Concrete side rail= 1, Lincoln LS= 0

I post on here, you should already know that being a professional drive is a prerequisite to post!

Question: How much damage was done with hitting that deer at 70mph. Totaled or what?
It's not that big of a deal so it couldn't have been that bad, right?

it wasn't a big deal at all. new hood, headlight, grill, fender, rad reinforcement=$6000. looked better than factory. car was 1 month old. no offense, but your damage is very minimal, much worse will happen in your life, take it in stride and move on.
good luck
I do remember Jwerner and Outkast going at it in a few threads and a few weeks after he disappeared, but I dont think he left cause of that.I dont remember reading any verbal dispute that would make him leave, unless it was over PM's. I still find it weird that he just disappeared since he would be on everyday.

especially since I'm more of a D-bag :-D
it wasn't a big deal at all. new hood, headlight, grill, fender, rad reinforcement=$6000. looked better than factory. car was 1 month old. no offense, but your damage is very minimal, much worse will happen in your life, take it in stride and move on.
good luck

Why couldn't you hitting the deer @ 70mph and this had been your ONLY post on this thread? You had to be a dick didn't you...:rolleyes:

Moving on, got the estimate today. A little over $3k, gonna have it towed to a friend who owns a body shop and he's going to see what else is wrong as far as the suspension goes. Insurance is going to cover the rims. The appraiser said I was close to having it totaled out. Yeah, that little bit of damage= almost totaled out?!:confused: So all and all great news!

I do have a question out there for those of you who have had work done and it be over what the insurances appraiser quotes you and its over the worth of car.
Did the insurance total out your car or cover the extra expenses???:shifty:
Normally if the damage is over 80% of the vehicle's value they total it out.
Why couldn't you hitting the deer @ 70mph and this had been your ONLY post on this thread? You had to be a dick didn't you...:rolleyes:

Moving on, got the estimate today. A little over $3k, gonna have it towed to a friend who owns a body shop and he's going to see what else is wrong as far as the suspension goes. Insurance is going to cover the rims. The appraiser said I was close to having it totaled out. Yeah, that little bit of damage= almost totaled out?!:confused: So all and all great news!

I do have a question out there for those of you who have had work done and it be over what the insurances appraiser quotes you and its over the worth of car.
Did the insurance total out your car or cover the extra expenses???:shifty:

My original post surrounds your use of the Lords name in vain, and then crying like a little girl about having to wait by then phone and the $500 deductable.
My point about me hitting a deer and smashing my brand new Mustang is that it's no big deal, you pay your deductable and get your car fixed.
Seems pretty simple. I'm not going to chime in like everyone else and say "that sucks" because that goes without saying.
My original post surrounds your use of the Lords name in vain, and then crying like a little girl about having to wait by then phone and the $500 deductable.
My point about me hitting a deer and smashing my brand new Mustang is that it's no big deal, you pay your deductable and get your car fixed.
Seems pretty simple. I'm not going to chime in like everyone else and say "that sucks" because that goes without saying.

I hear what your saying, but your really being a whiney bitch the way your going about saying it. Basically your crying about HIM crying about HIS situation in HIS thread. Which is really...well...stupid.

Anywho, on topic.

Im sorry about your car, I know what your talking about. A guy in my platoon took my LS and 2 of my buddies on a drunk night, being the only sober designated driver and rear ended a cop car tending to an accident at 70mph on a 1 way highway.

Now im paying for another LS, but that's just how it goes. ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES MY FRIEND :)
Why couldn't you hitting the deer @ 70mph and this had been your ONLY post on this thread? You had to be a dick didn't you...:rolleyes:

Let me recap for kingtonghsp.

Dude cries about hitting the concrete, then cries about his deductable, then cries about having to wait by the phone for the insurance co. to call. He is one of many people having to wait for the insurance co. to call because he is not the only person who hit something.

am I going slow enough for you?

I then comment about smashing a brand new car and he calls me a dick because this is not my only post.

It's a little gay to hear everyone say " I'm sorry about your car" grow the F up, fix it, and stop being the real bitch.
I then comment about smashing a brand new car and he calls me a dick because this is not my only post.

It's a little gay to hear everyone say " I'm sorry about your car" grow the F up, fix it, and stop being the real bitch.

