So- the bolded parts I assume are the most important part of this particular piece that you have thrown out. Shag, once again, do you understand how a corporation is set up - that is where we are talking at cross point here...
Well... onward... And I would love it if you would answer some of my points, not just post blog crap after blog crap. Well, not that Volokh or Somin are crap - they are pretty amazing, but it seems like you don't understand the real meaning of what a corporation is.
“Corporate speech” is really just speech by people using the corporate form.
Once again shag - corporations are not 'people' they are independent of the people that make them up. If you are a member of the board, you are not allowed to use the corporation as a pulpit for your beliefs. Only the corporation has that opportunity. The CEO, the board, the shareholders, the employees all have no 'personal' public say on the corporation's pulpit. If the corporation gives money to a candidate, it might be against the wishes of everyone in the company, every owner, every board member, that won't make any difference, the corporation will decide who is in its best interests. It will need to review voting records, platforms, etc. and then decide, based on its charter, who best represents it. And, if someone can show that that decision was based outside of the charter, that say for instance, the CEO's brother was running, so the company gave him a lot of advertising time, but, the CEO's brother wasn't the best candidate that was available, according to the corporation's charter, there will be charges against the CEO. He didn't act in the best interests of the corporation.
property rights actually belong to the people who own the property, not the physical objects themselves
This is true-but, with corporations the law has decided that the corporation needs to best serve the corporation, not necessarily the people who own it. The owners of the corporation might want every light bulb to be changed to environmentally safe ones, but if it isn't in the corporation's best interest to do that, not a single light bulb will be changed. The charter will have to be changed to say that environmental concerns can override economic concerns.
a fundamental interdependence exists between the personal right to liberty and the personal right in property.
But, it has more to do with 'personal' property and not corporate property. Once again shag - ownership in a corporation is different than ownership in a couch. There a very strict laws that prevent owners from doing damage to the corporation, there aren't strict laws that prevent you from letting your dog pee on the couch. Publicly held companies need to have these laws in place to protect not only all the owners, but the actual 'property' itself. So the 'rights' of the property actually override the rights of the individual owners.
When corporations “speak,” they are just a means that individuals use to exercise their rights of free speech — often a more effective means than the available alternatives
But there isn't an individual speaking when a corporation speaks Shag - don't you get that? There isn't even a group of individuals speaking. It is the property speaking. It is as if your couch was saying - don't let the dog pee on me. Now, you might be OK with the dog doing that, and since it is your couch, that is your decision. However if your couch was a corporation, and had a charter - things change. The shareholders might all think that was just fine, the dog peeing thing, but in the charter - wiser men then the shareholders at one time realized that a pee'd on couch had little value, so no peeing. The board can change the charter, but that has to happen, sometimes with votes from the shareholders, before any peeing can happen. The couch has an independent voice from the board, shareholders, and employees.
i haven't seen the contraception thing - that is interesting, I will think about it as well.
so, stop now, look at these points - don't just drudge up yet another blog, or I will do the 'opposite blog' thing - there are lots out there. Lets see if you can discuss this beyond the blog, do you really understand what is going on here - or are you just bolding things that sound good to you...
I think you don't understand how corporations are set up and how they function Shag - that is why you are avoiding 'real' conversation.