Silver02Sport said:
Ok I’m new here so I should keep my mouth shut but when I here stuff like this I just can’t. Clinton said on many occasions he wanted to get Bin Laden both in and out of office but there where no grounds what would you have liked for him to do send a SEAL team to kidnap a citizen of a foreign country just because we don’t like them that’s not what this country is about and if we did we would turning the bill of rights into nothing more then toilet paper while making us into the biggest hypocrites in the world next to the church. He did how ever make sure the CIA knew his every movement then W gets put in office and when told about the danger of Bin Laden and Al-Quadia he says but what about Iraq when told there is nothing to worry about in Iraq he fired the people that would not tell him what he wanted to here ignored the warnings of imminent threat. Then as soon as he could he returned his attention back to where it had always been finishing what his dad started the Downing Street Memo’s have proven that. Once agen though he ignored and fired those who did not tell him what he wanted to here. The Chef UN weapons inspector repeatedly said there where no WMD's but did Bush listen no he was told they would need a lot more boots on the ground then they had planed by some of his top generals he did not like it so he fired them. In the end all Clinton ever did was push us in to one of the best economic times we have ever seen got unemployment and crime to recored lows and got a blow job He will go down as one of the best pres. ever, Bush on the other hand has distroyed everthing Clinton the econamy is in shambiles unemploment is up and other then england world hates us now. W will go down as the WORST pres. in history
And just for the record with as much stress as the job has I HOPE HE WAS GETTING BJ's besides it was an issue between him and his wife there was no reason for it to become what it was other then it was the only dirt the GOP could find to attack with.
Ok, let's see, where to begin. Oh yes, Clinton wanted to get Bin Laden but there were no grounds. Let's see, how about all the terrorsim that he has been involved in for years and years. Ok, yeah, but atleast Clinton "wanted" to get him. Let's see, Bill of Rights. hmmmmm, ok, so a terrorist gets rights under our Bill of Rights, even when he's not an American citizen. Ok, I'll stop on that one because that's too easy. NEXT!! Ok, biggest hypocrites in the world next to which church? I'm Catholic, and well aware of the hypocrisy, but when you say church, I don't even know in what facet you are talking about. ANYWAYS. Ok now, so Bush said oh forget the guy who bombed us on 9/11 and said let's go JUST after Iraq, right? hmmmm. Ok, have they been serving "special" brownies with the blue kool aid too? I forgot about the Afghanistan thing we did, and oh yeah capturing like, I don't know, like hundreds of terrorists around the world, NOT JUST IN IRAQ. Let's see, what else do we have..... Now I see where we went wrong!!! We have been listening to the official UN COOK!! No wonder our country is so f'd up. Stupid Bush, don't listen to chefs!! Best economic times???? From Clinton?????? Oh, I beg to differ my friend!!!! Please refer to the numerous discussions we have had on this topic. Just search for "more bs about the economy". What you will find is that we have proven that the housing boom was the affect of neither president, actually of the poor economy which was caused by 9/11!!! Gee, it's funny how 9/11 coincided with the bad economic era, but ya know, it must have been Bush's fault. Ok, by the way, how many jobs have been created in the past year? I forget, but I'll let you look it up because I'm lazy right now. Oh, all Clinton did was get a blow job??? Ever see Black Hawk Down? Yeah, how many of our troops died during Clinton's reign, and we weren't even at war!!! This time around we are actually spreading democracy, and doing something positive, and you libs can't take it because you want the whole world to be a socialist state!!!!! And let me tell you, Clinton will go down in history the same as Jimmy Carter. Bush will be more akin to Reagan, but since you guys still can concede that Reagan was great, then well, ya know. Eat a biscuit or something.