Cool options no one knows about the LS's.

LS4me said:
Now that is one cool feature. You can even reset your position!

Should I ask how you know about the software update??? :p :p

as you guessed I learned that the hard way:) Thank god in my business I called in a favor to pioneer. dealer wanted to replace the whole unit. seriously....took pioneer guy like 3 hours till he stumbled across the right disc...
LS4me said:
Todd, I think the real issue is very few people can read a book anymore, and you need an extremely long extension cord to take the PC with you!!!!

LOL! I have a PDF copy of my Owner's Manual on my PDA.
This thread was created to share things that some owners might not know. It's easier just to post and read than to read the entire owner's manual. Can we just go back to the original topic at hand instead of being immature, I'm getting sick of this stuff happening on here. We have one of the decent forums on the internet, I don't want it going down the tubes.
I for one have read through my OM several times but I never knew about the speed volume thing simply beacuse I allways skiped the part about the base HU and whent right to the Alpine section because thats what I have and it says nothing about speed sensitve volume there. It wasint till the other night when I was looking something up for someone in another thread did I see that. Just because you have read the book it dose not meen you know everthing in it.

KD00LS said:
This thread was created to share things that some owners might not know. It's easier just to post and read than to read the entire owner's manual. Can we just go back to the original topic at hand instead of being immature, I'm getting sick of this stuff happening on here. We have one of the decent forums on the internet, I don't want it going down the tubes.

I have to agree 100% even though Im a little gulity my self
rocket5979 said:
Hehehe. I bet your the type of guy who will drive around for 10 hours on a 3 hour road trip because your lost and don't want to ask for directions. lol. :D Whenever I do that I drive my fiance crazy! I try to be more reasonable nowadays and make it a point to ask if I do not know. ;)

Do like me and get yourself the Eclipse AVN 5495 and never be lost again!!:)
KD00LS said:
This thread was created to share things that some owners might not know. It's easier just to post and read than to read the entire owner's manual. Can we just go back to the original topic at hand instead of being immature, I'm getting sick of this stuff happening on here. We have one of the decent forums on the internet, I don't want it going down the tubes.

:gr_hail: Thank god someone with some sense. Welcome to america everyone - if you don't like something you see, stop looking at it (or in this case, reading it).
highlander73 said:
:gr_hail: Thank god someone with some sense. Welcome to america everyone - if you don't like something you see, stop looking at it (or in this case, reading it).

LOL!! Well I have a 2004 and the second thing I did was read the manual cover to cover and still learned some things I didnt know from the forum. Threads like this are meant to be fun.
Not a fan of the speed sensitive volume, a few of my cars(almost all it seems today) have that and its more annoying to me because if you are talking to someone at a light and get going the volume well turn up and you than have to go and shut the feature off or keep turning it down. I have my own volume control, its called my thumb to the audio volume button on the wheel lol.

I tried the seat memory thing w/ the remote and that did not work. Guess maybe I should do that again might of done something wrong.
Beamer said:
Not a fan of the speed sensitive volume, a few of my cars(almost all it seems today) have that and its more annoying to me because if you are talking to someone at a light and get going the volume well turn up and you than have to go and shut the feature off or keep turning it down. I have my own volume control, its called my thumb to the audio volume button on the wheel lol.

I tried the seat memory thing w/ the remote and that did not work. Guess maybe I should do that again might of done something wrong.

You can turn the speed sensitive feature off and never have to worry about it again.
Not a fan of the speed sensitive volume, a few of my cars(almost all it seems today) have that and its more annoying to me because if you are talking to someone at a light and get going the volume well turn up and you than have to go and shut the feature off or keep turning it down. I have my own volume control, its called my thumb to the audio volume button on the wheel lol.

I tried the seat memory thing w/ the remote and that did not work. Guess maybe I should do that again might of done something wrong.

"You can turn the speed sensitive feature off and never have to worry about it again."

Oh, thanks for that advice lol.
Quik LS said:
Push and hold both the Reset and A/B trip buttons then turn the ignition to Run (past accessory) but don't start the car.

Look at the display. You can use the A/B (right) button to cycle through the display menu.
Interesting! But, of course now I'd like to know what the codes/paramaters mean. I searched the forum, did I overlook the obvious?
Auto-Dimming Rear View Mirror - The auto-dimming interior rear view mirror feature is shut off when shifting to Reverse. Shifting out of Reverse allows the mirror to return to auto-dim mode.
ke4unr said:
Interesting! But, of course now I'd like to know what the codes/paramaters mean. I searched the forum, did I overlook the obvious?

yeah, i really want to know what they all mean too.
Ya here's one. after washing your LS stick a pieace of towel under the weatherguard on the backwindow and go back and forth. this will get the loose water that would eventually drip down the side of your car.
JaredLS said:
Ya here's one. after washing your LS stick a pieace of towel under the weatherguard on the backwindow and go back and forth. this will get the loose water that would eventually drip down the side of your car.

Are yuo kidding me? I didnt know that worked wow
Beamer said:
Not a fan of the speed sensitive volume, a few of my cars(almost all it seems today) have that and its more annoying to me because if you are talking to someone at a light and get going the volume well turn up and you than have to go and shut the feature off or keep turning it down. I have my own volume control, its called my thumb to the audio volume button on the wheel lol.

I tried the seat memory thing w/ the remote and that did not work. Guess maybe I should do that again might of done something wrong.

"You can turn the speed sensitive feature off and never have to worry about it again."

Oh, thanks for that advice lol.

The speed sensitive volume can be turned down as an alternative to turning it off. In my car, it's under Audio --> Sound --> DSP/SCV --> Speed Compensated Volume in the touch-screen menus. Or is this a no-brainer?
this page should be a sticky thread so its always at the top.. great stuff fellas..

quick question.. can i use half these features if I change my stock radio? i know some of these features demand u to mess with the radio buttons... thanks
rocket5979 said:
Sooner this a thread for both cool things IN the manual and cool things that DIDN'T make it into the manual, if any. Most people would rather not take a day out of their life to read the entire LS manual so that is why I created this thread. Cool? Either be constructive in this thread or don't let the door hit you on the azz on your way out. ;)
DITTO. I hate :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs!
I pressed set, then the unlock key on the remote entry , then the number 1. now every time I unlock the car it goes to my seat, mirrors, and tilt settings
I was wondering how that worked. I did it one time by accident then changed the positions on everything and couldn't figure out how to get it back.

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