How do you feel about Biden NOW?

How many Libtards have used the catch phrase "automatic weapons" over the last few years. It's been spewed by mommy Pelosi at least 100 times.

The civillian version of the AR-15 is NOT an "automatic" weapon (or "fully automatic weapon") like mommy Pelosi and her cronies say.

It is all propaganda and brainwashing. The only people that use automatic weapons on a regular basis... is Our Troops, the DEA, and other US Governmental agencies.

Remember Obama's (failed) "Fast and Furious" operation???

All it did was arm the Mexican cartel with automatic weapons... and some of our "operatives" were killed in the process.

Pull your head out of the sand "Dude"... and stop "drinking the coolaid".

"Bump stocks" were banned a long time ago. Now manufacturers are making "binary triggers".

As far as I am concerned... the average civillian doesn't need a binary trigger.... but the average civillian DOES have the right to use an AR-15 to defend themselves... if necessary.

The founding fathers of this country were VERY "forward thinking" in the laws they made. That INCLUDES the 2nd Amendment!!!
Dude, I am NOT a Trumper, but instead a long suffering California resident who has seen this one-time great state start the slide toward socialism and decay. As for me being a "Trumper", if the choice given to me between Trump and whatever Dumbocrat runs, the choice would be Trump. But I would prefer a better set of choices. Unless DeSantis starts to fire back and start campaigning I fear the choices for 2024 is pretty much preordained.
A typical response from the North Bay Lib mindset. Newsome is a member of the SF Bay good ol' boys club having auntie Nancy in his corner. When recent storms had many parts of this state suffering, your boy Gavin spent time in Mexico working on his tan and stocking up on cheap hair gel. He has failed this state as the self-proclaimed homeless czar. He left San Francisco as a failed mayor- look at it now. He is ramming electric cars down our throat without the power grid to support it. He has prosecutors who are soft on crime and rampant shoplifting. He just had his businesses accounts "saved" at Silicon Valley Bank beyond the 250K that the rest of us would have been covered for- Thank you sippy cup Joe. His wineries and liquor business would have taken a real hit on that one. Outside the big population areas of this state he is not considered an outstanding, or even a good governor. His act won't play well outside the Democratic people's Republic of Kalifornia.
And a typical angry ad hominem from a Trumper.

I have had thoughts on this... about securing our schools... ever since Sandy Hook.

We have almost 450,000 (give or take) people in the Natonal Guard, depending on deployment.

Back when Sandy Hook happened... I was being vocal about having Guard Troops stationed at all schools.

The Libtards felt that having Guard members at the entrances to the schools, would terrorize the kids, and make the kids feel afraid.:rolleyes:

I completely disagree!!!

I think... that relationships between the Guard members and kids would create a strong bond... (they're kids for crying out loud), especially if those Guardspeople had kids of their own.

They would want someone protecting their own kids... like they would someone elses kids.

The school shootings are not a gun problem. It is a PEOPLE problem.

It is a Repub AND Dem problem... and BOTH parties are guilty of doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!
I think a (local) millitary prescence at schools... many years ago... would have prevented most/all school shootings! But again... our Leaders don't truely give a rats ass... or they would have done something a LONG time ago!!!
Quote from a well known book.

"Without wise leadership, a nation falls;"


"Many leaders do not realize that what is in their hearts comes out of their mouths, In other words, “What is in a man comes out of the man.” " (..... or woman). :rolleyes:
I have several AR-15 rifles... but none of them are considered an "assault rifle".

Just because the Left wing libtards call them that... doesn't make it true. You've been sucking Pelosi's teat for too long.

And a Panoz Esperante GTR-1 is labelled a street car, yet it does a lot of what a full fledged race car can do, even exceeding some at times.

Your AR-15s are all but assault weapons, there's a reason why it's a highly favouved weapon of the degenerates who shoot up schools, malls, office buildlings etc. Its ability to easily claim a high number of lives.

Labelling them "sport rifles" is just a clever/not clever way to get around that.
That statement would be false... on both counts.

Joegr already pointed out that motor vehicles have been used to kill people in mass quantity, by driving into crowds.

One nut tried it on the Capitol building a couple years ago. Fortunately he never made it past the barricades... but did kill/injure a couple of officers.

Obviously you are not an avid sportsman (hunter). Probably have never had venison either... or had to deal with wild hogs.

You are ignorant too, because the AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle. You probably don't even know what the AR in AR-15 stands for.

