God I hate illegals!

Wow that Ray Stevens vid is awesome! Btw, I love your avatar. The viking trance dancer is hilarious! ;)
So how again was I being aggressive and immature? So now freedom of speech or expression is synonymous with aggressiveness? I was pissed because she was in a rush to cut me off, so she can take her sweet time leaving the parking lot.
Pssst.....Lawyerman.....SCOTUS ruled long ago that "fighting words" are not protected speech. Obscene gestures fall in there, and many state supreme courts have ruled against defendants using obscene gestures in public.
As far as being illegal, I have worked with many legal and illegal aliens, sometimes it is hard to tell the two apart and there is no way you did just by talking to her. I'm as much against illegal immigration as anyone, but there is no way you know which she is. You were just as wrong as she was by flipping her off. Around here if someone calls the cops about road rage they will throw both parties in jail, especially if you told us what you just did here.
Pssst.....Lawyerman.....SCOTUS ruled long ago that "fighting words" are not protected speech. Obscene gestures fall in there, and many state supreme courts have ruled against defendants using obscene gestures in public.
As far as being illegal, I have worked with many legal and illegal aliens, sometimes it is hard to tell the two apart and there is no way you did just by talking to her. I'm as much against illegal immigration as anyone, but there is no way you know which she is. You were just as wrong as she was by flipping her off. Around here if someone calls the cops about road rage they will throw both parties in jail, especially if you told us what you just did here.

F off with your lawyerman crap. It's in your sig, and you like to troll around finding any way you can try to use it against me. I'm really getting tired of this disrespect garbage on this site lately where people start spouting off at the mouth because they are all big and bad behind their keyboard.

Other users agreed that they too can tell. I'm not the only one. Also as I mentioned to laser I could have been wrong, but usually I'm not on that. Maybe if you took a second to read, then comprehend you would be better off. Of course you're going to try to throw the lawyer thing in my face...you don't even have the basic intelligence to comprehend what people are typing...so a law degree would be a basic impossibility for you.

Newsflash genius, laws are passed and then rescinded all the time. Hence the abortion rights going back and forth. FYI, law is all up to interpretation, so in a court of law if the lawyer has his grounds covered and knows what to say, the case ends up in his favor. If the laws were cut and dry there would be no need for lawyers.

God I love when mindless :q:q:q:qs like you open your mouth like you are actually intelligent.....f'n dick! :mad:
F off with your lawyerman crap. It's in your sig, and you like to troll around finding any way you can try to use it against me. I'm really getting tired of this disrespect garbage on this site lately where people start spouting off at the mouth because they are all big and bad behind their keyboard.

Other users agreed that they too can tell. I'm not the only one. Also as I mentioned to laser I could have been wrong, but usually I'm not on that. Maybe if you took a second to read, then comprehend you would be better off. Of course you're going to try to throw the lawyer thing in my face...you don't even have the basic intelligence to comprehend what people are typing...so a law degree would be a basic impossibility for you.

Newsflash genius, laws are passed and then rescinded all the time. Hence the abortion rights going back and forth. FYI, law is all up to interpretation, so in a court of law if the lawyer has his grounds covered and knows what to say, the case ends up in his favor. If the laws were cut and dry there would be no need for lawyers.

God I love when mindless :q:q:q:qs like you open your mouth like you are actually intelligent.....f'n dick! :mad:

plus flipping the bird isn't considerable "fighting words" as it is a means to dismiss a person in concept of insult or avoidance. Kinda like talking to the hand...but in this economy we can only afford a finger :p
plus flipping the bird isn't considerable "fighting words" as it is a means to dismiss a person in concept of insult or avoidance. Kinda like talking to the hand...but in this economy we can only afford a finger :p

Actually it is, as I have said many states such as South Dakota have ruled as such. The bird simply means Fu<k you.
She would have gotten her ass shot for following me home, you should have said you felt threatned and commenced to whipping her ass. You handled the situation better than i would have.
Actually it is, as I have said many states such as South Dakota have ruled as such. The bird simply means Fu<k you.

indeed the bird does insist f*ck you but does not imply harm. If I told a woman "I wanna F*ck you" that does not imply harm, if I told someone "I don't f*cking care" does not mean I'll cause harm to the situation, so in the enlightening event...letting someone off is as free speech as telling someone to GO AWAY!

but in this case.. GO THE F*CK AWAY!
Watch your temper boy. You continuously spout off at the mouth on here to people just because you are behind a keyboard. That temper of yours is going to get you hurt one day. Don't assume that because I have a laid back personality here I have one in real life.

