Clinton could have stopped 9/11

RRocket said:
Well I wouldn't say he is "more" to blame...but he certainly did ignore some very specific intelligence about attacks that were about to occur on American soil,
Whereas presidential candidate John Kerry also had VERY specific information regarding attacks coming thru Boston Logan International airport which is located in Massachusetts, the very state Mr. Kerry was the Senator of. He passed the buck. Would you like me to post up the proof?

You guys would blame Bush if you forgot to wipe your arse in the morning. Good grief.

Remember box cutters? Remember non-reinforced cabin doors? Remember no racial profiling?

Back seat drivers.....
RRocket said:
Well I wouldn't say he is "more" to blame...but he certainly did ignore some very specific intelligence about attacks that were about to occur on American soil, whereas Clinton ignored some intelligence on the whereabout of OBL thousands of miles away. It's possible that Clinton could have gotten OBL as a pre-emptive strike. But it would have been politicallty difficult to go to a foreign country and assasinate a terrorist AND keep it quiet.
Well, you actually did say he was more to blame. Don't pansy out, just back up what you said dude. And I'll repeat, Bush had all of about a few months before the attacks, and Clinton had 8 years. Are we to say that in order to protect our asses, we have to worry about what the rest of the world thinks? Especially when we want to assasinate a terrorist, and not a diplomat or anything. Come on..... Pre emptive strike?? UBL has been bombing our embassies for years before 9/11. There's nothing pre-emptive about that!!!! Who cares about keeping it quiet. We're getting rid of an evil human being. Anyone who is against that needs to worry about us coming after them next.

Remember this was at a time when America was "at war" per se. I mean we can keep pointing fingers, but ultimately we could blame those who funded OBL and who surely funded the training of some of his fighters when they were "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan...and that would be the USA....
and what war were we at "per se"? I doin't remember a war during the Clinton era. I remember a lot of conflicts going on, but no war. What would being at war have to do with aynthing anyways??
There's a show on the National Geographic Channel tonite and tomorrow night (2 parts) from 9pm to 11pm called "Inside 9/11" that looks interesting. Goes back to 1979 leading up to 9/11. Maybe all you Repugs can tear yourselves away from the Animal Husbandry Channel (I know you guys are always looking for new ways to get the sheep's legs in your tall boots) and learn something about what happened!
MAllen82 said:
Well, you actually did say he was more to blame. Don't pansy out, just back up what you said dude. And I'll repeat, Bush had all of about a few months before the attacks, and Clinton had 8 years. Are we to say that in order to protect our asses, we have to worry about what the rest of the world thinks? Especially when we want to assasinate a terrorist, and not a diplomat or anything. Come on..... Pre emptive strike?? UBL has been bombing our embassies for years before 9/11. There's nothing pre-emptive about that!!!! Who cares about keeping it quiet. We're getting rid of an evil human being. Anyone who is against that needs to worry about us coming after them next.

and what war were we at "per se"? I doin't remember a war during the Clinton era. I remember a lot of conflicts going on, but no war. What would being at war have to do with aynthing anyways??

It was a typo...was supposed to be "wasn't"...

And I stand by it. Bush had solid info there were to be attacks on US soil, and they were ignored. If you think that's doing your job properly, that's your opinion. Clearly I feel he didn't do his duty....
It's easy for you to be a Monday morning quarterback and say, "Due to hindsight Bush screwed up" but you don't understand how the levels of intelligence have to be analyzed and rated, due to the overwhelming flood of raw data that is constantly flowing in. You make the point for me that we weren't in a state of war. Because of that, and because of the mess Clinton left Bush, there was no possible way to effectively evaluate all the intelligence data accurately at the time. NONE OF YOU PEOPLE, LIBS OR CONSERVATIVE, would have been able to do a better job under the circumstances. We didn't have a dept. of Homeland Security yet, so there was no coordination of intelligence. There was no way to know which data was accurate and which data was just smoke. And there wasn't enough manpower to chase every threat. Also don't forget the wall that Jamie Gorelick and Janet Reno put up about Atta.I could go on and on about this. Don't be so quick to judge and condemn one person, because it just wasn't possible for one person to do that big a job under those circumstances.
MonsterMark said:
Whereas presidential candidate John Kerry also had VERY specific information regarding attacks coming thru Boston Logan International airport which is located in Massachusetts, the very state Mr. Kerry was the Senator of. He passed the buck. Would you like me to post up the proof?

