How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Oh look at all the labels you just put on me. I think biden sucks. Read some of my other post.

I live in a very conservative small country town in Washington st.
We have an AR15 store with in a “childs ball bouncing” distance of an elementary school. They like to go on the roof with their weapons of war when people like me want equality.
I was born in Dallas Tx and lived there for 37 years.
My family has a long military and police background.

You are just a donkey on a web page.
Actually, the Donkeys are in the White House ruining this nation.
I'm so rural I live on a one lane back country road near a river... But the view is awesome. All kinds of wildlife... including Bald eagles. I'm 7 miles from the town I grew up in.
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Why are Kamala and Biden "showboating'' when nothing will change.
Dude. Stop pretending im a biden/hartless supporter. I know you are dense and cant be reasonable. But you dont know me. I actually know why i dont like biden. (The real reasons he sucks)
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Conservative by what comparison? Indiana conservative? or Massachusetts conservative?

BIG difference!

Washington State is actually very Liberal in the rankings. So see... You don't even know you are a Liberal.:rolleyes:
I cant laugh at this more than i am right now. You dont even know how population density works. Sad stuff from a crybaby.
I'm so rural I live on a one lane back country road near a river... But the view is awesome. All kinds of wildlife... including Bald eagles. I'm 7 miles from the town I grew up in.View attachment 828578026
Yep looks familiar, lame that you stayed so close to where you started. Shows your lack of adventure and magnifies how frightened you are of world culture…
Yep looks familiar, lame that you stayed so close to where you started. Shows your lack of adventure and magnifies how frightened you are of world culture…
I stay where my "roots" are at... and where my family is buried.

Been all over the Midwest but I've seen both coastlines too.

I keep trying to get my sister and relation to come back home where everything is still sane.

Frightened of the world??? Yeah right. :rolleyes: I've probably seen more bad shit than you ever will.
Mark my words... eventually the U.N. will step into the "gun control" issue in this country... If it hasn't already (behind the scenes).

I'm going to assume you mean something other than the United Nations when you said "U.N.". Cos otherwise...
Sen. Mendez resigning due to corruption charges.

So remind me which party he is a member of. ;)

Can't blame Hunter for that... or the GOP.

I literally made a thread about Senator Robert Menendez: Democrat US senator Robert Menendez and wife charged with bribery offenses

Notice how Democrats are calling him to step down and not screaming "fake news" and "witch hunt" and similar? They're not forming a protective shield around him like Republicans do around other corrupt Republicans. Yeah, I'm sure you did :)
Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani over laptop, accuses ex-Trump lawyer of 'hacking' (I used Fox News as I know you Rightist love Fox.)

Hunter Biden on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani alleging the former President Trump lawyer violated his privacy rights by illegally disseminating content from Biden's infamous laptop.

The complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Center Distrist of California states Giuliani is "primarily responsible" for the "total annihilation" of Biden's digital privacy. It also names Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor who previously represented Giuliani, as a defendant, Fox News has confirmed.

"For the past many months and even years, Defendants have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff's devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff's alleged ‘laptop’ computer," Biden's attorneys wrote in the complaint, claiming that the data was not even from a "laptop," but from an "external drive."

Another day, another lawsuit for Rudy. He's going to die broke and in prison :)

Considering it's Rudy Guiliani, you just know the information was both stolen and tampered with/altered before being released. I hope Rudy is sued into oblivion here as well.

This is what, his fifth or sixth (?) active lawsuit and that's not counting the criminal ones he's facing in Georgia and with the DOJ.

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Biden arrives in Michigan to join UAW strike picket line

President Joe Biden’s decision to stand alongside United Auto Workers pickets on Tuesday on the 12th day of their strike against major carmakers underscores support of labor unions that appears to be unparalleled in presidential history.

UAW President Shawn Fain was the first to greet Biden after he arrived in Michigan on Air Force One, and he joined him in the presidential limousine for a ride to the picket line.

Labor historians say they cannot recall an instance when a sitting president has joined an ongoing strike, even during the tenures of the more ardent pro-union presidents such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Theodore Roosevelt invited labor leaders alongside mine operators to the White House amid a historic coal strike in 1902, a decision that was seen at the time as a rare embrace of unions as Roosevelt tried to resolve the dispute.

Joe Biden supporting the common working man. Go Joe.

Rightist will be mad, as usual.
Biden arrives in Michigan to join UAW strike picket line

President Joe Biden’s decision to stand alongside United Auto Workers pickets on Tuesday on the 12th day of their strike against major carmakers underscores support of labor unions that appears to be unparalleled in presidential history.

UAW President Shawn Fain was the first to greet Biden after he arrived in Michigan on Air Force One, and he joined him in the presidential limousine for a ride to the picket line.

