God I hate illegals!

Now I'm guilty! I just hijacked this thread with my own OPINION!

Sorry! :bash:

No biggie that's the fun of forums. :)

All I can say is...wow. This country ain't what it used to be. Recently, a scandal has erupted in the school system in the NC county where I grew up. It seems that a group of Mexican boys have been forcing young white kids into the bathrooms in the middle and high schools and performing acts upon them (you know what I'm talking about). It also seems that some of the faculty had knowledge of this activity and didn't report it. The only reason it came to light is because a young boy witnessed the activity and told his mother about it. Now here's the kicker, the Mexican boys are probably going to get off. Their defense is that that's what they do in their culture. In other words, they didn't know any better. BULL:q:q:q:q! Pardon my language. But they are not in "their culture" anymore. When they came to this country, they agreed to assymilate to "our" culture. The stupid, perverted, nasty, disgusting, $hit they did to their children in their own country doesn't apply here. They're in America! Not frakkin Mexico! Sorry, I have two kids of my own and if that had happened to my children...well...I won't go there. In my personal opinion, if they're illegal, they need to go the F**K home. Get the hell out of our country if you can't live here legally. Get the hell out of our country if you can't follow our laws and rules. And please get the flying f**k out of this great land if you can't control your effing children and keep them from violating our youngsters and scarring them for life!!!!!

That's f'n disgusting and as a parent myself I can relate to your feelings towards it. All I know is if my kid was harmed in that way words wouldn't express the pain that would be inflicted upon the person that hurt him....

Only on LVC do you need a road map to follow a thread. :)

I've worked with both legal and illegal Mexicans. The legals hate them more then we do. But you have to respect some of the hard working illegals also. They get alot of jobs most people think they are to good for. And they get them done correctly and in a timely manner. You want to hurt the illegals? Get off unemployment and welfare and take their work from them.

In Michigan they are considered migrant workers, no jobs in the winter.

I've never in my whole life made fun of or degraded any man who worked his ass off to support or better his family. I don't care what country he came from or what language he speaks. This also applies to the woman that I see at the end of summer picking in the fields for 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week.

And for flipping the bird, good for you. Its just a finger. You should have yelled welcome to America when you did it.

Thanks I should have said welcome to america :D HAHAHAHA

I don't know if you saw what I posted earlier but many of the companies would not give americans the jobs because the government (both federal and state) award jobs to companies with the most minorities. That's why they hire the illegals in jobs with prevailing wage.

The foreman I know said these illegals are SO unintelligent when it comes to logic. He said you can literally spell something out for them and they still won't get the job done right. I used to laugh watching him busting a vein yelling at these guys for causing thousands of dollars worth of mistakes. Although thousands of dollars is pennies on a multi-billion dollar job it's the point things had to be done over and over killing productivity.

A few of my friends only have a high school diploma so they don't have access to tech jobs, or other lucrative positions. So they got into things like lawn cutting etc. The problem is the illegals are starting companies under the table and doing jobs for a fraction of the price everyone else charges. This is putting many of the american companies down.

There is SO many levels where americans are getting f'd by these illegals being here it's not even funny. They are single handedly destroying this country and americans are standing by and letting it happen.

You're probably right. I actually work in the prison system, so I know. My son will be starting school this year. Luckily, not in that county. But things like that still worry me.
I thought you were a mechanic?
I love how people bitch at the way our country is, most of you have time to Fw msgs and copy/paste funny little pictures, but where are you on election day? And do you actually KNOW what the problem is..or what our country's founding beliefs are...

Who here knows what is written on the base of one of our nations treasures...The Statue of Liberty...let's see THAT post

if you want to make a difference in our national debt...find out exactly how much actual GOLD and SILVER support the US dollar...then youll find yourself starring at the criminals that call themselves the Government, I'm not getting all into, do your own researches
I love how people bitch at the way our country is, most of you have time to Fw msgs and copy/paste funny little pictures, but where are you on election day? And do you actually KNOW what the problem is..or what our country's founding beliefs are...

Who here knows what is written on the base of one of our nations treasures...The Statue of Liberty...let's see THAT post

if you want to make a difference in our national debt...find out exactly how much actual GOLD and SILVER support the US dollar...then youll find yourself starring at the criminals that call themselves the Government, I'm not getting all into, do your own researches

Oh I know all about that stuff, your voice is not falling on deaf ears. Why do you think I want to become a lawyer? To fight corruption in government and corporations. There is SO much crap going on that the average american doesn't realize because they are too busy watching American Idol, or ESPN.

Our money is backed by nothing, our country's worth was robbed in 1913.

Our government is absolutely criminal in most of their endeavors...however that still doesn't alleviate the fact that illegals need to be escorted out of this country. For all of the reasons I and others have already listed above. This country was founded on immigrants, and we welcome them to come here....LEGALLY!

Give us your tired, your hungry, your poor...LEGALLY! Not please send us your criminals and poor to live off the system and strain the american system and way of life! It doesn't say break into our country, steal our jobs, murder our citizens, rape our women, clog our roads, live off our taxes, and then try to force your language and culture down our throats! THAT DEFINITELY ISN'T THE AMERICAN WAY!
Ok, so with that in mind, all Caucasian and Negros,Orientals, ect ect...raise your hand and get the :q:q:q:q out...