You guys would blame Bush if you forgot to wipe your arse in the morning. Good grief.

Remember box cutters? Remember non-reinforced cabin doors? Remember no racial profiling?

Back seat drivers.....

YO! FLUFFER! Over HERE!! Bryan's worn-out dick for an excuse is LIMP!! Must be all those soggy biscut parties he, MAllen82 and fossten have been having together.

97silverlsc said:
There's a show on the National Geographic Channel tonite and tomorrow night (2 parts) from 9pm to 11pm called "Inside 9/11" that looks interesting. Goes back to 1979 leading up to 9/11. Maybe all you Repugs can tear yourselves away from the Animal Husbandry Channel (I know you guys are always looking for new ways to get the sheep's legs in your tall boots) and learn something about what happened!

Yep, watched that 1st part. Pretty interesting. YES, Clinton had an opportunity to snag OBL. Maybe if he wasn't nutered by being grilled over a BJ w/ a fat chick he would've had the balls to grab OBL when he had the chance. Once again, the priorities of the RWWs in this country are totally misplaced and contributed in 9/11. It still sickens me that more of my tax dollars were wasted on this "impeachment" of Clinton than on the government's investigation into 9/11.

Also, I didn't hear "Iraq" mentioned one time during the events leading up to 9/11. OBL never wanted to engage w/ the US on our soil, only wanted to rattle our cage so we'd fight his Islamic extremists on their own turf. Well, BuSh played right into his hand, and to make matters worse, wasted our military resources in Iraq where none of the 9/11 terrorists existed. NOW Iraq is filling up w/ these "insurgents" from other countries. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?? Gee, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that we should've routed those terrorists from those other countries FIRST before wasting any time and effort in Iraq. OBL has played BuSh like a fiddle, and you RWWs are too ignorant to see it. OK, so "Iraq is being rebuilt" (it wouldn't have had to have been if we didn't invade it), WHOOPEE! "Iraqis are FREE" (if you can call it that....... Sunnis are getting squeezed, women will still have to wear burkas, deadlines for drafting a constitution have passed), WHOOPEE!! Meanwhile the behive of terrorists in the middle east has been poked and the swarm is converging on our troops that are essentially trapped there. And BuSh is too much of a chicken S-H-I-T to pull all the stops, re-institute the draft and reinforce are troops LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE and put an end to this "sustained global struggle against violent extremism". Give me a friggin break.
fossten said:
Don't be so quick to judge and condemn one person, because it just wasn't possible for one person to do that big a job under those circumstances.

Funny, you have no problem condemning anyone who voices opinion or fact against Shrub.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Yep, watched that 1st part. Pretty interesting. YES, Clinton had an opportunity to snag OBL.

Just look at the monumental failure the Clinton Presidency was. I guess if Clinton had done his job, we wouldn't have had to go into Afganistan chasing towel heads and Saddam would still be standing. Nice job Willy.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Maybe if he wasn't nutered by being grilled over a BJ w/ a fat chick he would've had the balls to grab OBL when he had the chance.
That is such swell writing you should be an author.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
It still sickens me that more of my tax dollars were wasted on this "impeachment" of Clinton than on the government's investigation into 9/11.

Didn't you see the CNN hatchet job on the Bush administration last night? I have to give them credit. They tried their best. They played a game of pin the tail on the donkey, only CNN came out looking like jackasses.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Gee, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that we should've routed those terrorists from those other countries FIRST before wasting any time and effort in Iraq.

