How do you feel about Biden NOW?

If anyone watched enough of Musk's livestream... It was mentioned that "characters" with "eternal tears" tattooed on their cheeks.... were present.

No, Dude, this not some fantasy rant from a Trumper, rightist or Ultra Maga nut. This is coming from an American citizen who is worried about the country my children and grandchildren will have to live in.

Don't bother with Dude. He's over in the "Trump" thread... having a cry in his "safe space"... with nobody to give him a hug... and talking to himself.
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I'm not surprised you listen to Ted Cruz and Elon Musk, they're both lying deranged deplorables: Elon Musk Hit With Lawsuit For Falsely Accusing Man Of Being Part Of Neo-Nazi Brawl

lon Musk, the tech billionaire and far-right sympathizer, has been hit with a defamation lawsuit after he falsely accused a recent college graduate of being a federal agent involved with a neo-Nazi group.

Ben Brody, a 22-year-old Jewish man from California, filed the lawsuit against Musk on Mondayafter he said he and his family were forced to flee their home after continued harassment and threats after Musk promoted a dangerous conspiracy against Brody.

I'll stick to reality though, thanks.
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I'm not surprised you listen to Ted Cruz and Elon Musk, they're both lying deranged deplorables: Elon Musk Hit With Lawsuit For Falsely Accusing Man Of Being Part Of Neo-Nazi Brawl

lon Musk, the tech billionaire and far-right sympathizer, has been hit with a defamation lawsuit after he falsely accused a recent college graduate of being a federal agent involved with a neo-Nazi group.

Ben Brody, a 22-year-old Jewish man from California, filed the lawsuit against Musk on Mondayafter he said he and his family were forced to flee their home after continued harassment and threats after Musk promoted a dangerous conspiracy against Brody.

I'll stick to reality though, thanks.
Classic democratic tactic- Destroy or discredit the person putting forth info that differs from the far left agenda. Are you saying that the live-stream was fake? Sorry, but the truth about the border will continue to come out, even as the far left tries to deny it. Even the governor of New York, a lefty, said that she now feels that "too many people are coming across the border". On a major media show (OMG). Are you in the class of Democrats that the long time Democrat pundit James Carville classifies as part of the problem with his party- "over educated coastal liberals"?
Classic democratic tactic- Destroy or discredit the person putting forth info that differs from the far left agenda. Are you saying that the live-stream was fake? Sorry, but the truth about the border will continue to come out, even as the far left tries to deny it. Even the governor of New York, a lefty, said that she now feels that "too many people are coming across the border". On a major media show (OMG). Are you in the class of Democrats that the long time Democrat pundit James Carville classifies as part of the problem with his party- "over educated coastal liberals"?

Musk has been a deplorable for a long time, so lets not pretend the attacks on his character are new. I understand it's what you people do, but no.

If you need Elon Musk in a backwards cowboy hat staging a stunt to tell you that illegal people are coming over our borders (yes, we have one up North too), then you're more mental than I imagined. This is just Musk's newest attention-whoring gimmick. He'll get bored soon enough and move on to the next.
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Biden doesn't have the time or inclination to visit the border.

1. because he would be proved as a LIAR

2. because he's too busy sucking on the UAW's teat.

Liberal problem... ignore the problem and it will go away.

Musk is making people aware of what is going on at the border... when Biden says "What problem?"

Pelosi is just as bad.

Complete and total "gaslighting" by the majority of the Left.

You HAVE to be Newsom!!!
Biden doesn't have the time or inclination to visit the border.

1. because he would be proved as a LIAR

2. because he's too busy sucking on the UAW's teat.

Liberal problem... ignore the problem and it will go away.

Musk is making people aware of what is going on at the border... when Biden says "What problem?"

Pelosi is just as bad.

Complete and total "gaslighting" by the majority of the Left.

You HAVE to be Newsom!!!

Biden literally visited the US/Mexico border in January of this year. But sure, keep lying to feed that Biden Derangement Syndrome.

Musk is staging this stunt for attention, he's probably a bigger egomaniac than Trump, which is saying something.
The molested and sex ring girls that are getting healing not far from where I live... would disagree with you.

Illegal migrants being raped isn't something new that is happening just now under Biden, it's been happening since people started taking advantage of poor people in desperate situations. So since the very beginning.

Just odd seeing you people care NOW, when you couldn't be bothered to care previously. eg When Trump was president it was "if they don't want to get raped, don't come over illegally", "if they don't want to lose their kids, don't come over illegally." "If they don't want their kids in cages, don't come over illegally." etc. It's like your rage over an injustice and compassion for people is situational on who is president...
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I'll bet the UAW workers would drop Biden like a "hot potato" if they knew the truth about the southern border.
I hope that truth gets out!!!

Maybe you should travel down to the autoworkers picket lines and tell them? Be sure to also tell them that you think they're being a bunch of babies that should just get back to work :)
Biden literally visited the US/Mexico border in January of this year. But sure, keep lying to feed that Biden Derangement Syndrome.

Musk is staging this stunt for attention, he's probably a bigger egomaniac than Trump, which is saying something.
Oh yeah, he visited the border. Did he go to the epicenter along the Rio Grande Valley at Eagle Pass? NOOO, he went to a sanitized El Paso airport and saw a very sanitized El Paso- nothing to see here. Look at El Paso now. His trip was a mere photo op to say he was at the border. The border Czar Kamala did not even leave the El paso airport when she did her photo op. You really need to dig a little deeper before you fall for the Biden Admin's lies about the border
Illegal migrants being raped isn't something new that is happening just now under Biden, it's been happening since people started taking advantage of poor people in desperate situations. So since the very beginning.

Just odd seeing you people care NOW, when you couldn't be bothered to care previously. eg When Trump was president it was "if they don't want to get raped, don't come over illegally", "if they don't want to lose their kids, don't come over illegally." "If they don't want their kids in cages, don't come over illegally." etc. It's like your rage over an injustice and compassion for people is situational on who is president...
I have always cared about kids. Especially the ones that get mixed up with "bad company".

I have always cared about people in general.

Have you ever prevented a rape from happening???

I DID !!! 4 guys tried cornering a girl in a bedroom at a party many decades ago. Her boyfriend was in the other room... getting drunk.

She was very grateful !!!

Where's the "middle finger" emoji.
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Quote Dude...

"Illegal migrants being raped isn't something new that is happening just now under Biden, it's been happening since people started taking advantage of poor people in desperate situations. So since the very beginning"

So you see rape or molestation as "normal" and "acceptable"??? You are the company you keep then... I guess.

It's not just the migrants look up "Ariel Castro".

Better yet... I'll do it for you.

ariel castro - Google Search
The judge ordered the house torn down... and the sick fuck begged the judge not to do that... because of "all the fond memories".

Is this what you condone Dude?

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