How do you feel about Biden NOW?

mass murder

shooting spree

extended clip

AR-15 style rifle

You saw the pic of my S&W .45 a while back. The one with the "loaded chamber indicator". ??? The magazine holds 10 rounds. However... I do have 14 rounds magazines for it also.... IF necessary for home defense.

I do not carry in public... but instead use "situational awareness". It's not too hard to notice who is having a bad day. All you have to do is make eye contact, and look out for "dark" eyes, (angry eyes).
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The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban worked, as we saw a reduction in assault weapon mass shooting fatalities. Clinton should have gone further with other weapons that can accept large capacity clips, combined it would have made more of a difference.

The types of guns is kinda a huge part of the problem, it's not just the extremely easy access.
The ones being shipped to Australia were made by H&K, Beretta, and a couple other manufacturers I can't think of off the top of my head.

However... they were all semi auto pistols. I believe the only difference was the magazine restrictions.
I have an older (not quite antique) semi auto rifle from the turn of the century. (1906). It only has a 10 round magazine, but it would still be as effective as an AR-15. :rolleyes:
They're both the problem. It's not a single-issue problem, it's a many issues problem.
How do you figure that? I never gave my neighbor the gun... so no problem. The single issue is I did not enable someone to cause harm to another person.

Is this really how Left/Liberal people think??? How backwards and regressive, or is this a case of extreme Leftism?

Had I given my neighbor the gun, I guarantee something bad would have happened. I prevented whatever that would have been.

So as long as I'm telling truthful stories... let's do this one.

2 decades ago... I had a long time friend show up to my house with an ex girlfriend of mine. At one point he made a very derogatory comment about her, that made her walk away crying. He refused to take back what he said about her (even though it was true).

Keep in mind that I had guns in the house.

I didn't go grab a gun. We settled it "man to man" and in under 2 minutes I had him knocked out cold... with his 4 front teeth missing.

Problem was... I didn't stop hitting him at that point. It took the ex girlfriend trying to pull me off him before I "snapped out of it".

That was a very bad day for everyone ... but no gun was involved.
From the above article...

"Biden spoke in support of two House-approved bills that would expand background checks to include private sales."

This is mainly for gun shows and/or honest people that do the firearms transfers through a gun dealer.

I was just talking to a guy from PA today. For the gun shows in PA... You get background checked before you even walk in the building.

I would be ok with that... but differentiating between purchasing from a gun dealer and a private party sale would still be complicated.

If I see the same guy tomorrow, I'll ask for more details
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So I just talked to the guy from PA. He said for the gun shows in PA, a person is required to have a background check done... before entering the building.

If a person doesn't pass the background check... they don't get in. But once in, you can buy as many guns as you want.

The purchase/transfer is then handled like any purchase at a gun store (FFL) and recorded.
Passed thru the Border Patrol checkpoint on I-8 between Imperial Valley and San Diego. Guess what? It is normally fully manned and operational, with usually a backup line waiting to get through, with the use of the dogs and the side-scanning radar set up. But today it is completely closed down. Why is that? Probably because the agents are needed in San Ysidro to make sandwiches for the illegals who are flooding in there. Or maybe to be paperwork pushers or to tend to the needs of the "Family Units" (many of whom are just single men with rent-a-kids courtesy of the cartel). Or maybe they were sent to the Jacumba region in Imperial and San Diego counties where the "asylum seekers" get themselves lost (maybe), then call 911 to get our Border Patrol to find them and rescue them. In any event our secondary checkpoints are gradually being gutted to send more agents to assist "refugees". What are you going to do about this dangerous situation Majokas? Answer is nothing, go before congress and refuse to directly answer questions.
'Hate the poor, condemn the needy and spit on those that have less than you.' -Jesus Christ.

Pretty sure that's in the book of Matthew, somewhere...

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