Nah, you're making faulty comparisons.

I don't find the idea of hunting to be a fun activity, but I don't have a problem with legal hunting. But if I ever got the itch to kill a defenseless animal for sport, I'd use a bow, like a real man.

Already covered that in the post above. You can name something anything you like, doesn't change its nature. Or as William said: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Nah, you're making faulty comparisons.

Actually... you were the one making faulty comparisons. Tell you what... go out and get skunk drunk... and run into/over a pedestrian... and see who/what goes to prison. It WONT be the car.

As Joegr mentioned... take that same car, and drive into a crowd with it. It WONT be the car that goes to prison.

Ford, GM, and Chrysler wont have to pay for YOUR reckless behavior... YOU will.

Still haven't answered my question about what the "AR" in AR-15 stands for.

You are ignorant... and have drank the Liberal coolaid. Get off mommy Pelosi's teat... and do some research.

Here ya go "DUDE"... straight from a Liberal news site you probably read every day.


Gun Owners of America: Guns save lives every day

Actually... you were the one making faulty comparisons. Tell you what... go out and get skunk drunk... and run into/over a pedestrian... and see who/what goes to prison. It WONT be the car.

As Joegr mentioned... take that same car, and drive into a crowd with it. It WONT be the car that goes to prison.

Ford, GM, and Chrysler wont have to pay for YOUR reckless behavior... YOU will.

Still haven't answered my question about what the "AR" in AR-15 stands for.

You are ignorant... and have drank the Liberal coolaid. Get off mommy Pelosi's teat... and do some research.

Here ya go "DUDE"... straight from a Liberal news site you probably read every day.


Gun Owners of America: Guns save lives every day

Nah, you're doing a "no you!" now and tripling down on your faulty comparison.

Because it's a stupid question. Even if I didn't know, there's the internet. As before, labeling something benign, doesn't change its nature. eg we can label a M320 grenade launcher a "sports launcher", guess what, it's still just as lethal.

Weak Gun Laws Are Hurting Police Officers

If the Rightist mantra of "More Guns = More Safety" were true, America would have one of the lowest gun violence rates in the world, maybe the lowest. Yet we don't, we can't even keep our children in schools safe.
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Dude, I am NOT a Trumper, but instead a long suffering California resident who has seen this one-time great state start the slide toward socialism and decay. As for me being a "Trumper", if the choice given to me between Trump and whatever Dumbocrat runs, the choice would be Trump. But I would prefer a better set of choices. Unless DeSantis starts to fire back and start campaigning I fear the choices for 2024 is pretty much preordained.

And a typical angry ad hominem from a Trumper.

Then maybe we shouldn't make hasty judgments and quick conclusions based on the city live? Just saying, my man.

California isn't actually sliding towards socialism nor decay. That's Rightwing news fear mongering.

I couldn't care less that you dislike or even hate Newsom, you're free to think that. But it's weird you attack Newsom for being an "elitist", yet you'd vote for Trump, who is as elitist as they come, he's been a New York millionaire, then billionaire for most of his adult life.

Then there's the fact that you'd be voting for Trump again after he tried to overturn a legal and fair election, illegally pressured state election officials, when that failed, he staged a literal insurrection, attack on our Capital and failed coup via his domestic terrorist acolytes. Just nutty to hand-wave away literal treason.
Nah, you're doing a "no you!" now and tripling down on your faulty comparison.

Because it's a stupid question. Even if I didn't know, there's the internet. As before, labeling something benign, doesn't change its nature

No... actually you are... because your comparison has been faulty all this time.

Like I said... go get drunk and kill somebody with a car. I can hear you now (in jail saying) "The car ran over the person... not me!!!"

That is your (very weak) argument.

In Websters 10th Collegiate Dictionary... one of the definitions of benign is "harmless"... or "no significant effect" A firearm is "harmless" and has "no significant effect"... until someone uses it. It could sit there for years doing nothing

A firearm is "harmless" in and of itself... until someone uses it to CAUSE harm!!!

A car is harmless... in and of itself... until someone uses it to CAUSE harm!!!

A couple definitions further down in Webster's, is the definition "benign neglect".

THAT definition is (quote) "an attitude or policy of ignoring an often undesirable situation, that one is held to be responsible for dealing with." (unquote)

So... in getting into a car and driving drunk, and killing someone... you would be guilty of "benign neglect"... NOT the car.

