I forgot to mention, I also fixed my sunroof drains today. I had wanted to get them done, but didn't have a heat gun (I had the same problem as Joe, I pulled and pulled, but couldn't stretch it far enough

) nor did I have any hose that would work. I have a pile of old COP's in the garage (The 8 old ones my buddy gave me, along with 6 from my girlfriends fusion) and I popped the rubber boot off which is essentially a really THICK rubber hose, cut it about half length, used a screw hose clamp on either side, oh I also used some waterproof tape along the drain hose because of that weird white stripping it has, I doubt it would've leaked just putting the coil boot over it, as it was REALLY snug, but I put the tape down first to ensure no water would be able to get through those little things, (If you've seen the hose, you know what im talking about) and then the hose clamp for more protection. The job wasn't bad, its just in an awkward position to be in.
Also finally, washed her, cleaned the rear wheels with that chrome cleaner (I can't stress how happy I am with that product, most of that stuff never seems to work as advertised for me), shined the tires up and finally got some "real" pictures. (As in not half-assed quick shots in the driveway in the middle of the night)
No DSLR here, I would love to invest in a nice one but now isn't the time. Just on my iPhone 6 Plus.
Downloaded that "Artisto" app all the youngin's are playing with on FB/IG. Pretty neat filters on some pictures depending on the light.