I was accepted into Widener law school and decided not to go. How about you? And unlike you, I actually have a bachelors degree, have worked in law enforcement, work as a federal government contractor and actually know what the hell I am talking about. You haven't done sh!t with your life so far and act like a complete know it all God damn moron on here trying to convince people you know what you are talking about. Maybe when you are older, wiser and grow up a bit you will see just how damn stupid you look.

Yep, been law of the land since 1940. It has been that way because SCOTUS decided that certain types of speech were not protected rights, like communicating threats, yelling fire in a theater etc. Many of the original protections of the Warren court are no longer in place. I've taken many constitutional law classes, how about you?

I'm certainly more intelligent than you. I tell you what, how about we meet sometime at one of the car rallies and you tell me exactly to my face what a clueless dick I am? I have a feeling you won't. Be sure to bring that big bad temper with you, it will give me a reason to have to some fun. I fully expect you to come back with some more of your uncontrolled temper. Save it and until we meet.

I'm sorry who started to insult who? You jumped in my thread where I was simply trying to vent a bit because I was pissed and started acting like johnny hardass. Yes I've had words with a few people on here...the ones that decided to attack me. You want to open your mouth and disrespect me, plan on getting the same treatment back.

You are so bright you don't even realize that you bulked more people together than just me with your comment. Laser did the same thing, and others mentioned they would have done the same or have done the same. So in other words you're saying that every one of them would have gone to jail for their supposed acts of road rage?

One thing you would learn about me if you knew me is I speak my mind to peoples face. As I've said numerous times on this site everyone seems to act all big and bad behind their keyboard, yet when they are face to face they are much more polite. It's classic internet tough guy syndrome. Had we been face to face I'm betting you wouldn't have said those words that started this debacle in a condescending way, and if you would I would have answered exactly how I just did here.

You have a BA degree? In what? What was your major? Then you were accepted into Wiener law school? Must be proud ;)

Btw, are you saying that words with you would equate to physical violence? Yet you had the audacity to say something about me giving the finger?!

This is exactly what is wrong with this site. People like you that start crap with people for no reason. I simply came on here to vent my frustration and of course there always has to be that DICK that has to start crap!
indeed the bird does insist f*ck you but does not imply harm. If I told a woman "I wanna F*ck you" that does not imply harm, if I told someone "I don't f*cking care" does not mean I'll cause harm to the situation, so in the enlightening event...letting someone off is as free speech as telling someone to GO AWAY!

but in this case.. GO THE F*CK AWAY!

Thank You! :Beer
im not reading all the replies thats too much like work, but i will say, this state is filled with illegals, fillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllled. i see these :q:q:q:qers everyday at my job. mowing lawns, laying brick pavers, laying sod, mowing the sides of the highways, this stae is :q:q:q:qing loaded with them. i cant say the woman derrik had the beef with was illegal, but :q:q:q:q her anyway. no one can drive in this state they are all a bunch of cell phone talking, text message sending :q:q:q:q sticks that cause deaths on the road daily. so weather or not she was an illegal, i'm flipping her the bird right now too. you guys all get your panties all twisted up so easily on here god dammmm. if she had followed me home i would have got out of my car and exposed my penis to her.
indeed the bird does insist f*ck you but does not imply harm. If I told a woman "I wanna F*ck you" that does not imply harm, if I told someone "I don't f*cking care" does not mean I'll cause harm to the situation, so in the enlightening event...letting someone off is as free speech as telling someone to GO AWAY!

but in this case.. GO THE F*CK AWAY!

Go smoke some more meth Pete;) Oh sorry, you do ecstasy and weed.
i will say anything to anyones face, and virginia is a really F*CKED up state with a lot of F*CKED up laws, i am soooooo glad i was never a resident of that Bass acwards state.

As far as that woman if i had been behind her...well i wouldnt have been cuz anyone who see the from bumper on my jeep stops unless they enjoy having their car opened like a tin can...love structural steel i-beams...and id have yelled at her through my PA system.

Laws are passed to protect stupid people from those of us that can actually function without our hands being held and told what to do day in and day out. IMO i say we throw out every law passed since the bill of rights and take back this country from those who are destroying it. GET LEGAL OR GET THE HELL OUT! PROTECT OUR LANDS FROM INVASION...SHOOT THEM ALL!!! I HAVE VIOLENT ISSUES I SHOULD DEAL WITH BUT THE WONT LET ME KILL PEOPLE.
I was busting your balls in good fun, but in your rage you couldn't take it. If you want to get on a personal level though I am more than willing to do it.

Ok, but I've asked you to stop. I don't mind any of you thrashing on me for anything else, but I don't appreciate a shot at my intelligence. Calling it a "laywering degree" was a shot at me and I didn't appreciate it. The way you said was not in a playful or fun manner, it was stated in a confrontational manner.