Gee, lookie here. The LEFT advocating attacking multiple countries without provocation. You've made my week. WOW. Now we should attack every country in the world because every country has terrorists in it. Great plan Johnny. Please don't ever run for President.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
And BuSh is too much of a chicken S-H-I-T to pull all the stops, re-institute the draft and reinforce are troops LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE and put an end to this "sustained global struggle against violent extremism".
There we go. Everybody knew it would be the left that would advocate the re-institution of the draft. If a Dem wins the Presidency in '08, I guarantee that will be one of the 1st agenda items. Nobody will 'volunteer' to go to war with a putz Demo-pussy in office leading the charge. That's for sure.
I would like to direct all the left wingers to this thread. Read it and tell me why none of you responded??? Because you can't say anything to that!!!! It's like the book said, you can't cheat if it isn't close!!!! Who's shicken sh!t now? You guys are like vultures just looking for the next excuse to cal Bush shrub. You listen to morons like Frank Rich, I mwan come one, Frank Rich, aren't you embarrased to quote him?? That's as good as quoting Whoopi Goldberg!! I'll have to say that the future of the DNC lies with Barack Obama. I may not agree with him on many issues, but he is one intelligent mofo, and you guys should atleast be looking at him instead of Frank Rich!!! I'd rather tell my friends about the fat chick I slept with the other weekend than (just a euphamism, didn't really happen) than quote Frank Rich!!! So in conclusion, keep taking cheap shots. Keep saying things in Iraq aren't better for the people. If we didn't have people like Matt Lauer out there trying to screw over the troops on TV, then we would see the real picture. I have about 10 friends over there, and they any of them that I have talked to since leaving has said they know what they are doing is good, and that the Iraqi people are so much better off, they wish it would be on the news. One of my best friend's platoon kicked out their imbedded reporter because he was reporting on future troop movements within the company or something. They had him escorted by M 16 out of the base and taken somewhere else.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
YES, Clinton had an opportunity to snag OBL. Maybe if he wasn't nutered by being grilled over a BJ w/ a fat chick he would've had the balls to grab OBL when he had the chance. Once again, the priorities of the RWWs in this country are totally misplaced and contributed in 9/11. It still sickens me that more of my tax dollars were wasted on this "impeachment" of Clinton than on the government's investigation into 9/11.
So what you're saying is that your boy Clinton was such a sissy that he couldn't handle a little bad press and investigation? That he couldn't function because some people were checking him out? That makes him out to be some sort of whiny weakling in your eyes. At least you admit that he didn't have the balls to grab OBL. The fact is, if he hadn't been so busy chasing tail and actually did his JOB he might have gotten OBL and saved 3,000 lives. The blood of our fallen civilians from 9/11 is on Ex-President William Jefferson Rodham Clinton's hands. (WORST PRESIDENT EVER)

BTW, this speaks volumes to the balls of our current President who continues to fight for what he believes in no matter what the mudslinging press says, no matter what idiots like Cindy Sheehan and her puppetmasters say, no matter what putrescence (see dictionary) you libs spew. He stays the course, doesn't falter and whine and quit like Clinton and you libs. Whether you agree with him or not, he isn't a quitter and he stands for what he believes in and THAT REALLY PISSES YOU GUYS OFF AND I LOVE IT!!!

JohnnyBz00LS said:
Also, I didn't hear "Iraq" mentioned one time during the events leading up to 9/11.
Once again, (sigh) read up on the UN resolutions that led up to Iraq. It clearly explains how we went to war. :sleep:

JohnnyBz00LS said:
OBL never wanted to engage w/ the US on our soil, only wanted to rattle our cage so we'd fight his Islamic extremists on their own turf.
So you know personally what OBL wanted and what he was thinking? Wow, what an amazing man you must be! (sarcastic)
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Well, BuSh played right into his hand, and to make matters worse, wasted our military resources in Iraq where none of the 9/11 terrorists existed. NOW Iraq is filling up w/ these "insurgents" from other countries. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU??
It tells me that we are fighting a war with terrorists, and the battleground happens to be on Iraqi soil (which is way better than fighting it on our own soil), and you just proved it.

