Lincoln LS Detail

The wheel cleaner he was using was of acidic nature for cleaning power, and he neutralized the pH of the solution on the wheels with baking soda. If you aren't familiar with this, think of it like a see-saw. Acidic on one end, Basic(alkaline) on the other. Ideally the see-saw would like to be balanced. Baking soda is generally about a pH of 8, I'm not sure what the wheel cleaner was. It was just an extra precaution as to not damage the finish of the wheels. Generally water and anything you don't want to damage, you want to keep between a 6.5-7.5, which is basically what you'll find the range of the pH of water to be(ranging from distilled to mineral water respectively). One would think that with dilution of the acid with water would neutralize the pH(to 7) but this is not always the case. Some acids can break apart H2O molecules using the hydrogen molecules to create more acid compounds, therefore resulting in a lower acidic pH. I've seen a writeup or two about a pH of 5 on some wheel cleaners being brought down to about a 4.5 with the introduction of water. Anything too acidic or basic can potentially damage the finish of the wheel. They do have pH neutral wheel cleaners, such as P21S, that are very wheel finish safe.

Ok, I got that. Yeah I make my own buffers for my Cichlid tanks. Being rift lake Cichlids from Tanganyika they need high PH and my tap water is very very low. I use a mix of epsom salt for keeping the Alkalinity straight and the Bi carb which is in the form of Baking Soda for the PH.

I did not know that that could play a factor in harming the finish. Good to know thanks!!!
Sounds like you know exactly what I mean. Supposedly a little basic water is better for humans too.
Wash: Chemical Guys Citrus Wash and Gloss for every other day washes, just be careful not to concentrate it too heavily or you'll strip the wax. It has a gloss agent that adds a nice maintence shine to the paint.

Brake dust: I'm assuming you mean dusting after a while and not baked on or caked on brake dust considering you wash ofter. Looks for Rejex, Duragloss 501 Total Performance Polish or any other long lasting paint sealant. Simple car wax will not hold up to the temperature some brakes put off. For a little better shine on the wheels, use Aquawax from Duragloss as a quick coating after 501. The Duragloss combination can also be used for paint. If your looking for a wax recommendation shoot me a price range.

Anti Static- Finish Kare 425 Anti Static Quick Detailer. Apply with a microfiber, then go back and buff with a microfiber. Rub lightly so not to cause more static. Can be used to maintain shine between waxes.

What do you mean detail, as in wash and wax once a week? Or polish? You don't need to polish every week. Let me know if you need more specifics.

price range is infinite, i want a top level wax that will leave people in
And as far as the wheels are you saying to apply two products? i have never polished my car or any car for that matter, scared to ruin the paint. with just a lil direction im sure i can tackle it though. so lets just say i need a polishing kit and the stuff you mentioned before. where to go and what not. thanks
If you aren't familiar with polishing I'm going to recommend Klasse All-In-One. You can apply it by hand and it leaves a nice prepped finish to apply a Last Step Protection. No price range eh? I don't think you know what you got yourself into.

Dodo Juice Supernatural: Sounds wild, it's a UK based company.
You can get it through DetailedImage, 30ml or 250ml size. You might want to try 30ml first considering it's a 200 dollar wax. They also have a few other waxes on there that are nice.

Wanna get real expensive? The "best" detailer in the world, Paul Daulton out of the UK is marketing his own wax through Swissvax called Crystal Rock. It is outstanding wax and lasts for a while. Pricetag...1100 bucks. Swissvax also carried a lot of nice waxes such as Concorso.

A lot of people like Chemical Guys E-Zyme wax even though it just came out, about 274 dollars.

Now if you didn't expect to be ballin like this, try Lusso Oro, Poorboy's World Natty Paste Wax Red, Einzsett Glanz Wax, Collinite 915, or 50/50 from Chemical Guys. These are all under 50 bucks if you get them from the right place.

Anything else you need to know?
With the wheels, one is a sealant (501) and the other is a quick detailer that you put on top to give it a little more pop and depth, but won't last long(Aquawax or FK425).
Well, if money is truely no object, then go for Swissvax Crystal Rock. Incredible stuff. Otherwise a staple high end wax is Zymol vintage. Now, if you want something more durable for the winter months, Collinite 845 has excellent durability and is really inexpensive. Since I have a lighter colored vehicle, I opt for shine instead of depth. I use a sealant ( 2 layers) followed by 2 coats of wax. A sealant will last longer than a wax, but it lacks the depth that a good carnauba wax has.

Remember that prep is just as important (if not more important) as product used. A once yearly correction should be enough if your vehicle is garaged. I'd still claybar the vehicle twice a year (once in the spring, and once in the fall).

I use Duragloss 501 and AW on my wheels. Nice slick finish. I touch up with AW once a week so the wheels stay looking like new. I also have some Poorboy's Wheel Sealant that will be applied before the snow flies. You can use any paint sealant if need be though.

