How do you feel about Biden NOW?


Biden and UAW’s Shawn Fain forge an uneasy alliance amid labor turmoil -WAPO

Fain’s hard-charging approach has yielded results, his allies say, pointing to Biden’s decision to break with precedent and visit a picket line and concessions won from the Big Three automakers thus far. They say he has channeled the broader frustration of workers across the economy, as polls suggest rising support for the autoworkers, and unions more generally. -snip

Seems having the sitting President behind you is a good thing. Good job, Joe.
I didn't ask you to post it (but thanks) and of course they're disappointed, they want things to happen now; they want to get back to work and I don't blame them.

Stellantis is trying to find common ground with the UAW. Ford and GM are playing hardball though.

Trump is anti-worker and anti-union, he will do nothing for them.
With both Biden and Trump.

Reality: After President Biden joins UAW picket lines, union leaders in the Northeast appreciate the visibility

UAW members continue to strike against the Big Three automakers. Last month, Joe Biden became the first sitting U.S. President to join a picket line outside a General Motors facility in Michigan. WAMC's Capital Region Bureau Chief Dave Lucas has reaction union leaders in the Northeast. -snip

Capital District Area Labor Federation Director Mark Emanatian says he and his colleagues are all in solidarity with the United Auto Workers. -snip

Emanatian sees Biden's walk on the picket line as a watershed moment. -snip

"I think it's a big deal that a president of the United States for the first time as far as I can tell, historically, that a sitting president, that's somebody that, you know, is no longer president, but a former president was sitting president walking a picket line with striking workers. I think it's a big deal. I think it'll help the strike. I think it'll help in solidarity with them. And I think it's I think it's very important,” said Emanatian. -snip

Joe Biden making history.
Want me to keep going?

It would take another 20+ screen shots to get to the end of the article.

Needless to say... the UAW workers aren't happy, and know they are going to get screwed.

And again... neither Biden or Trump impressed them.
The UAW has a tiered system. Wages are commensurate to their hire date, so their are 3 wage rates.

That didn't come from the WP article. I know that for a fact... because I have worked in auto plants, for a contractor.

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