I called you a dick because... surprise you were being a dick!
You replying to everything I say in a dickish is amusing! I also noticed you capitalizing when you start a new sentence! B+
Thanks professor Buttlick!!! I thought the idea of this forum was to learn from others.

Calling someone out for acting like a little girl, or bitch does not make them a dick, it makes them somebody with an opinion.

Keep crying, things will get better!!
Let me recap for kingtonghsp.

Dude cries about hitting the concrete, then cries about his deductable, then cries about having to wait by the phone for the insurance co. to call. He is one of many people having to wait for the insurance co. to call because he is not the only person who hit something.

am I going slow enough for you?

I then comment about smashing a brand new car and he calls me a dick because this is not my only post.

It's a little gay to hear everyone say " I'm sorry about your car" grow the F up, fix it, and stop being the real bitch.

Fair enough I hear you, but think about it like this. Why are YOU crying RIGHT NOW, about him crying? ITS HIS POST! just sounds ridiculous and makes you look utterly and totally STUPID.

You even keep coming back to defend the reason why your crying about HIS POST on HIS THREAD.

If people weren't allowed to rant and rave about their problems on internet forums, among peers of the same interest and subjects...then i'd understand where your coming from. But dude, GROW UP...this is a internet forum, let the man blow some steam on his post. Jesus Christ! You people who bitch about other people's lives/ways/beliefs/thoughts are truly pathetic. Thats where im getting at.
pathetic is having a minor, and I mean minor incident with a car and crying about the expense and having to wait by the phone.

F'ing pathetic.
Fair enough I hear you, but think about it like this. Why are YOU crying RIGHT NOW, about him crying? ITS HIS POST! just sounds ridiculous and makes you look utterly and totally STUPID.

You even keep coming back to defend the reason why your crying about HIS POST on HIS THREAD.

If people weren't allowed to rant and rave about their problems on internet forums, among peers of the same interest and subjects...then i'd understand where your coming from. But dude, GROW UP...this is a internet forum, let the man blow some steam on his post. Jesus Christ! You people who bitch about other people's lives/ways/beliefs/thoughts are truly pathetic. Thats where im getting at.

You nailed it right on the head!

This #1fordfan guy is the ONLY cry baby in this thread as far as I can read. I was just venting about these issues I am having at the moment surrounding my car.

I wonder if a guy makes a thread about something cool or positive he did like an upgraded or something on his car (rims, paint, stero, etc) does he come chiming in?

Random LVC poster: Hey guys, I just got some new _____. Check out these pics!

#1fordfan: Ooh Look at me! I have this new blah, blah, blah, and you don't. Spoiled Brat!!!

This thread wouldn't be the same without him... It makes for fun reading lol.

While my car was at the bodyshop there was another LS that did hit a deer. Be glad you chose the guard rail. The car was totalled, but the guy bought it back from the insurance company and was getting it repaired.
You nailed it right on the head!

This #1fordfan guy is the ONLY cry baby in this thread as far as I can read. I was just venting about these issues I am having at the moment surrounding my car.

I wonder if a guy makes a thread about something cool or positive he did like an upgraded or something on his car (rims, paint, stero, etc) does he come chiming in?

Random LVC poster: Hey guys, I just got some new _____. Check out these pics!

#1fordfan: Ooh Look at me! I have this new blah, blah, blah, and you don't. Spoiled Brat!!!


I usually reply to the posts that stand out as being stupid by stupid people. mods and improvements are informative.
Bitching about stupid shi* gets stale.
What you call venting, I call crying. most mature adults realize that driving has unforseen costs, maybe you don't understand that yet.
Unforseen costs?!?! What the hell are you talking about???:confused:

Next thing you're are going to tell me is that life isn't fair?
Scraped a concrete side rail to avoiding a deer a few a hours ago. It's not that bad, I scratched the front passenger side close to where the side marker is and lost the passenger minor. The car is pretty dirty so I can't tell if there are any scratched on the front fender. I'll have pic's up once it gets brighter outside. I called up the my insurance and the appraiser going to come between 8 and 5 today.
This blows! I have a $500 deductible and once I get this fixed it will just be one more thing on a big to do list...

Right here douch bag!!!!!

I have a $500 deductible and once I get this fixed it will just be one more thing on a big to do list...

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