FK-425 is awesome stuff. I just bought a gallon a couple weeks ago. Even shines up the glass nicely.

I second Citrus Wash and Gloss for washes. Nice and slick suds, and the extra shine is a bonus.

What type of materials do you use to wash right now? Are you using the two bucket method with grit guard? multiple sheepskin wash mitts? What type of brushes/mitts for wheels/wells? And what do you use to dry?
I use Natty's Red Paste. I love the stuff, but it's the only paste wax I've ever used. Next on my list is Lusso Oro. Unless I am feeling impulsive when I go to buy. I might end up with SN or E Zyme instead :D
I'm sure we can help with a "grocery list" of sorts to get you hooked up to bring out the fullest potential of your exterior (interior too if you want). a novice at best but my insane quest for perfection has me wrapped up in this very confusing thread. so i guess money is an option lol dont want to spend 1000 on wax. but may in the future as this "detailing" seems to be a sickness lol. So, guys, i need the citrus wash, sounds good so i guess i need a grocery list so make it already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wash, sealant, wax, bla bla. All this is very overwhelming so just colaborrate and give me one list of what i would need. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! the disease is already incubating!!!!!!!help

thanks john
And away we go:rolleyes:

Wheels and Tires:

Wheels: EZ Detail Brush, Swissvax Wheel Brush, P21S Wheel Gel, Duragloss or Rejex for protection, FK 425 or Aquawax for added shine(not necessary)

Tires: Amazing Roll Off, Scrub Brush, Meguiars Hyper Dressing or Swissvax Pneu(expensive) or DP Wheel Gel or Surf City Beyond Black Tire Pro.

Wheel Well: Black ShMITT, Megs Hyper Dressing or CG Barebones, any diluted degreaser


Wash: CG Citrus Wash n Gloss or Einszett Perls, Sea Sponge or Grout Sponge from Lowes by Proline(yes I'm serious) or a quality wash mitt, P21S Total Auto Wash or Surf City Road Trip Grime Destroyer or CG Grime Reaper, Two 5 Gallon buckets, Grit Guard

Clay: Meguiars Mild Clay or Adams Clay, FK425 or any quick detailer, Clay lube

Polish: CG AIO or Klasse AIO for now...

Glaze: CG EZ Creme Glaze or Danase Wet Glaze

Sealant: Jetseal 109, Klasse Sealant Glaze (PITA though), Full Molecular Jacket, Klasse AIO acts as a sealant as well

Wax: Previously stated recommendations

QD: Previously stated recommendations


Windows: Zep Streak Free, Stoners Invisible Glass, Windows can be coated in wax or QD

Trim: Black Wow, CG Extreme VRP, Megs Hyper Dressing

Drying: Waffle Weave drying towel, free flowing water for runoff to help drying before hand

Microfiber: Uber towels from detailers domain, Pete will give more recommendations

Application: German Foam applicator pads from Detailersdomain, Microfiber blocks from CG


Glass: Same as previously stated, Glass Thief Towel

Leather: Lexol for regular maintenence, Leatherique for restoration, detailers domain leather brush

Vinyl(Dash etc.): Vinylex or 303 Aerospace Protectant

Fabric: 303 Products

Carpet: 303 Products, Megs Interior APC diluted 4:1-10:1

Anything else? You'll notice a few things are universal, such as Megs HD, so that'll save you a little money.
And away we go:rolleyes:

Wheels and Tires:

Wheels: EZ Detail Brush, Swissvax Wheel Brush, P21S Wheel Gel, Duragloss or Rejex for protection, FK 425 or Aquawax for added shine(not necessary)

Tires: Amazing Roll Off, Scrub Brush, Meguiars Hyper Dressing or Swissvax Pneu(expensive) or DP Wheel Gel or Surf City Beyond Black Tire Pro.

Wheel Well: Black ShMITT, Megs Hyper Dressing or CG Barebones, any diluted degreaser


Wash: CG Citrus Wash n Gloss or Einszett Perls, Sea Sponge or Grout Sponge from Lowes by Proline(yes I'm serious) or a quality wash mitt, P21S Total Auto Wash or Surf City Road Trip Grime Destroyer or CG Grime Reaper, Two 5 Gallon buckets, Grit Guard

Clay: Meguiars Mild Clay or Adams Clay, FK425 or any quick detailer, Clay lube

Polish: CG AIO or Klasse AIO for now...

