RRocket said:Prior to Americas involvement in Iraq, Iraq possesed one of the finest educational systems in the region. This was due in part because the was so much demand required for all of the oil related industries from the region, and the spin-off jobs those provided. Iraq's higher education comprised of 20 Universities and 45 techincal institutes, over 175 of what Americans would call community colleges, and approximately 20 research centres. As in America, every "province" in Iraq has it's own universities and colleges. Nearly 50% or enrolled students are women, which is among the highest of any Arab country. Also, Iraq had over 20 colleges dedicated solely to the training of teachers, again, among the highest in the middle east. Iraq really placed an emphasis on technical education and skilled trades. Engineering graduates are among the highest of the region also. Teacher to student ratio is again, among the highest in the region, and some of the best in the world. As few a 1:4 (In the Iraqui private schools), but the University average is approximately 1:15 At one time, tuition to Iraqi Universities was FREE! So enrollent had always been high in Iraq.
fossten said:Once again, (sigh) read up on the UN resolutions that led up to Iraq. It clearly explains how we went to war. :sleep:
fossten said:So you know personally what OBL wanted and what he was thinking? Wow, what an amazing man you must be! (sarcastic)
fossten said:It tells me that we are fighting a war with terrorists, and the battleground happens to be on Iraqi soil (which is way better than fighting it on our own soil), and you just proved it.
Who's talking about schools and hospitals? I'm talking about all the bombed-out homes and buisnesses. Who can think about school when you don't have a bed to sleep in at night? And RRocket has a valid point. Iraq was NOT a 3rd world country. If our goal is to "rebuild countries in need", there are MANY countries in much more need of our help than Iraq. How hypocritical of the right to pat themselves on the back for "rebuilding a country in need" when they really didn't need, nor ask us for help, then turn around and maintain the attitude of "screw the lazy, jobless, homeless asses" here in our own country.fossten said:That is where you are INcorrect. Iraqi schools and hospitals were in shambles before we got there, and there were mass graves as well. The army wasn't even being paid, which is why it was so easy to defeat them. Geez. Johnny, you don't even bother to check the facts before you post. It's so easy to refute your statements it's actually boring.
Nope, the "terrorists", for the most part, were NOT in Iraq until we attracted them there. Now all the Islamic extremists terrorists are converging on our troops on their own turf (the sandbox), where THEY have the ADVANTAGE! I'm not arguing the point that it's better to have that battle there rather than here, ONLY that GW under-manned, under-prepared, under-planned, under-equipped our troops to do that job, and in essence sent them on a suicide mission. Way to go G-dub!
Who's talking about schools and hospitals? I'm talking about all the bombed-out homes and buisnesses. Who can think about school when you don't have a bed to sleep in at night? And RRocket has a valid point. Iraq was NOT a 3rd world country. If our goal is to "rebuild countries in need", there are MANY countries in much more need of our help than Iraq. How hypocritical of the right to pat themselves on the back for "rebuilding a country in need" when they really didn't need, nor ask us for help, then turn around and maintain the attitude of "screw the lazy, jobless, homeless asses" here in our own country.
MAllen82 said:That'as laughable at best. It's a knwn fact that before the war most cities besides baghdad didn't have electricity o running water most of the time. The hospitals were horrible, and the only people who got anything were Bathists and Sunnis. Everyone else was left to dry. I don't know where you got this information from, but it's sounds pretty bogus to me. Not to mention the fact that there was a UN embargo on the country so that all the money coming in for oil was for the oil for food program. You really make me laugh with your research. Fossten really hit it on the head, saying you guys thoguht it was Malibu. Gimme a break.
MAllen82, I'm chuckling at that one. Ron (RRocket) IS from Canada.MAllen82 said:Go back to Canada or something.
MonsterMark said:MAllen82, I'm chuckling at that one. Ron (RRocket) IS from Canada.Send him back, heck, he already is in prison.![]()
MAllen82 said:HAHA, that's funny Johnny, but did you know that Zarqawi has been running terrorist cells in about 5 other countries from Iraq for many years before the war?? Check your facts buddy.
I have watched many of the Mulsim terrorist videos where they glorify the sniper shootings and IED bombings. The fact that we have 150,000 guys on the ground of there, many sitting ducks, I thank God everyday that more are not dying at the hands of these godless people.JohnnyBz00LS said:REAL progress in Iraq is measured by a reduction in the rate that our soldiers are dying. And it ain't happening yet!
JohnnyBz00LS said:O? Did I claim that Iraq was "terrorist free"?? Check your reading comprehension buddy.
JohnnyBz00LS said:Nope, the "terrorists", for the most part, were NOT in Iraq until we attracted them there. Now all the Islamic extremists terrorists are converging on our troops on their own turf.
JohnnyBz00LS said:SO? Did I claim that Iraq was "terrorist free"?? Check your reading comprehension buddy.
Its pathetic how the RWWs here continue to pat themselves on the back for "making progress in Iraq", based on how much "rebuilding" is going on. BFD. That's a pretty lame yardstick to use to measure "progress". REAL progress in Iraq is measured by a reduction in the rate that our soldiers are dying. And it ain't happening yet! It's WAY past time for BuSh to fish or cut bait. Perpetuating the status-quo in Iraq is only resulting in an ever increasing number of American soldier's deaths.
JohnnyBz00LS said:SO? Did I claim that Iraq was "terrorist free"?? Check your reading comprehension buddy.
Its pathetic how the RWWs here continue to pat themselves on the back for "making progress in Iraq", based on how much "rebuilding" is going on. BFD. That's a pretty lame yardstick to use to measure "progress". REAL progress in Iraq is measured by a reduction in the rate that our soldiers are dying. And it ain't happening yet! It's WAY past time for BuSh to fish or cut bait. Perpetuating the status-quo in Iraq is only resulting in an ever increasing number of American soldier's deaths.