JohnnyBz00LS said:
OK, so "Iraq is being rebuilt" (it wouldn't have had to have been if we didn't invade it), WHOOPEE!
That is where you are INcorrect. Iraqi schools and hospitals were in shambles before we got there, and there were mass graves as well. The army wasn't even being paid, which is why it was so easy to defeat them. Geez. Johnny, you don't even bother to check the facts before you post. It's so easy to refute your statements it's actually boring.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Meanwhile the behive of terrorists in the middle east has been poked and the swarm is converging on our troops that are essentially trapped there. And BuSh is too much of a chicken S-H-I-T to pull all the stops, re-institute the draft and reinforce are troops LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE and put an end to this "sustained global struggle against violent extremism". Give me a friggin break.
So you are pro-draft now? I thought you guys were the ones parroting Kerry in the campaign spreading FALSE rumors about Bush starting up the draft?

You are the expert in talking out of both sides of your mouth.
97silverlsc said:
Funny, you have no problem condemning anyone who voices opinion or fact against Shrub.

Funny, I've never condemned anyone. Only God can do that. I, however, can and will point out any stupid or irrelevant thing any of you Fiberals says.
No, they talk out of one side, it's just not out of the mouth..... :)
We better stop before we get accused of holding another circle jerk, by the way, "fiberals".....I love it!
MAllen82 said:
We better stop before we get accused of holding another circle jerk, by the way, "fiberals".....I love it!

You FIBS are welcome to jump in any time. You don't have to just watch. I know it takes a long time for a rational thought to filter through that granite orb you call a skull, but don't be afraid. We're not going to bite you. We're just going to (verbally) saw you into little bits and feed you to the media.

Have a nice day! :Beer
Maybe we could find a different monicker than fibs. Seems a little harse. Plus, being from Wisconsin, to me it means: f'in Illinois bas*****, you get the idea.
MonsterMark said:
Maybe we could find a different monicker than fibs. Seems a little harse. Plus, being from Wisconsin, to me it means: f'in Illinois bas*****, you get the idea.

Why? It fits their character. And it makes more sense than "Repugs".
fossten said:
Why? It fits their character. And it makes more sense than "Repugs".
Nevermind. I was reading into it wrong. To fib is to tell a lie. Yeah, fits pretty good.
I love how the left thinks Iraq was something akin to Malibu, CA prior to our "rape" of their beloved land. Like everybody had a jacuzzi and a Porsche.

What the hell are they smokin? Give Mr. Moore his pipe back.
fossten said:
That is where you are INcorrect. Iraqi schools and hospitals were in shambles before we got there,

Actually YOU are incorrect. I happen to know this for a fact, as I helped research a paper on Middle Eastern Education BEFORE the war in Iraq. So here are the facts (prepare to be owned):

Prior to Americas involvement in Iraq, Iraq possesed one of the finest educational systems in the region. This was due in part because the was so much demand required for all of the oil related industries from the region, and the spin-off jobs those provided. Iraq's higher education comprised of 20 Universities and 45 techincal institutes, over 175 of what Americans would call community colleges, and approximately 20 research centres. As in America, every "province" in Iraq has it's own universities and colleges. Nearly 50% or enrolled students are women, which is among the highest of any Arab country. Also, Iraq had over 20 colleges dedicated solely to the training of teachers, again, among the highest in the middle east. Iraq really placed an emphasis on technical education and skilled trades. Engineering graduates are among the highest of the region also. Teacher to student ratio is again, among the highest in the region, and some of the best in the world. As few a 1:4 (In the Iraqui private schools), but the University average is approximately 1:15 At one time, tuition to Iraqi Universities was FREE! So enrollent had always been high in Iraq.