Glaze: CG EZ Creme Glaze or Danase Wet Glaze

Sealant: Jetseal 109, Klasse Sealant Glaze (PITA though), Full Molecular Jacket, Klasse AIO acts as a sealant as well

Wax: Previously stated recommendations

QD: Previously stated recommendations


Windows: Zep Streak Free, Stoners Invisible Glass, Windows can be coated in wax or QD

Trim: Black Wow, CG Extreme VRP, Megs Hyper Dressing

Drying: Waffle Weave drying towel, free flowing water for runoff to help drying before hand

Microfiber: Uber towels from detailers domain, Pete will give more recommendations

Application: German Foam applicator pads from Detailersdomain, Microfiber blocks from CG


Glass: Same as previously stated, Glass Thief Towel

Leather: Lexol for regular maintenence, Leatherique for restoration, detailers domain leather brush

Vinyl(Dash etc.): Vinylex or 303 Aerospace Protectant

Fabric: 303 Products

Carpet: 303 Products, Megs Interior APC diluted 4:1-10:1

Anything else? You'll notice a few things are universal, such as Megs HD, so that'll save you a little money.

wow so i guess ill pick one from each category and get started. is there one site that has most if not all of it,,, Keep in mind each category can't be completed with only one product from each. When I said "this or this or this" then yes one can be purchased, but after the comas you'll need something out of that group. Except when I got around sealant, those are all sealants. Same with Trim. One of each of those will suffice.
ok my head is spinning. i really have you working eh???

ok lets try this.. no or's or commas. lol. reduce down to your best pics overall again no or's or commas heehee. low to mid range on price :confused:
How about this... 2 sections. Products, and Tools.


Wash: Chemical Guys Citrus Wash and Gloss
Wheels: P21S Wheel Gel, Duragloss 501, Duragloss Aquawax, Poorboy's Wheel Sealant
Engine/wheel wells: Surf City Grime Destroyer
Tires: Amazing Roll Off
Glass: Stoners Invisible Glass
Claybar: This one you have a different choice based on fine or aggressive. Meguiar's or Sonus for fine clay, Adam's for more aggressive. I use Adam's and Meguiars.
Quick Detailer: Meg's Last Touch for clay lube. FK 425 ( for actual shine enhancing, static reducing detailer.
Polish: Since you don't have a machine (rotary or dual action polisher) go with Klasse All in One.
Glaze: Chemical Guy's EZ Creme Glaze
Sealant: CG's Jetseal 109
Wax: Lusso Oro
Black exterior trim: CG Extreme VRP dressing

Microfibers:go to

get 5-10 of the Uber 16x16. I can't tell you how many of these I go through while polishing. You probably won't go through as many as me since you aren't using a machine. But they are awesome towels. I'll be ordering more soon! Although when I order more, I ight actually try the super plush towels from I've heard they are better than the Uber towels.

Waffle weave Drying towel: At least 1. Probably should buy 2.

go to and pick up 2 reTHICKulous towels. Kinda spendy at 10 bucks a pop, but they perform the absolute best out of all that I have tried when it comes to the final buffing to bring out the shine in the nuba.

Get some cheapo general use MF's from costco or something. Use those for wheels. That way if one gets destroyed/too dirty, you can toss it. That's what I use for wheels/engine bay.

Foam applicator pads. The red CCS pads from Lake country work very well for applying waxes, sealants, glazes, etc...

EZ Detail Brush. I don't have one. Yet.

Swissvax Wheel Brush: probably 2. one for interior, one for wheels

Boar's Hair wheel brush

Nitrile gloves - all those chemicals mixing together on your skin would probably have an adverse reaction.

I have to get back to work, but Kyle can add to the list. Just thought this might work easy to separate products from tools.
I forgot to add wash mitts. Sheepskin seeems to be the norm. I just use the microfiber dreadlock ones from target.

I'm also going to be purchasing a pressure washer (Karcher probably), foam cannon (Kyle knows which one), and a leaf blower to dry the vehicle. After putting so much work into getting rid of scratches, I don't want to cause many new ones if I can help it.
I'd go with a grout or sea sponge first. You're gonna love the foam cannon. It's like thug life compared to the foam gun, but it's only That whole setup should be around 300 bucks.
Leaf blower? Damn thats creative,... I never heard that one. Good luck!
Leaf blower? Damn thats creative,... I never heard that one. Good luck!

A couple people use them, electric that is. Gas would emit a film over the car. It doesn't really work with cars that haven't been prepped properly, like clayed, polished and waxed to a smooth surface where the water can run off.
Right. And I just found an electric one at Menards for 40 bucks. Fair price? You tell me. The damn WW towel I bought was $20.
Ok, how bought this?

I took my wheels of for the winter. I washed them in the tub:D with my HD cleanse. I didn't think it would make such a difference since they came out perfect but I used a clay bar on them afterwords. Still it made even more of a difference!

Now I want to get them ready to be stored. They will be stored in the house but I want to know what steps I should take next for when I put them back on to give them the best look ever for next spring.
Layer sealant on them, wait 12 hours between each application (This does not mean wait 12 hours to buff off). It'll be easy since they are off. For quick touch ups use a Quick Detailer.

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