering two 2004 LS's, relatively loaded for a ridiculously expensive price. Nothing special done to them. Here's the link...
  17. V

    How much did u purchase your LS for ?

    Did you get the sport package? I wish i had gotten the V8 sport when I got my 2004. The 2003 V8 didn't seem to be any improvement over the 04 V6 and they didnt have an 04 V8 for me to test drive, so i went with the v6. Now that i've driven the V8, i wish i had it instead. Good price too. I got...
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    LS in the shop

    Yeah well my moving sucks. I am still in school so I am moving all the time. I move this time, then come summer, I get to move back up here to D.C. then in the fall I get to move back to Virginia Tech again, then I graduate and move wherever I end up. I am ready for the process to end. At least...
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    LS in the shop

    No I didnt have a water problem. It was an interior thing, not the weather stripping. Anyways, it was fixed. Unfortunately I am moving this week so I am stuck driving a van and don't get my car back till next week.
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    Supercharged engine build for LS8???

    I was thinking the same thing. Since they are beginning to crack the LS's PCM, maybe someday in the future we can completely reprogram it to control whatever engine we want to throw in it. This is the type of thing I am hoping the mustang release will open up in the future. If this type of thing...