LS Vinyl Wrap Project

yea, i kinda figured you wouldn't have fallen in to the first category!
I think I speak for most of us that are following this thread........

We crave updates!!!!
well im sure driz has some other things that he does need to get done, i'm sure he will update when there is actually something to update.

unless you just want him to post up pictures from the other day because nothing got done yet.

also he may just be in the wrapping zone right now, and cant stop the flow!
Haha, hey guys. Was out of town the last 2 days. Got back tonight, though. A lot of people were digging the wrap thus far (looks killer in sunlight).

I have finished the hood's body work, going to clay it tomorrow after work, and hoping to either wrap it later tomorrow night, or wrap it Thursday. The hood was a lot of work to get it as perfect as I could, that is a main focal point and any imperfections will instantly be sought out on the hood when people look @ the overall wrap job. Wanted to make sure there was little to nothing, in terms of flaws, on the hood.
Haha, hey guys. Was out of town the last 2 days. Got back tonight, though. A lot of people were digging the wrap thus far (looks killer in sunlight).

I have finished the hood's body work, going to clay it tomorrow after work, and hoping to either wrap it later tomorrow night, or wrap it Thursday. The hood was a lot of work to get it as perfect as I could, that is a main focal point and any imperfections will instantly be sought out on the hood when people look @ the overall wrap job. Wanted to make sure there was little to nothing, in terms of flaws, on the hood.

Just out of curiosity - do you have to do something to seal the primer spots before you wrap the hood? Or is it okay to leave it primer since the hood is aluminum??
Just out of curiosity - do you have to do something to seal the primer spots before you wrap the hood? Or is it okay to leave it primer since the hood is aluminum??

If its wet sanded smooth id think it would be fine...
Just sanding the spots smooth is what I am doing. The beauty of the vinyl is it doesn't matter how crappy the fixed spot looks underneath - as long as it's smoothed out withthe surrounding paint!

Is that a dip in passenger side or just something with the picture?

Either way, looks great and I need to see it on the car now!
Okay got it mounted.

Overall I am not satisfied with the way the vinyl laid over the parts I corrected on the hood. It did well on most of them, but one of the corners, a spot in the middle, and the "dip" area on the passenger side center are showing too much for my taste.

For now it works, as you cannot see these on first glance, but it can be better.

I have decided that I am going to continue the wrap and complete the car, then see how much vinyl I have left and either: 1 - put an additional layer onto the existing hood vinyl. 2 - peel it off and try fixing the trouble spots further. But for now I am sick of the hood mess! On to the rest.



Im sure no one else will notice... we all look at our own flaws first (not trying to be philosophical)... good luck on the rest
Ugh so f*cking sick dude.. and I agree with G Rell no one will be able to notice..
Thanks dudebros.

No I am not taking the doors off. Going to wrap those last most likely.

Pretty sure the front bumper is next.
Haha... woodgrain. Well, it would definitely hide any imperfections!

4 Day weekend coming up for me, going to be some progress!
This car is going to be so sick, I can't wait to see the whole car wrapped.

^ This.

Good luck with the front bumper - seems like it will easy(er) to do the rest of the parts of the car once you get these tough pieces out of the way. But you're probably making it look easier than it really is!

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