Since this country was ORIGINALLY owned by Native Americans and Mexicans.
Ok, so with that in mind, all Caucasian and Negros,Orientals, ect ect...raise your hand and get the :q:q:q:q out...

Since this country was ORIGINALLY owned by Native Americans and Mexicans.

Ok, with that mindset what does our statue of liberty have to do with anything?
You want to talk about what this country stands for and what our statues illicit, yet then when that is used you then use the Native American approach?

Nobody is saying we don't want immigrants, we don't want illegal immigrants.

Are you openly saying on this forum that you support illegal immigration and stand behind it?
Yeah, hes all for illegal imigration. Just as much as you are all for sucking your boy friends cawk.
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this thread is that folks are embarrassed about discussing using slime in air struts, but not acting like this.

Oh, well... be that as it may...

Giving the finger, even to the police, has been successfully defended under the free speech umbrella in State and Federal Courts. While not directly addressed by the SCOTUS, they have ruled that certain gestures constitute free speech, and it is those rulings that have established precedent for overturning arrests on these grounds.

Telling the police to :q:q:q:q Off is a bit more problematic, although most of those cases appear to have been overturned on appeal also.

If there are extenuating circumstances: violence, resisting arrest, threatening gestures then the record is much less clear on the 'criminality' of either speech or gesture.

I'm not a lawyer, and it took me all of 5 minutes to find that out on the interwebs. What constantly amazes me is that folks who claim to want to become lawyers spend so little time explaining the law, and so much time with ad hominem attacks.

And for the record, I'm against illegal immigration, people cutting other people off in traffic, and people making generalizations about other folks based solely on how they look. Although I am guilty of of two out of those three on occasion, amigos. ;)
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Ok, so with that in mind, all Caucasian and Negros,Orientals, ect ect...raise your hand and get the :q:q:q:q out...

Since this country was ORIGINALLY owned by Native Americans and Mexicans.

fyi every country became owned by some type of race or culture? would you like us to kick the Africans out of Africa since the animals were there first? Or how about the spanish in cenntral/south america since SPAIN took over those countries and conjoined the cultures.

Btw what happens to Ellis Island where any and all immigrants had to be given proper names, papers, etc to become a LEGAL CITIZEN!

I have no problem with races as long as they are here Legally but I hate ILLEGALS, hell I wish I could live in Europe Illegally.....but you know what...I F*CKING CANT!
Don't assume that all cases with gestures are going to make it to the Supreme court. Many states and localities have statutes covering it, so it is a gray area everywhere you go. Case in point:


Very gray area:


and another:


With the amount of people there days with road rage and carrying guns it is best to just let the other person go. When I lived in North Carolina, just getting out of your car and coming up to another in a fit of rage could get you shot legally. The argument was that the person in the car was at a disadvantage, so the defense of ones life with lethal force was justified even if the other person had no weapon. Now if someone follows me in a fit of rage and I haven't done anything, that is another case entirely.
fyi every country became owned by some type of race or culture? would you like us to kick the Africans out of Africa since the animals were there first? Or how about the spanish in cenntral/south america since SPAIN took over those countries and conjoined the cultures.

Btw what happens to Ellis Island where any and all immigrants had to be given proper names, papers, etc to become a LEGAL CITIZEN!

I have no problem with races as long as they are here Legally but I hate ILLEGALS, hell I wish I could live in Europe Illegally.....but you know what...I F*CKING CANT!

HAHAHAHA! That was freaking classic!

Don't assume that all cases with gestures are going to make it to the Supreme court. Many states and localities have statutes covering it, so it is a gray area everywhere you go. Case in point:


Very gray area:


and another:


With the amount of people there days with road rage and carrying guns it is best to just let the other person go. When I lived in North Carolina, just getting out of your car and coming up to another in a fit of rage could get you shot legally. The argument was that the person in the car was at a disadvantage, so the defense of ones life with lethal force was justified even if the other person had no weapon. Now if someone follows me in a fit of rage and I haven't done anything, that is another case entirely.

That I agree with. In Florida under the new law if you even feel threatened you have the right to use deadly force.

Yeah, hes all for illegal imigration. Just as much as you are all for sucking your boy friends cawk.

I thought you didn't want anyone to know about us Laser, btw you got that backwards it's you ;)
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HAHAHAHA! That was freaking classic!

That I agree with. In Florida under the new law if you even feel threatened you have the right to use deadly force.

I thought you didn't want anyone to know about us Laser, btw you got that backwards it's you that sucks my cock ;)
That would imply you have a cock which we all know you dont.
Second of all you would most definatly be the catcher.
Third you are not man enough for me! :p Not into men dressed as women that wear lipstick!

