God I hate illegals!

the poor lady next to me at the post office had her social security card stolen, she accidentally left it at the register and came back to find it missing :(

there are plenty of illegals around here... which will hopefully get a clue pretty soon here and just kind of go away... wishful thinking, have fun with that NM and Utah
Srry don't buy sh*t from walmart. I'm not poor, like you

Shouldn't you be getting owned by Calabrio and the gang right about now in the political forum? I hear Wal-Mart calling, they want their massage therapist back. Hmmm, into body building (California style, stick legs), massage therapist and quick to come up with the homophobic routine when you don't have an argument. I think you might be hiding something in that closet of yours:D:lol:
the poor lady next to me at the post office had her social security card stolen, she accidentally left it at the register and came back to find it missing :(

there are plenty of illegals around here... which will hopefully get a clue pretty soon here and just kind of go away... wishful thinking, have fun with that NM and Utah

My brother in law has been in the Air Force since '87. A few duty stations back he had his identity stolen by illegal alien cleaners who were hired to clean the offices on the base. They stole a bunch of identities and his was distributed and used by 17 different illegals. His first indication something was wrong was when a mortgage company called wanting to know where their payment was. One of the illegals had bought a house and turned around and did a second mortgage on it taking over $100,000 at closing and then walking away.
He could have gone to jail but it was verified that he had never been anywhere near where this was going on at. This was about 5 years ago and he is still fighting the fraudulent charges and negative effects to his credit because of it. My sister and him still have to live on base housing and still can't get a house due to being the victim of illegal aliens.
Sorry, ecstasy and weed. Shouldn't you be buying something at Wal-Mart right about now?

here's some demotivations for you though :-D

your size.jpg

your man card.jpg


THe Door.jpg



Shouldn't you be getting owned by Calabrio and the gang right about now in the political forum? I hear Wal-Mart calling, they want their massage therapist back. Hmmm, into body building (California style, stick legs), massage therapist and quick to come up with the homophobic routine when you don't have an argument. I think you might be hiding something in that closet of yours:D:lol:

you seem to have a fascination of stalking me :-D sure there isn't something you're hiding? Ahh attacking my career eh? Well fyi...lawyers suck more balls than a female masseuse prostitute does. Think twice on that one slow-mo. Yes into body building...means I'm fit, healthy, and can break pencil pushers like you in two :-D quite fun.

Homophobic routine?
For someone making a retort to my Wal-mart thread you should use ammo that would have reputable sense :/
My brother in law has been in the Air Force since '87. A few duty stations back he had his identity stolen by illegal alien cleaners who were hired to clean the offices on the base. They stole a bunch of identities and his was distributed and used by 17 different illegals. His first indication something was wrong was when a mortgage company called wanting to know where their payment was. One of the illegals had bought a house and turned around and did a second mortgage on it taking over $100,000 at closing and then walking away.
He could have gone to jail but it was verified that he had never been anywhere near where this was going on at. This was about 5 years ago and he is still fighting the fraudulent charges and negative effects to his credit because of it. My sister and him still have to live on base housing and still can't get a house due to being the victim of illegal aliens.

hahaha so your sis and her fiance got f*cked by a mexican...hahahahahaha

illegal aliens.jpg
you seem to have a fascination of stalking me :-D sure there isn't something you're hiding? Ahh attacking my career eh? Well fyi...lawyers suck more balls than a female masseuse prostitute does. Think twice on that one slow-mo. Yes into body building...means I'm fit, healthy, and can break pencil pushers like you in two :-D quite fun.

Sorry not a pencil pusher or a lawyer;) Too bad you are so far away, I could have some fun with a skinny kid like you (and not in a gay way).

Homophobic routine?
For someone making a retort to my Wal-mart thread you should use ammo that would have reputable sense :
Come on Pete, come out of the closet already. We know you want to:lol::lol::lol:
Sorry not a pencil pusher or a lawyer;) Too bad you are so far away, I could have some fun with a skinny kid like you (and not in a gay way).

Come on Pete, come out of the closet already. We know you want to:lol::lol::lol:

for making homophobic remarks you sure trap yourself in your own....

funny how you call me skinny kid. Don't worry I'm not that far away. Maybe I'll see you at the Lincoln meet this summer. I'm looking forward to it :-D unless you're to afraid to show your face.....bet you got yourself a nice farmers tan, right?