I obviously don't mind people busting my balls in good fun...I think me posting pictures of my shattered valve cover and then the hammer I did it with is proof enough I don't mind people joking on me. I like to make others laugh, even if it's at my expense sometimes.

There's not much I get heated about, the only two things are people saying I'm not honest, and people insinuating I'm stupid. Those two things set me off. Say anything else and I won't get pissed. You crossed the line this time, and you've done it before.

Rather than be a man and apologize for being a dick you went on and kept flapping.

Laser got his balls busted to when he posted about his incident. It goes with the territory. And yes, if the police had been informed and them stopped they would have gone to jail here in Northern Virginia. They have a zero tollerance policy. If you throw something at another car it will land you in jail for 2 years.

I was referring to the post Laser made in this thread, he wouldn't have gone to jail for that.

Yeah, actually I would have. My wife knows not to ask my opinion because I will freely give it. I am brutally honest, and my friends know it.
I would have, and will, tell you the exact same thing.
Yeah but would you have said it in a condescending manner? The tone being used differentiates the meaning. Had you said that jokingly, I wouldn't have responded as I did. There was no smiley, just you being a hardass.

How about you go back through this thread and see just how many people agree with you....looks like the scales are tipped in my direction champ. ;)

Criminal Justice from Western Michigan University. The Weidner school of law is a good school, and I am betting you could not get in.
This is what is going to happen. If you by some chance make it into law school and graduate, you will not be able to find a job. There are too many lawyers out there right now, and the economy is bad. There are tier I grads going for long periods of time without work. When you get out of community college though and make it into a real school, give us a buzz.

Firstly I'm not in a community college, I went to one for my AA which I finished in 1 year, now I'm a student at USF. Funny my two majors are Criminology, and Philosophy. Criminology is a breeze, I rarely need to put much effort in those classes to get 4.0's, and Philosophy is much more involved...yet I'm still getting all 4.0's with the occasional 3.0. Just an fyi, studies have proved people that major in Philosophy tend to score highest on the LSAT's....

I never said what would happen, only that it would be fun. The thing I have learned about big mouths with hot heads is that they will back down when faced with getting their asses beat. If they don't, well that is fun too.
Several members here have met me in person, so I am not some anonymous name on the net.

You vented it in the wrong area for one (this is a tech section), made an assumption that she was illegal and then displayed that you were the reason she followed you in the first place. You could have been a man about it but chose to make an issue with what you perceived to be an inferior person to you. Had it been someone like a large black guy or a biker, my bet is that your finger would have remained down in the uncocked position.
I do find it funny that whenever there is one of these type of threads, you always seem to be involved.

I love how you act as though you have never in your entire life gave anyone the finger or expressed anger at anyone, yet you in the same breathe talk about how blunt you are. Sounds very hypocritical to me!

As for who would approach me I could care less what or who they are. You assume I'm some midget that has no strength and no fighting ability. The funny thing is I'd say 99% of those that meet me have to look up to me...

i will say anything to anyones face, and virginia is a really F*CKED up state with a lot of F*CKED up laws, i am soooooo glad i was never a resident of that Bass acwards state.

As far as that woman if i had been behind her...well i wouldnt have been cuz anyone who see the from bumper on my jeep stops unless they enjoy having their car opened like a tin can...love structural steel i-beams...and id have yelled at her through my PA system.

Laws are passed to protect stupid people from those of us that can actually function without our hands being held and told what to do day in and day out. IMO i say we throw out every law passed since the bill of rights and take back this country from those who are destroying it. GET LEGAL OR GET THE HELL OUT! PROTECT OUR LANDS FROM INVASION...SHOOT THEM ALL!!! I HAVE VIOLENT ISSUES I SHOULD DEAL WITH BUT THE WONT LET ME KILL PEOPLE.

Sir I vote for you to run for president! :D I'm with you on all you said brother!
im not reading all the replies thats too much like work, but i will say, this state is filled with illegals, fillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllled. i see these :q:q:q:qers everyday at my job. mowing lawns, laying brick pavers, laying sod, mowing the sides of the highways, this stae is :q:q:q:qing loaded with them. i cant say the woman derrik had the beef with was illegal, but :q:q:q:q her anyway. no one can drive in this state they are all a bunch of cell phone talking, text message sending :q:q:q:q sticks that cause deaths on the road daily. so weather or not she was an illegal, i'm flipping her the bird right now too. you guys all get your panties all twisted up so easily on here god dammmm. if she had followed me home i would have got out of my car and exposed my penis to her.

How could there be illegals in the US? We spend GAZZILLIONS on Homeland Security, and border patrol. what a joke.

College is like flushing money down the toilet, the appocolypse is coming 2012, enjoy what little time you have left....

LOL who has the popcorn...
Sorry, ecstasy and weed. Shouldn't you be buying something at Wal-Mart right about now?

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