Sooooo... to finally include my full response:
If you can't see how the Judicial system of this country, (and how the Supreme Court was set up), was based off the Theocracy of the Old Testament,,, then I don't know what to tell you.
As far as John Locke... the first red flag for me was "natural law".
"Natural law is a philosophy that certain rights or values are inherent by virtue of human nature and universally cognizable through human reason. Historically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze both social and personal human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior."
- - - - -
Natual Law... says that "man decides",,, rather than "God said" (which is Theocratic Law)... or that God had our better interests in mind,,, despite the plans of man. Locke was a philosopher that studied the Greek pagan ideologies of Plato. Might be a link through a Google search... but for most part "Wiki" is pretty reliable for facts.
Been down this road already a couple years ago,,, but what the heck...
all of this is a form of humanism:
"Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition."
- - - Of which John Locke seemed to ascribe to. So Locke was a Humanist,,, because of his Deistic beliefs,,, and his study of Greek pagan philosophies... which says that man can become as a God himself. If you don't believe this... go back up to the link about Neo-Platonism,,, and go deeper into the study of "the One". If done properly,,, you will find that this has nothing to do with "The One True God"... but in fact is about the attainment of the individual to become as a god,,, similar to other false religions.
Again... I mentioned a book by Karen Armstrong in a previous post... called "A History of God". She is much smater than I am,,, and I had to use a dictionary and the internet (Google) to properly grasp the some of the ideas she was talking about. But in the end,,, I understood that what she mentioned about Greek Platonistic ideas of "the One"... was similar to Bhuddist beliefs about attaining Nirvana,,, which again is another human belief than man can attain his own state of ecstacy... and in a sense,,, become as God.... "all knowing".
Continuing on Locke...
In the above link you will find these:
Locke - - - "is among the most influential political philosophers of the modern period." - - - (his modern period,,, but it seems that his thoughts have perpetuated into our "modern period"... and possibly influenced Gutzman and others.
--- Notice that the article says political "philosopher". Doesn't say anything about how his beliefs, (or lack of), in God... influenced any of his decisions. Kinda describes Gutzman too.
"where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property."
--- This is a secular idea that Locke had,,, based on his non-thoelogical beliefs. Locke was definitely a Deist. Again,,, Deism is the belief that God set everything into motion... and then let man decide his own course,,, and fate.
Under the title in the Link:
1. Natural Law and Natural Rights
"The natural law concept existed long before Locke" (and this came from the pagan philosopher Plato). <<< This part in parentheses,,, is my own additional comment based on lengthy sutdies of how Plato has influenced todays society... both past and present.
"Natural law is also distinct from divine law in that the latter, in the Christian tradition, normally referred to those laws that God had directly revealed through prophets and other inspired writers. Natural law can be discovered by reason alone and applies to all people, while divine law can be discovered only through God's special revelation and applies only to those to whom it is revealed."
--- So natural law is made through man-made philosphies, ("reason alone"),,, and is separate from Divine Law, (the 10 Commandments),,, which is based on Theocratical beliefs.
"As we will see below, even though Locke thought natural law could be known apart from special revelation, he saw no contradiction in God playing a part in the argument, so long as the relevant aspects of God's character could be discovered by reason alone."
--- Reason alone??? Again... this is man made philosophy. I could keep going,,, but I'll skip to the next part of the web-page.
2. State of Nature
"Locke's concept of the state of nature has been interpreted by commentators in a variety of ways. At first glance it seems quite simple. Locke writes “want [lack] of a common judge, with authority, puts all persons in a state of nature” and again, “Men living according to reason, without a common superior on earth, to judge between them, is properly the state of nature.”
--- This defies the existence of the Supreme Court, (which as I said before was based on Theocratical beliefs). The Supreme Court was founded in 1789... which was after Locke's time on this earth,,, but the idea of the Supreme Court seems to fly in the face of what John Locke personally believed.... I.E. "human reason"
I could keep going on about Locke and the above website I used as a reference... but I don't see the point. You will see what what you have come to understand... from what you have been taught by the modern world view.
The rest of the article gets into a deabateable argument about other subjects.
On another link:
Read the whole link,,, but the commentator/historian goes on to say about Locke:
"At the same time, his work belongs to the history of liberal theology, and was intimately connected with the deism which followed; it treats religion like any other subject, and interprets the Bible like any other book; and, in his view of the nature of religion, he tends to describe it as if it consisted almost entirely in an attitude of intellectual belief—a tendency which became more prominent in the course of the eighteenth century."
- - - Locke's wiews were "luke warm" when it came to Christian influences in the founding of this country,,, because he was a Deist. But it does seem that Locke was a Capitalist,,, when Jefferson wasn't.
Contrast this with Jefferson's beliefs:
Insert post # 259 here
So it appears that Jefferson and Locke had disparate beliefs about God,,, and the influence that God should have on the government... and on our individual lives. Lockean Natural Law... was not derived from Chistianity... it was derived from Locke's study of the wrtings of Plato.
In contrast... let's take a look at Divine Law,,, which is in part what a Theocracy is based on... and maybe contrary to what you think,,, is actually what this country was founded on... ,,, ... but in a different way from what the settelers of this country came here to escape. From the majority/all of the states that formed the Nation State of the U.S. ,,, 200 plus years ago they came here to practice "religios liberty",,, while still adhereing to "Divine Law".
If you know the Bible well enough,,, specifically the Old Testament... then compare the above link to the Old Testament... and the basic laws this country had at it's founding. I'll give you the fact,,, that the "witch hunts"... and "stake burings" were heretical... but eventually,,, as the influence of the Church of England lost it's influence on this country... those things were resolved, (though one form of "religion" has alot to repent for).
Notice the above link says: "Unlike natural law, which is independent of human beings," So... the majority of people that fled here from Europe,,, to escape religious and political persecution... came here to establish a country where Christianity could be practiced FREELY,,, with out any specific church dictating whaty a person should believe... or the political laws of the government or church dictating how a personson life was to be lived... or how God was to be worshipped.
Notice also... the last link above,,, says:
"Divine laws are contained in sacred religious texts such as the Torah, the Holy Bible, and Quran."
Soooo... if PROPER study was done about the foundations on which this country was founded,,, a person would "In Truth" discover... that this country was founded on "Divine Law".... Which is based on Theocratical beliefs.
No offense meant... but you are a few years behind me on this study,,, and it has NOTHING to do with Barton or WALLBUILDERS. While they are not incorrect... I went on my own study a few years ago,,, when the church I left decided to go down the path of Universalism... following the teachings of George MacDonald.
That... is a separate study... of and within itself,,, which is also heresy.
At this point... I ask you, (without condemning your thoughts and ideas),,, to reconsider what you are thinking to be true by the "reason of man"... an beseech you to look for the truth, “all the life and power of true religion consist in the inward and full persuasion of the mind”
IIRC... I was quoting Jefferson there.
So SD,,, if you trust Gutzman and Locke,,, (since they both appear to be "liberals")... maybe you need to do the same study on Empiricalism/Materialism that you accused Wrm of ????