CarsForSale also lists the mileage at 100k, so I bought a ticking time bomb. The Ed Bolian but broke automotive masochist in me who saw the carfax and the religious service history has clearly failed this game of Russian roulette
hit me, at this point I don't think it could cause anymore griefThen there's hope... but you are probably looking at a cooling system rebuild. THAT... is not going to be cheap.
rough price estimate for best case scenario and nightmare scenario of warped heads?In your case... it's the age of parts. This time... of the cooling system.
they take overheating like a champ don’t get too worried. if you let it overheat to shut down point (300+) it might drop a valve seat or 32rough price estimate for best case scenario and nightmare scenario of warped heads?
Even I'm not dumb enough to go to a dealer when it's major servicing that needs to be done.And no... I didn't base the estimate on dealer labor rates.
I feel like I'm looking at the Bible of car repairsThis is what they looked like "back in the day" They weren't cheap... and were about the size of a Webster's Dictionary.
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I see it as the ultimate efficiency rewarding model. The more knowledgeable a tech is and the more experience they have, the more they get rewarded.Do a job that pays 1.5 hours... in 1 hour... you got paid 1.5 hours. So a tech could get paid 10 hours (or more) in an 8 hour day.
Well, time to find a new shop.....I wasn't impressed with the state they left the car in either.First... I don't know what Fla labor rates are.
Second... it depends on what all they are replacing. If just a thermostat... $400 is a rip off. If they are replacing the thermostat and housing... still pricey. Especially if they are not using OEM parts.
Been said over and over (and over and over) on this forum that aftermarket parts don't hold up or work very well on the LS.
Aftermarket parts are not designed to factory specs. You will still have overheating problems... UNLESS you specifically say you want OEM Ford parts.
Third... I'm not impressed with the greasy/smudgy hand prints on the fender. Very unprofessional. They could have at least wiped the fender off... or spot washed it.