Okay... I'm reading your last post,,, and I'm going to break it down into parts... and discuss them separately to a degree.
"I would most certainly not call the United States anything close to a Theocracy at any time in it's history."
I respectfully disagree. If you take a look at the Old Testament... they had a Theocracy set up by God... through Moses. The Israelites/Jews were given the 10 Commandments millenia ago... and as Jesus entered humany history,,, and as Christianity was formed... those tenets were continued as part of the forming of this nation. So yes... this country was formed and based, (for the most part), on Theocractical beliefs.
This is not mythmaking,,, if the Bible and past recorded history are to be considered as accurate.
As far as the 1st Amendment. Again... it was formed because of a tyrannical England at the time (1600's)... which was moving toward a dictatorship formed by by the religion of the day. All things mentioned in the 1st amendment... were repressed by "the (controlling) curch" at the time in England... and the founding fathers of this country wanted to ensure the same thing didn't happen here.
Jefferson may have been a Deist, (one of the rare times E comes before I,,, when there is no C), but even Deists believe in God. So even questionable forms of Christianity... allowed for God and the 10 Commandments,,, to be part of the founding of this nation.
- - - Sidebar - - - For those that don't know what a Deist or Deism is... the basic explanation is that God set everything into motion,,, and then took His "hands off",,, to let man decide his own fate.
I disagree with Deism vehemently also,,, because I have seen God intervene in many peoples lives over the years. If Deism were true,,, then there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross for mankind. Deism and Universalism are cousins. One says that the whole thing with God and man, (and the devil), was an experiment,,, so the end result doesn't matter. The other one says that even though people reject the idea of God,,, or God/Jesus Himself... it won't matter because everyone goes to heaven in the end.
I haven't dug deep enough into the history of George MacDonald yet to know the answer,,, but I suspect that the Universalim that George MacDonald believed in and adopted... was a "reformed" version of Deism. Either way... both Lewis and Tolkien disagreed with Mac Donald.
I did a bit of research on the ideas of JFK.... and found this video:
I listened to it a few times... and it seems to a degree,,, that nothing has changed since the time of his speech. However... I caught a few things around the 6:30 - 9:30 minute mark... and listened to it more closely,,, several times.
Part of that is blended together below.
"For which our forefathers did die"... "less favored churches".... with respect to other countries wholly opposed to the "state" (nation state), being used by any religios group , to compel prohibit or prosecute the free exercise of any other religion.... any time,,, in any country".
Keep in mind that JFK was the first Cathoilc President,,, and that he was ensuring that all (Christian) religions would be accepted in this country,,, and that there would be no discrimination of Christians in this country,,, or from other countries... despite there denomination. Kennedy was ensuring that just because he was Catholic,,, that he would not discriminate against any other Chrisitian religion... the same way the "founding fathers" guaranteed the same centuries before.
Notice Kennedy didn't mention Muslims/Isalm, Buddhism, (or others), because such notions in this country weren't even thought of at the time Kennedy was running for President. So is seems that even during the Kennedy era... Christianity was the given and understood faith.
Soo... do you really want to quote or mention Kennedy.
BTW... I found the above video when I did a Google search:'s+version+of+separation+of+church+and+state
I always try to mention references... to make known the source of what I talk about.
I'll check into the rest of what you mention... and get back to you.