Hydraulic Fan Pump Bypass Belt Size 100"

See now me ... I'd know when to stop as I'd reach the point of embarrassing myself. There just isn't enough oxygen going to the brain I suppose.
You'll get better,BR..... get one of those oxygen making machines and they'll help you go to sleep. don-ohio :)^)
Ignorance is bliss,Loud....you've proved it time and time again.LOL!
BTW.....my lil brother bought his wife a Ford Freestar van today with 95K on it. First thing he'll do is change oil(5W-30 not 5W-20), THEN he'll unpressurize the cooling system to avoid unnecessary blow-ups. don-ohio :)^)

cool story bro...
You'll get better,BR..... get one of those oxygen making machines and they'll help you go to sleep. don-ohio :)^)

oh, you mean a concertrator? cause they dont "make" oxygen... I would think someone of your age would be familiar with the equipment sitting around your home...

its also the LACK of O2 that usually causes people to go to sleep...
When you lean to spell CONCENTRATOR,I might listen to any bandying you do. Vinton County spelling champeen here.LOL! don-ohio :)^)
I'll type it a little slower, "point- of- embarrassing- oneself-" ... perhaps it will sink in later.
You should know about embarrassing yerself..LOL! Trying to troll me all this time.Ha! don-ohio :)^)
LOL ... I'm a bit bored tonight, I'll play ...

Doesn't matter which day of the week, you can pretty much act an idiot on all days of the calendar I see!

Tell me something, how did you ever get this IQ of a hot dog? Is it contagious? I'm not sure what your problem is but I bet it's real hard to pronounce.
Well,ISN'T this great! Sittin around, insulting each other, while all over the world little Degas bottles are going hungry for antifreeze. LOL! don-ohio :)^)
In your little world, anything is possible so it seems. Did you know ... you kinda remind me of Kermit the frog from Sesame street. He wouldn't shut up either!
He did when Miss Piggy screamed at him. Can I hear a good oink from you? don-ohio :)^)
... Can I hear a good oink from you? don-ohio :)^)

oh I'm sorry ... I've grown tired of you already, not nearly as interesting as the aquarium channel on my dish network ~ gotta run, things to do!

You play nice now with the others. If your a good boy we'll get you a juice box and maybe go to the zoo next week.
Well, if Bernie or Sillary get in,won't be much diff between the countries.LOL! don-ohio :)^)
Say Don, if you took a sh*t in the woods and a tree fell on ya, do you think anyone would care?
Thanks for ruining my thread don. It was meant to give good advice. You have effectively done the opposite and then continued to act immature about it. A more proactive forum may delete of your nonsense but now some newbie might read just enuf to hook his fan up to his seat heaters. I hope you are more careful in the future when giving advice. I'd hate for something to go wrong and cause someone to get hurt.

Lee-missouri _ilii
Oh yeah,it's ALL my fault Hite.................what a maroon Did you only see me as an antagonist?No one ever antagonized me? Like I told said before,they have eyeglasses on sale at Sears,Hite. LOL!. don-ohio :)^)

Don, you may not want to come to terms with this but you are making a mess pretty much in every thread you add your comments.
I was trying to hint to you that perhaps it's time you take a break from embarrassing your self. Maybe take it down a notch with all these challenging posts you provide.

You also successfully managed to make a mess of my 'Re&Re - Jag Aluminum Upgraded Thermostat housing - GEN 1 V8' thread.

The highlight of your day should be something else, not messing on a public forum to the point of embarrassment.

Time for you to take it down a notch before the Ban hammer gets dropped again.

Honestly, the fun has worn off, time to smarten up Don! If you are not sure, just don't comment.
Stop giving ill advise to others that you know is only going to made a mockery off.

~ just saying.
Big Rig,you started all this weeks ago by calling me a F**** tool. YOU have been reported to the moderator. Save yourself some trouble and try to play nice. don-ohio :)^)

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