Someitmes the man is included in the decision for an abortion... but most times not. My point was that if the man wants the child,,, I think he should be able to legally prevent the abortion as the father of the child.
Now the Bible doesn't directly mention abortion,,, but it does fall under at least one of the 10 Commandments. However,,, the question has always been... when does life begin? At conception,,, or birth???
My point is no one asks the baby for their vote on the abortion.
The Bible may not mention the word abortion (it doesn't mention the word trinity either) but the principle is plainly there; you shall not murder. The debate has been over for a while and there is no question, life starts at conception.
the question has always been... when does life begin? At conception,,, or birth???
Your reference to Exodus 21:22 is valid,,, but in this case the death is accidental... however still punishable by death to the offender. Not that I disagree with you,,, because abortion is pre-meditated.
Is your mention of 2nd Peter in reference to what he says about Sodom and Gomorrah?
In post #130, you forgot to add Jeremiah 1:5.
(NLT)"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."
The following may offer great comfort to alot of people reading this thread.
In post #127,,, I mentioned how unwanted babies that actually made it to birth,,, were abandoned in the desert to die. The beginning of the following is proof of this.
Something to keep in mind with the above Scripture. It is spoken in "metaphor", (story form), by God. Told in a way the Israelites would understand how God raised them up as a Nation,,, and then how they adulterated themselves by chasing after Pagan gods. And the historical repercussions of those decisions. But in the end God re-iterates his promises to them.
If I install an extra phone line on your house against your will, can I still demand you pay me for the service you didn't want?
...What people who are pro-abortion are failing to get about it being a woman's body and a woman's decision is, it's not just a woman's body involved, it's TWO bodies and the woman made her decision when she said yes to sex. An abortion, unless due to rape, incest, viability of the child or life of the mother, is making one person pay with their life for the mistake of another.
Yes, but even in the case of rape, an innocent party is being executed.
(I know, it's not as simple as this. The point is, where do you draw the line and why? It's a bigger question than I can answer.)