Joegr, I believe I found the steps.
What is the tool he is using, can I get this at a store?
He said I might need to drive it more to get the air out... :Bang
It should just be the standard diagnostic charge or one hour of labor. Probably $100 to $200.Yeah tell me about it, I might have to take this stupid thing to an actual Lincoln dealer and have them bleed it? Is it pretty expensive to have done?
Took it back up there to him, printed off the steps and showed him that it says you have to do this in the workshop manual for the 02 ls. He said bring it back up here monday and they will do it free of charge.
Do you think putting a shop vac on top of the reservoir securely and tight would work? OR could it be too strong?
Also Joegr, you know at the bottom of the passenger side where you let all of the coolant out of the cooling system (degas bottle cooling system), I was tightening the hex bolt head and it snapped off but iI had it tightened enough and it doesn't leak out of it. How do I replace this part?
Yah well, learned my lesson I guess. Theres no part you can order online? I need this to flush the system don't I?