I'd like to see an attorney try to charge a vehicle with benign neglect. The judge would laugh the case out of court. YOU... would be charged instead. But in your faulty reasoning... you can't see that... and are in denial (another Lib trait) by blaming the object, instead of the person.

Just for the record... my divorce attorney told me I would make a good attorney.

So guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Cars don't kill people. People kill people.

Take away the guns... people will use cars.

Take away the cars... people will use baseball bats.

Take away the baseball bats... people will use hammer, or pitch forks, or knives... or bricks.

YOU... are the perfect example of a "programmed" Liberal idiot.
Um, I didn't make a comparison here, you did with your guns/cars comparison; that's how this started. BTW, it's still a faulty comparison.

Did you intentionally just dodge this: Weak Gun Laws Are Hurting Police Officers So much for "Blue Lives Matter" eh, then again, we saw the Right's real views on cops on Jan 6th.

Your divorce attorney just told you that so you'd feel better about the bill he'd be sending you later. It's an old lawyer trick. Like the car salesperson who tells you "you'd make a great car salesman".

"People kill people! People gonna die!" Well yes, but the fact remains than a weapon like an AR-15 is far better at racking up dead bodies than a baseball bat, knife or brick. Repeat: It's why so many shooters use one to go on their murder sprees. Why do you think our military assigns assault rifles as the primary weapon instead of a brick or pitch fork...

Not Fun Fact: The greatest mass shooting in US history is the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. Can you guess what style of weapons that psycho used? Do you think he could have murdered 60 and injured 413 (more not countiing gun related injuries) if he had a a brick, knife or even handgun?

America isn't the only country with guns, let alone a lot of guns. Yet look at own gun violence numbers compared to other "first nations". Facts can be so pesky.

More pesky facts and statistics for you, since I know you love those:

Injuries and deaths due to firearms in the home - PubMed

"Conclusions: Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense."

Gun Violence Data

"The average firearm mortality rate in the United States is 13.7 per 100,000 people. California’s stands at 8.5 per 100,000. Texas is higher than the national average, at 14.2 per 100,000. This trend is consistent across different measures of Firearm Violence. For example, Californians are about 25% less likely 5 than citizens of other states to die in a mass shootings."

Your guns only make you feel safer, but that's just your feelings lying to you. Facts say the opposite. If you want to actually be safe(er), sell your guns.

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Your divorce attorney just told you that so you'd feel better about the bill he'd be sending you later. It's an old lawyer trick.

That's funny. BTW... my divorce attorney was female, and wanted to go after my ex... like a pitbull.

I shut her down on half the stuff she wanted to do to my ex. Because of that... and a lot of time passing... the ex and I are still friends.

The average firearm mortality rate in the United States is 13.7 per 100,000 people. California’s stands at 8.5 per 100,000. Texas is higher than the national average, at 14.2 per 100,000. This trend is consistent across different measures of Firearm Violence. For example, Californians are about 25% less likely 5 than citizens of other states to die in a mass shootings."

Yeah... you won't convince me of that.

From Isla Vista to Half Moon Bay, Here's a List of Mass Shootings in California Over the Last 10 Years

From the article...

"In California, with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, the state has a troubled and bloody past when it comes to mass shootings."

On top of that... the FBI considers a mass shooting "4 or more people shot or killed in one event".

That probably happens 10 times a day in Chicago.

Pull off your crown and get off your throne. Cali is just as bad (or worse) than some other states.

Cali has regulated guns for years... and has failed miserably.

I guess it's common habit for Cali residents to go into denial about everything... to keep from being wrong. (Bubba14 excluded)
I'll bet anyone reading our conversation (not from Cali), can see right through your "snow job".

How many migrants are living in sheds in your back yard... while you are getting subsidies from the Cali government for doing so???;)
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And yes... in one of the links you listed... I am fully aware of how Clinton completely (almost) disarmed New Zealand and Austrialia in 1995-1996.

Won't happen here. American citizens have protections against that.

Besides... the ATF has boxes, upon boxes, upon boxes of firearms purchases... with only handfulls of people to sort through them.

It would take a decade for the ATF to go through them.

When I buy a gun... my background check is done in about 2 minutes... depending on how busy the ATF is.

I have kept my nose clean . Besides that... I go through background checks for my work.

Some of those places do a much deeper check, than the ATF. If I wasn't allowed to own guns... I wouldn't be employed at such facilities... and some of those facilities allow firearms on the premises... locked in the trunk, in a lock box.:eek:

That includes ammo too.:cool:
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