Also, prior to Americas involvement in Iraq, Iraq was recognized as the regions leader in Health Care. Because of the massive influx of oil money and the skilled workers that helped keep the oil industry alive, no expense was spared for hospitals, clinics, etc. Iraq was the gold standard for healthcare in the Middle East. This healthcare was available to everyone free of charge. Iraq's healthcare was so outstanding and efficient, it was recognized by the UN and earned an award from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Despite what you may think, Iraq was most definitely not a Third World Country. Although Saddam misused alot of the oil revenues, he invested billions into his country. While his investing wasn't ultimately for humanitarian purposes (he had to keep those working in the oil industry happy, healthy and make them want to work there so he could have more oil revenues to hoard), it ultimately DID benefit the entire populance. I personally know people who lived in you?? All of my friends from Iraq always said that Baghdad was "as modern as any large city in the US, and more modern than some of them". I have seen photographs from when they lived there, and indeed many Iraq cities were modern and beautiful, and had every ammenity a modern US city has (even "7-11" type convenience stores...Hmmm..I wonder if immigrant white people ran those stores??? :) )
That'as laughable at best. It's a knwn fact that before the war most cities besides baghdad didn't have electricity o running water most of the time. The hospitals were horrible, and the only people who got anything were Bathists and Sunnis. Everyone else was left to dry. I don't know where you got this information from, but it's sounds pretty bogus to me. Not to mention the fact that there was a UN embargo on the country so that all the money coming in for oil was for the oil for food program. You really make me laugh with your research. Fossten really hit it on the head, saying you guys thoguht it was Malibu. Gimme a break.
Not to mention that Israel is well known to be the gold standard for EVERYTHING in the Middle East.
RRocket said:
Actually YOU are incorrect. I happen to know this for a fact, as I helped research a paper on Middle Eastern Education BEFORE the war in Iraq. So here are the facts (prepare to be owned):

Prior to Americas involvement in Iraq, Iraq possesed one of the finest educational systems in the region. This was due in part because the was so much demand required for all of the oil related industries from the region, and the spin-off jobs those provided. Iraq's higher education comprised of 20 Universities and 45 techincal institutes, over 175 of what Americans would call community colleges, and approximately 20 research centres. As in America, every "province" in Iraq has it's own universities and colleges. Nearly 50% or enrolled students are women, which is among the highest of any Arab country. Also, Iraq had over 20 colleges dedicated solely to the training of teachers, again, among the highest in the middle east. Iraq really placed an emphasis on technical education and skilled trades. Engineering graduates are among the highest of the region also. Teacher to student ratio is again, among the highest in the region, and some of the best in the world. As few a 1:4 (In the Iraqui private schools), but the University average is approximately 1:15 At one time, tuition to Iraqi Universities was FREE! So enrollent had always been high in Iraq.

Also, prior to Americas involvement in Iraq, Iraq was recognized as the regions leader in Health Care. Because of the massive influx of oil money and the skilled workers that helped keep the oil industry alive, no expense was spared for hospitals, clinics, etc. Iraq was the gold standard for healthcare in the Middle East. This healthcare was available to everyone free of charge. Iraq's healthcare was so outstanding and efficient, it was recognized by the UN and earned an award from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Despite what you may think, Iraq was most definitely not a Third World Country. Although Saddam misused alot of the oil revenues, he invested billions into his country. While his investing wasn't ultimately for humanitarian purposes (he had to keep those working in the oil industry happy, healthy and make them want to work there so he could have more oil revenues to hoard), it ultimately DID benefit the entire populance. I personally know people who lived in you?? All of my friends from Iraq always said that Baghdad was "as modern as any large city in the US, and more modern than some of them". I have seen photographs from when they lived there, and indeed many Iraq cities were modern and beautiful, and had every ammenity a modern US city has (even "7-11" type convenience stores...Hmmm..I wonder if immigrant white people ran those stores??? :) )


And I suppose you know this because you were standing in the foxhole next to me in '03. Funny, I don't remember you. Saddam used these institutions to brainwash his people. MAllen was right when he said that these were for certain people only.

But hey, there were some great schools in the southern US back in the day...but I guess it was cool with you that we used to not let the blacks in there.

Throw your numbers and research in somebody elses face. Because unless you were there you sound alot like Charlie Brown's teacher......WA WA WA WAH WAH WAAAAH....

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