So then not a lawyer...as I thought you were from your sig (as the reference made me assume) then what might you be there, sailor?
F-ed by the Air Force. Better by them than by a gay massage therapist;);)
Come on Pete, your boring me son.

indeed, you better watch out for them gay massage therapists...though they got your bro-in law's back...they'll get him in the air pretty quick :p

btw, I hope he gets shot down, what does he fly or work on?
for making homophobic remarks you sure trap yourself in your own....

funny how you call me skinny kid. Don't worry I'm not that far away. Maybe I'll see you at the Lincoln meet this summer. I'm looking forward to it :-D unless you're to afraid to show your face.....bet you got yourself a nice farmers tan, right?

So then not a lawyer...as I thought you were from your sig (as the reference made me assume) then what might you be there, sailor?

Pete, don't go around making threats. I've seen you, I am bigger, older stronger and have been fighting since before you were in diapers. As far as my sig, apparently you can't read because it is a quote from Tommy.
Will I be in Boscobel? Nope, but I will be at some of the meets in the east. Feel free to come and introduce yourself.
Pete, don't go around making threats. I've seen you, I am bigger, older stronger and have been fighting since before you were in diapers. As far as my sig, apparently you can't read because it is a quote from Tommy.
Will I be in Boscobel? Nope, but I will be at some of the meets in the east. Feel free to come and introduce yourself.

seen me? bah, hell you call me skinny legged :p musta been an odd peripheral then, eh?

I'm not making threats at all, I'm making friendly conversation. Threats are made with the birdie, remember?

fyi, I don't know Tommy
Thread Jacking!!!

Wow, its really all one can say about this topic..

It went from someone using words that may have or may not have been appropriate to use, since we really can't tell if she REALLY was illegal, however I think everyone has a right to their opinion, BUT the real issue was that He just wanted to share his vent about some BIatch cutting him off just to stall him. I'd be pissed too. Don't know if I would have reacted the same way but hey, It's my choice how to respond. anyway This Thread has gone wrong on so many levels.. I Take no ones side here, I find fault in all of it, Even though I have myself given the patriotic Bird to others.

I close with this,

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt, 1907

"For an American citizen to vote as a German-American, an Irish-American, or an English-American, is to be a traitor to American institutions; and those hyphenated Americans who terrorize American politicians by threats of the foreign vote are engaged in treason to the American Republic." -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1915.

<<<--------- Sits back and watch the debris start to fly now! :)
Pete, I'm the one that is going to be the lawyer. I got tired of all the government and corporate corruption and decided to try and make a difference. I also got tired of how the system no longer stands for absolute justice and freedom and hope to change that. I got defensive with marked8 because they try to downplay the fact I want to do something with my life and assume all lawyers stand for corruption.

Marked8...Another confusing thing is why are people ripping on each others career? I think it's quite arrogant to downplay what someone chose as a path in life. Ripping on ones career is an excellent indication that philosophy of life and of a just society have never crossed your mind. If pete chose to do personal training or massage therapy how does that make him gay? Have you ever seen the chicks personal trainers and massage therapists get to work with? Then you tried to insinuate that lawyers are mindless in the way you constantly take a shot at them, yet you admit you wanted to be one. You yourself asserted how hard it was to be accepted into law school so that shows how illogical it is to claim lawyers are dumb. It's as if you're jealous that you didn't take that path in life.

96 lincoln lsc : Thanks. As for your immigration statement the problem isn't people coming to this country, it's people coming illegally. Illegals live off the system and don't contribute, they steal our jobs, cause crime and overpopulate our country. It's time to stand up and show them the door. Did you see my link on the 2nd page about the legal immigrant that was killed by an illegal? How is that fair that a legal immigrant that came to this country to help make it flourish, was killed by some lowlife scumbag that came to exploit it?
A Real Eye Opener WHY is the USA BANKRUPT? Informative, and mind boggling! You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this:
Boy, was I confused. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us.
I now find that to be RIDICULOUS. I hope the following reasons are forwarded over and over again.