Labor historians say they cannot recall an instance when a sitting president has joined an ongoing strike, even during the tenures of the more ardent pro-union presidents such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Theodore Roosevelt invited labor leaders alongside mine operators to the White House amid a historic coal strike in 1902, a decision that was seen at the time as a rare embrace of unions as Roosevelt tried to resolve the dispute.

Joe Biden supporting the common working man. Go Joe.

Rightist will be mad, as usual.
Meanwhile, he can't find the time to visit East Palestine, just can't find the time. And the beat goes on at the southern border as the Invasion continues. Sorry, Dude, it is an invasion-thousands every day, and there are not many family units "seeking a better life" among them. Since you like Fox news, have you seen their reporting on the border- the live action video segments. They show the endless stream of mostly single FAMs coming for the free stuff from all over the world with absolutely no vetting. We do not even know who we are letting into this country. What the common working man should be wary of is that these illegals will be given work permits and just might replace them since they will work for peanuts compared to the American holding the job. And the money they earn- a good portion of it will exit the US economy and be sent to the Cartels for payment for their passage or to pay for someone else to make the journey. All part of the Democrat plan to re-make this country in the Obama globalist image.
Meanwhile, he can't find the time to visit East Palestine, just can't find the time. And the beat goes on at the southern border as the Invasion continues. Sorry, Dude, it is an invasion-thousands every day, and there are not many family units "seeking a better life" among them. Since you like Fox news, have you seen their reporting on the border- the live action video segments. They show the endless stream of mostly single FAMs coming for the free stuff from all over the world with absolutely no vetting. We do not even know who we are letting into this country. What the common working man should be wary of is that these illegals will be given work permits and just might replace them since they will work for peanuts compared to the American holding the job. And the money they earn- a good portion of it will exit the US economy and be sent to the Cartels for payment for their passage or to pay for someone else to make the journey. All part of the Democrat plan to re-make this country in the Obama globalist image.

If Biden had gone to East Palestine, you'd be whinging that he didn't go to Michigan...

But since you brought up East Palestine, you should know and be happy that Biden issued an executive order to hold Norfolk Southern Railway accountable for the train derailment. Well, you should be happy, but your BDS will not allow you to be.

I don't like Fox News, I posted the story using Fox News as the source for the benefit of you Rightist.

More talks of "invasions" and "they took our jobs" and "Democrat plan to re-make this country in the Obama globalist image, etc. Guess we know what the Republican 2024 Presidential platform will be. Taking something back, that was never taken in the first place, demonizing marginalized groups as scapegoats and general rage/anger. Sad, but nothing new.

You're nutty, but put down the Hatorade, man.

If Biden had gone to East Palestine, you'd be whinging that he didn't go to Michigan...

But since you brought up East Palestine, you should know and be happy that Biden issued an executive order to hold Norfolk Southern Railway accountable for the train derailment. Well, you should be happy, but your BDS will not allow you to be.

I don't like Fox News, I posted the story using Fox News as the source for the benefit of you Rightist.

More talks of "invasions" and "they took our jobs" and "Democrat plan to re-make this country in the Obama globalist image, etc. Guess we know what the Republican 2024 Presidential platform will be. Taking something back, that was never taken in the first place, demonizing marginalized groups as scapegoats and general rage/anger. Sad, but nothing new.

You're nutty, but put down the Hatorade, man.

I'm fine with Biden going to Michigan, even after his binder reader stated that he would not get involved with the labor dispute. After all, it is all about votes and union contributions. He could have, and should have, gone to East Palestine long ago, maybe giving up one of his Rehoboth weekends.
Sorry to see that you still gloss over the border crisis. Even Democratic mayors are screaming about the situation, declaring states of emergency (Eagle Pass & El Paso), but it all falls on deaf ears at the White House. They keep saying that the border is under control, a blatant lie. Biden has the power to stop this madness immediately if he wanted to, but that is not on his agenda. I am not , as you say, scapegoating the people coming across, hell they are only taking advantage of the wide open opportunity the open border presents. I am, instead, directing my, as you call it, "demonizing" at the people behind the curtain at the White House who are pushing this open border policy. Can't blame Joe, as he is a mere talking head for them. How many do we take in before the country finally buckles? Can you answer that? Maybe you can, because every Democrat that is asked that question can't (or won't) answer the question. Deflection is the usual response.
Maybe you need a Reality Latte.
If Biden had gone to East Palestine, you'd be whinging that he didn't go to Michigan...
Not me... who wants to make a "gentleman's bet" the migrants end up working in the auto plants.

And the next time there are negotiations... the migrants work during the strike.

One thing people don't about... is that there are no enforced safety regulations in the auto plants South of the border.

Accidents and deaths DO happen down there.
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