Granted you do look better when ya doll yourself up....... better then normal anyway. :ack:

No I don't condone illegal immigrants, but let's stand back and look at why they came here in the first place...have you ever been to a 3rd world county? Have you ever seen people building their houses out of plywood from billboards or shipping pallets, if there was a better place for you to live would you go there to support your family, if the system of that country was crowded and corrupt, and you could walk to this new place, even to risk arrest....would you?
If it meant eating or not, or watching your kids starve

try to be a little more open minded when you generalize everyone by their race or legality, seariously, I know many Mexican that want to be legal buy can't get the paperwork thru, and on that same hand I know several White guys that do everything they can to hide income from tax claims so they don't have to pay...and legal citizen African/Americans who CAN work but sit on welfare because they can....
Illegal immigrants are not this countries major problem...it's YOU the VOTER who allows these things...YOU are the problem
got a cure to the watch your children starve statement "CAN'T FEED THEM, DON'T BREED THEM!!" also i think we should have tests for people who want to be parents, if you fail you get castrated or a hysterectomy depending on gender. fixes all the over population issues and makes me happy that stupid people wont be able to breed.

I hate all races equally to be honest, whites, asians, hispanics, blacks, and all the mixed ones in between. there's good people in every race but a majority are idiots and morons that need to be done away with.

Yes this country was founded with the blood, sweat, and tears of LEGAL immigrants and yes i dont have a problem with people becoming legal citizens. Being legal comes at a price that the general illegal does not want to pay. the quotes from teddy is what the govt should be held to but the american population that cares about subjects like this and have the back bone/balls/testicular fortitude to stand up and demand action from a sloth like govt is small, the govt and big business should be purged of its corruption and vaccinated to prevent this from becoming an issue again.


WATCH I GET A VISIT FROM homeland security or some other govt agency...maybe ICE will recruit me for armed border patrol...LOL
No I don't condone illegal immigrants, but let's stand back and look at why they came here in the first place...have you ever been to a 3rd world county? Have you ever seen people building their houses out of plywood from billboards or shipping pallets, if there was a better place for you to live would you go there to support your family, if the system of that country was crowded and corrupt, and you could walk to this new place, even to risk arrest....would you?
If it meant eating or not, or watching your kids starve

try to be a little more open minded when you generalize everyone by their race or legality, seariously, I know many Mexican that want to be legal buy can't get the paperwork thru, and on that same hand I know several White guys that do everything they can to hide income from tax claims so they don't have to pay...and legal citizen African/Americans who CAN work but sit on welfare because they can....
Illegal immigrants are not this countries major problem...it's YOU the VOTER who allows these things...YOU are the problem

I do vote, however my vote is pointless because the system is a scam set up to make the people think they have a say in government. The elite choose who does what, who gets in office, and what actions they take while in power.

Democrats vs Republicans is a system set up to put a rift in the population. They want to keep us from becoming united, because a unified united population is a population that has control of their government.

got a cure to the watch your children starve statement "CAN'T FEED THEM, DON'T BREED THEM!!" also i think we should have tests for people who want to be parents, if you fail you get castrated or a hysterectomy depending on gender. fixes all the over population issues and makes me happy that stupid people wont be able to breed.

I hate all races equally to be honest, whites, asians, hispanics, blacks, and all the mixed ones in between. there's good people in every race but a majority are idiots and morons that need to be done away with.

Yes this country was founded with the blood, sweat, and tears of LEGAL immigrants and yes i dont have a problem with people becoming legal citizens. Being legal comes at a price that the general illegal does not want to pay. the quotes from teddy is what the govt should be held to but the american population that cares about subjects like this and have the back bone/balls/testicular fortitude to stand up and demand action from a sloth like govt is small, the govt and big business should be purged of its corruption and vaccinated to prevent this from becoming an issue again.


WATCH I GET A VISIT FROM homeland security or some other govt agency...maybe ICE will recruit me for armed border patrol...LOL

Absolutely right! There is SO much going on behind the scenes that the majority of the population is unable to wrap their minds around it...but that's not their fault, they have become part of the cervial zombie population via psychotropic drugs and vaccinations. Their genetic code has been altered through planned eugenics in order to make them accept their destiny as a slave to the system. In other words, they are incapable of logic.

"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species." "A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton." - Bertrand Russell
Don't assume that all cases with gestures are going to make it to the Supreme court. Many states and localities have statutes covering it, so it is a gray area everywhere you go. Case in point:


Very gray area:


and another:


With the amount of people there days with road rage and carrying guns it is best to just let the other person go. When I lived in North Carolina, just getting out of your car and coming up to another in a fit of rage could get you shot legally. The argument was that the person in the car was at a disadvantage, so the defense of ones life with lethal force was justified even if the other person had no weapon. Now if someone follows me in a fit of rage and I haven't done anything, that is another case entirely.

In your first example, Hackbert won his case. I didn't look at the others, however many folks are arrested and fined for flipping the bird, but it would appear that anyone wishing to pursue the case up the through the courts will ultimately be aquitted. And, for good measure, cities that display a pattern of abuse of these types of arrests have been fined.

I would seriously doubt that the SC will ever hear a case on someone giving the middle finger. So most lower court rulings will stand, and they appear to back a freee speech usage of that particular digit.

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