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. 7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. 8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .
11. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.
12.. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States .'
The total cost is a whopping $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR AND IF YOU'RE LIKE ME HAVING TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING THIS AMOUNT OF MONEY; IT IS $338,300,000,000.00 WHICH WOULD BE ENOUGH TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY FOR THE CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY. Are we THAT stupid? YES, FOR LETTING THOSE IN THE U.S.CONGRESS GET AWAY WITH LETTING THIS HAPPEN YEAR AFTER YEAR!!!!! If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message. If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every legal resident in the United StatesAND PLEASE REMEMBER IT AT THE NEXT ELECTIONS!!!
96 lincoln lsc : Thanks. As for your immigration statement the problem isn't people coming to this country, it's people coming illegally. Illegals live off the system and don't contribute, they steal our jobs, cause crime and overpopulate our country. It's time to stand up and show them the door. Did you see my link on the 2nd page about the legal immigrant that was killed by an illegal? How is that fair that a legal immigrant that came to this country to help make it flourish, was killed by some lowlife scumbag that came to exploit it?
Yep thats pretty much the reason behind the QUOTE... It discusses the differences between Legal and Illegal.. , Overall anyone can become Legal as long as they Follow the Rules.. This goes for anyone who is currently a Legal resident of the U.S.A. as well. The Second Quote applies to all Americans too!

I am simply stating that any Person who wishes to come to America for any reason should be held to the Rules in which govern the process, If your illegal, Go back home and by all means the goverment should have the right to protect itself by any means nessecary upto and including Deadly force.. This is to protect our legal citizens..
Yep thats pretty much the reason behind the QUOTE... It discusses the differences between Legal and Illegal.. , Overall anyone can become Legal as long as they Follow the Rules.. This goes for anyone who is currently a Legal resident of the U.S.A. as well. The Second Quote applies to all Americans too!

I am simply stating that any Person who wishes to come to America for any reason should be held to the Rules in which govern the process, If your illegal, Go back home and by all means the goverment should have the right to protect itself by any means nessecary upto and including Deadly force.. This is to protect our legal citizens..

Got ya. It went over my head. 9am is to early for me to get political, my son kept me up all night, so I'm groggy as hell.

I agree with you on your points :Beer
Now I'm guilty! I just hijacked this thread with my own OPINION!

Sorry! :bash:
All I can say is...wow. This country ain't what it used to be. Recently, a scandal has erupted in the school system in the NC county where I grew up. It seems that a group of Mexican boys have been forcing young white kids into the bathrooms in the middle and high schools and performing acts upon them (you know what I'm talking about). It also seems that some of the faculty had knowledge of this activity and didn't report it. The only reason it came to light is because a young boy witnessed the activity and told his mother about it. Now here's the kicker, the Mexican boys are probably going to get off. Their defense is that that's what they do in their culture. In other words, they didn't know any better. BULL:q:q:q:q! Pardon my language. But they are not in "their culture" anymore. When they came to this country, they agreed to assymilate to "our" culture. The stupid, perverted, nasty, disgusting, $hit they did to their children in their own country doesn't apply here. They're in America! Not frakkin Mexico! Sorry, I have two kids of my own and if that had happened to my children...well...I won't go there. In my personal opinion, if they're illegal, they need to go the F**K home. Get the hell out of our country if you can't live here legally. Get the hell out of our country if you can't follow our laws and rules. And please get the flying f**k out of this great land if you can't control your effing children and keep them from violating our youngsters and scarring them for life!!!!!
Only on LVC do you need a road map to follow a thread. :)

I've worked with both legal and illegal Mexicans. The legals hate them more then we do. But you have to respect some of the hard working illegals also. They get alot of jobs most people think they are to good for. And they get them done correctly and in a timely manner. You want to hurt the illegals? Get off unemployment and welfare and take their work from them.

In Michigan they are considered migrant workers, no jobs in the winter.

I've never in my whole life made fun of or degraded any man who worked his ass off to support or better his family. I don't care what country he came from or what language he speaks. This also applies to the woman that I see at the end of summer picking in the fields for 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week.

And for flipping the bird, good for you. Its just a finger. You should have yelled welcome to America when you did it.
thaywood I'm sure we got more middle american white men locked up for ass raping little boys then we do imigrants that have done it.

Like you said, this place has changed.
thaywood I'm sure we got more middle american white men locked up for ass raping little boys then we do imigrants that have done it.

Like you said, this place has changed.

You're probably right. I actually work in the prison system, so I know. My son will be starting school this year. Luckily, not in that county. But things like that still worry me.

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