A little late but thank you :: bows before you.
... been here since December of 1981, paying taxes since '83, white as white can be.
- - - -
A little history on the shop I went to.
A friend of mine is a licensed mechanic and used to work there,
he moved on to another shop closer to his new home. (long time ago)
Where he works now, they don't have the ability to bend 2.5" pipe.
(think he said up to 2")
He recommended his old shop to me. Turns out it was under new Management.
I don't know why thoses fools thought they could charge so much.
either way, I didn't owe them anything and left.
~ not going to stand there and argue with a bunch of thieves.
Plenty off other shops around this big city.
Since then, got two other referals, one I plan to speak with tomorrow about
a next Saturday appointment and this guy apparently is well known for
custom work on many hot rods and such.
Don't know this guy but I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
If not, I'll simply keep looking ...
don't think I need to go to the GTA to get custom exhaust welded in.
We all know SS installs are more expensive.
I'm not putting crap pipping on this just to safe a few hundred.
My finances are just dandy and I know a bad deal when I hear/see one.
Not going to just throw money away cuz I have plenty.
I knew when they said 871$, they were trying me.
as a matter of a fact, when I said I would be on my way,
there was some background noise about other options.
of course then comes the new reduced haggle rate but already
too late and deaf at that point, because I'm no fool and already
knew at that point what was going on there.
Best to split and try else where.
:: insert new photoshop BigRigLS trolling plaque here please ::
Thank you M4rk