Changed my oil today, guess how it went?

:) Sure is a lot of bickering over this whole oil change deal! I can tell you that my 94 and 95 mark VIII's both take 6.5 quarts to put the dipstick at the full mark. I beleive the owners manual says 6 quarts or at the full mark.

Just add 6 quarts, start her up, then check and top off!!!! EASY! Maybe she will hold 6 quarts, maybe 6.5 or 7. Just fill her to full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Dr. Paul said:
Ultra high performance road racing is a far cry from a production vehicle. I imagine Ford's engineers focus more on the latter than the former.

Which puts them several points lower than the OEM manufacturers that do consider what their cars will do when being road raced. That's why a Ford is a Ford.

Heh, there was a guy in AIX that raced DOHC, then he realized that motor sucked and put a pushrod motor in it. :D Then he won the class for the season.

Speaking of people who blew several DOHC engines due to oil pooling!

You're system must defy the laws of physics if twice the volume of oil heats up that quick.

Nope, it just enjoys a well designed system.

I had to mark my dipstick myself based on the volume of oil in the pan, I don't know about you.

You are aware that the volume of oil inside of the pan is of no consquence as long as the oil valume is not so low that it results in starvation, or crank inteference, right? The only thing that maters is the oil level, as long as those 2 factors have been satisfied. You marking off your dipstick based on the oil volume is unnecessary and worthless.

I was making an absurdity out of your oiling system by comparing it to a NASCAR one. Either way, with your literary genius you should have been able to discern that I was not being literal.

I know what you were doing, and I explained it. You made your absurdity because you were being a dick. You have failed to show any absudity, aside from you having absolutely no damn clue what so ever what I do with my car. You're a total stranger, so this should come as no surprise to you.

Let me know when your Lincoln morphs into a Ford GT.

I'll certainly have more power to the wheels. The engine produced more than that on the engine dyno anyway.

I don't know as much about OHC Ford's as I do about pushrod motors, but I do know a thing or two about oiling.

Um, no.

If you planned on road racing a Lincoln Mark VIII, I would piss myself with uncontrollable laughter. Sure there are high horsepower road racecars, in fact, I own one - that being said, it would not be a good platform to try to do that in a Lincoln unless you have limitless funds and are a glutton for punishment.

Who said I was roadracing my car?

There are high hp cars there too, but they don't typically reside under the hood of a Mark VIII. For some reason (if memory serves) most of the unlimited cars are Camaros. Although I do remember some maniac entered an old LeBaron a while back and went pretty fast with it. Then there's that little asian guy with his Nissan that wrecked it at some insane speed.

Who said I was competing?

Why the hell would you build a Mark VIII for any racing, except potentially land speed racing because they do have a low coefficient of drag.

I never told you what I was doing with my car. You're nobody to me. Why would I even begin to discuss these details with you?

So, you're dodging my question again then?

What the hell is your question? I can't tell beyond your exaggerations and generally a$$holery.

I am ignorant - you said so yourself.

I was simply questioning the value of your system in your application. If you said "I'm going to produce XXX horsepower and use it to race 200 mph down the salt flats" then maybe I could see cause for it. But as it sits, I don't.

Who the hell are you to question the value of my system? Are you with some sort of universal racing authority that I should feel I have ANY need at all to explain myself to you? Sorry, but I'm not one of those people who needs Dr. Paul's validation. I know my :q:q:q:q, and I don't need you to tell me I do.

Your oil should not be too cold either. Nor should the design of the system create a situation where oil temp is ideal only at top speed/extreme situations. Ideally, the normal operating condition of the motor should be taken into account when designing an oil system.

How many times have I told you that the oil circulating through my engine runs at normal temps 98% of the time as it did when stock? You do know how a thermostat works, right? Keep the circulating oil hot when it needs to be, and keeps it cool when it needs to be. You don't seem to be understanding this concept.

That's pretty warm, but not outrageous.

In your opinion.

Is the stock filtration inadequate? Probably not. You sound like an Amsoil dealer - are you?

Is there a kit that allows me to run an oil cooler and a stock oil filter? NOPE!

And who the hell would want to when nobody denies that it is a pain in to remove? Is the stock oil filtration system inadequate? Nope. But there is room for improvement, and I have done that. Ford themselves have done more studying than anyone into the benefits of bypass filtration, and they stand by their determination that there is an extreme benefit. Of course, maybe they work for Amsoil too. Any more proven technologies that you care to try and invalidate? :rolleyes:

I don't believe that you didn't think this through, nor do I think that you're some moron who has never changed his brake pads - I'm simply questioning the value of the system in your application. That's all. You've still provided no reasoning for why this is necessary.


Why in the hell should I "provide reasoning" for why my oil system is necessary? I've built plenty of engines and cars without your advice or approval. You are just on seriously arrogant individual to think that you can just demand that people explain their cars to you. Sorry, but you are just NOT that important to me.
chickenviii said:
changed my oil a couple days ago and took pics for all you non belivers

The oil filter I removed was taller than a stock Motorcraft filter. That was not possible for me.
Holy crap! One of you two - you know who you are - please tell me you were just messing with the other's head. All of that over oil??? You're both too smart to act like that. Peace, brothers.

I use Mobil 1, a good filter, and have a mechanic change it every 2-2.5K. Car runs well. I was gonna do myself, but when I saw where it was, I changed my mind.

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