Ignorance is bliss,Loud....you've proved it time and time again.LOL!
BTW.....my lil brother bought his wife a Ford Freestar van today with 95K on it. First thing he'll do is change oil(5W-30 not 5W-20), THEN he'll unpressurize the cooling system to avoid unnecessary blow-ups. don-ohio^)
You'll get better,BR..... get one of those oxygen making machines and they'll help you go to sleep. don-ohio^)
I'm not sure what your problem is but I bet it's real hard to pronounce.
... Can I hear a good oink from you? don-ohio^)
let me see if I can help you
in - breed - ing
... and there goes another thread. :runaway:
Im sorry
Thanks for ruining my thread don. It was meant to give good advice. .
Lee-missouri _ilii
Hence why it came to my thread.. I stopped it instantly..
_-_ IG: KID_LYRICS _-_
Oh yeah,it's ALL my fault Hite.................what a maroon Did you only see me as an antagonist?No one ever antagonized me? Like I told said before,they have eyeglasses on sale at Sears,Hite. LOL!. don-ohio^)